Brain Guild General discussion

How can I test my Iq ?

also people who record their hours , what do you use ?

Lol, memory.

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Stopwatch on phone and a notebook.

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Yo guys whats the most devices anyone has done in one sitting ? i wanna surpass that lol , im ready to melt my brain :D

I do 3 at maximum, 2 wiring 1 booster

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disclaimer : this message is not in any form a promotion or strategy to sell anything, if the message is deemed inappropriate, i will remove it immediately.

For all the Brainiac out here, while browsing through this thread, an idea occured to me. Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a tool (a field) that boosts the use of multiple fields at once ? This is how i got the idea to create the following community project The looping companion . I encourage you all to check it out, this project is designed for you and by one of you, things like that may not be accessible in the near future.


Brain fields only and it can be wiring only too. At least 6. 14 if I include all kind of fields and that is excluding the wallpapers, Link and Bypass, pendants and those using Field Emitter by Maitreya. If you have devices such as 2DS or 3DS, you can also use that and I can confirm that it works. I have established my own organization system to add files faster to several devices so that it can be faster to do so manually as well.


How one discovers this is crazy :rofl:

Not seen my 2DS in about 10 years probably don’t even know what happened to it


I try to spam this one as close to 24 hours as possible except when I am in regen mode, where I can also try more fields.

I can encounter people who try to to tell you things you already know and continue to do so while you have already reconciled concepts while they may be just addressing a single sentence of what you just said. But, you understand much more than that and can end up just proving your inital point. You can feel you are just wasting time when you just had the confirmation you were right since the beginning. I am like: talk about stuff I actually don’t know and I will do my best to understand and learn.


Just wondering how many hours can I loop MM for a day without having bad effects as got exams in a few weeks and not tryna end up worse off for them if this question can even be answered or is it more personal?

I have opus and plasma brain but hardly use plasma since opus and time wise can’t fit it in well

I’m tryna push the limits but without frying my self up any tips, tricks anything be gratefully appreciated

Don’t know if this can really be answered either but how much would you say opus speeds up MM ?

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Also, any time you feel doubts, go over-spam some physical fields, and when you’re sore and hurt, remember, a sound file did that to you from the same guy you’re “not getting any results from”.

Also, gonna plug “Your Energetic Being”. It’s a whole energetic system ‘a rising tide raises all ships’ situation AND has a sub-field of “Nervous System Development”.



whats the best brain field for brain fog ?

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Found out a few years ago. Limit is 100 supported files per folder if I recall it right. I know there is a cap by default. There are players available for Homebrew users but that may be not be as flexible as your current player.

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how do u guys even function when mass looping ? I feel so tired and unmotivated and I can’t think straight

Just gotta build endurance.

Next month it’ll be a year for me. But lol, it wasn’t always like this.


I just go through and build endurance too. Yes that can happen. You can get used to it and on days you choose to lighten your load, you can see how easy it is than if you didn’t do it at all. The rewards.


I did unlock some great stuff after grounding. I got to take a peep into how my mind is without the fog and it was great. Now I got to relax more.


Missing @Pano and @spiralriver hours.


Taking a little break from the wiring to build up and enhance the energy body and chi stores. Been using Cosmic Energy Master, my recently delivered community project, for this purpose.

Been enjoying the massive upgrades from Kinesthetic Intelligence.