Brain Guild General discussion

What is the maximum Omega 3 per day to support wiring brain fields …

whatever the container recommends

or you can just buy the ‘white matter’ audio


NOW Omega 3 has 2 grams a day

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This stack looks amazing. How have the results been?

It’s hard to put everything into words, basically life is getting easier, I feel like I have levelled up as a player in this game of life and I know I can win thanks to the immense power of my brain.


Another thing that I feel like I’m need to mention is that the more I run this stack the more I understand how great is my potential and also how far I am from this potential.

It can be frustrating, knowing that I’m so far away from my superhuman intelligence goals but it’s also a relief knowing that I will eventually get there.


Added Opulentia Caelestis and ProActive Brain into my stack, to to take action and make money.


For those investing in the guild’s new series fields, would it be recommended to stick to one series as a soft commitment or can you mix and match depending on your goals? I ask as I remember one of the members or Dr_Manhattan mentioning its better to use one series as they complement and stack on one another in order.

And for those just getting into brain work, before even looking into these new fields, would it be a good idea to start with the classics, such as brain key, opus manhattan and manhattan method etc…? Not sure if the new fields are meant to build on top of that or if they can be used as a foundation as well

Input much appreciated :blush:



I think the person who warned you meant boosters, as in get the Artemis boosters if you can instead of Opus, Synapses and Brain key


Thanks Dr_Manhattan, very helpful stuff as always. Does that means intelligence oriented fields like manhattan method and Cyber brain would still be very much important outside of the new boosters?

they have not been replaced and still offer the same value as they did on release day. New boosters, old boosters or alone, that’s fine


Great to hear, and sorry if I’ve mixed up the field’s and their respective categories :sweat_smile:. I’m still quite new to brain fields and conflate the different types.

From what I’ve gathered reading yours and others threads, theres a couple:
Others (Social, language, awareness etc…) Not sure if theres more!



Welcome to the club :clinking_glasses:


@Zigford – I teased a novella back in the Dimensional Pocket thread and here it is.

This is a sort-of hard thing to work your way around in conversation because language is kind-of a clumsy and imprecise tool, but we’ll do our best. I want to stress that that this isn’t the only way to think about this, but it’s a way.

I want to break up your original question into two chunks.

Two metaphors I like to use to describe this are Electrical Outlets and Water Pipes.

Imagine your standard electrical outlet – like the kind your phone or computer gets plugged into. By default, the Outlet only has room for so many plugs, right? Say, your phone and computer, but if you also wanted to plug in your hair dryer, there’s no room.

But there are many ways to change that. A surge protector might add LOTS of plugs for you, an extension cord lets you plug stuff in on the other side of the room, there are smaller adapters that change a 1 plug into a 3 plug, there are batteries you can plug in case of a power outage…

And in this metaphor, you can think about how there are different ‘standards’ of plugs and electric-line voltage in different parts of the world, right? Your US style phone charger might not work in Tahiti! Maybe some devices are ‘incompatible’ with your power system without the right adapter.

But there’s an additional limit besides just the number of things you can plug in, right? If you have too many things plugged in – say, a portable AC, a mini-fridge, your computer – and then you turn on your hair dryer, you’re probably going to flip the breaker. Only so much power is allowed to come down the line and if you exceed that threshold, the breaker flips so that you don’t burn down the house.

If you imagine a water pipe instead, the same thing is fundamentally true. If you pour six fluids down the drain, the pipe can only move so much fluid at once. If you need to move more fluid, you can get a bigger drain which lets the water get out of the sink faster, but you’re still fundamentally limited by the size of your pipe. You can increase the flow by both increasing the size of your pipe or sharpening the angle the pipe is draining towards (up to a point, anyway!).

So what we’re thinking about in these metaphors really are these ideas about ‘capacity’ and ‘throughput’ (or ‘flow’).

Fundamentally, your nervous system is a structure for transmitting information. It sends ‘signals’ to the farthest reaches of our bodies and the farthest reaches of our bodies send ‘signals’ right back. Our nervous systems are not just physical structures in the same way our bodies generally are not just physical structures. They extend outwards into ‘other dimensions’. As our ‘nervous system’ ‘extends’ into ‘energetic’ spaces, it is also a key conveyer (or constrainer!) of energetic information which is why building up our nervous system enhances both capacity and flow.

In historical context, if you think about things like the Chakras, you’ll note that they’re all the biggest ones are sitting on the spine – the densest cluster of nerves in the body. Meridians run alongside the nervous system. If you put a map of the meridians and the nervous systems, you’ll see we’re fundamentally talking about almost the exact same thing.

Great question! How much do you know about Morphic fields and the ‘theories’ that underpin them?

Generally speaking, we live in a Materialist World and ‘Materialism’ means ‘Only Matter Matters’. :wink: In our reductionist way of viewing the world, we’ve tried to render the world as wholly explainable in the form of mathematics, physics and fields like molecular biology. This is a very useful paradigm for many things, but not everything.

You can kill a frog, stick it in a blender, analyze the biochemical soup that comes out and still have no idea about what constitutes frogness, right?

DNA defines protein composition, but can’t even necessarily define protein structure – as there are a staggeringly huge number of ways a protein can fold in, but it prefers to fold in a particular way. DNA’s simple definitions of Protein composition cannot and does not describe the ultimate outcome of a living being. An elephant doesn’t have a ‘trunk’ gene, a Camel doesn’t have a ‘hump’ gene. There are absolutely genes that impact the structures and shapes of these things, but what DNA is missing is an organizing principle.

Chimpanzees and humans share nearly their entire genome but obviously we are wildly different creatures. Sea Urchins have ‘more’ DNA than we do! So we know DNA can’t be the whole story (not to downplay it’s importance or anything).

Morphogenetic fields are this organizing principle and they don’t just apply to things like DNA, but to Societies, Crystals, Molecules, even Atoms and Subatomic Particles.

The way Rupert Sheldrake describes this uses a couple of fun, domain specific words.

‘Holons’ are unique, discrete structures that exist within other structures. So you’re a @Zigford Holon and inside of you is a Heart Holon and a Lung Holon and a Brain Holon. Your Brain Holon has Neuron Holons and so on. Your Neuron Holons have Cell Holons and those Cells have Cell Wall Holons and Mitochondria Holons and Nucleus Holons and so forth.

What this is describing is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A frog is more than just a bunch of cells pumping squishy molecular goo around, right? This seems conceptually ‘obvious’ but it flies directly in the face of a lot of Materialist ideas.

Each Holon has its own organizing principle, it’s own morphogentic field, but as these organizing structures collect, each one becomes more than the sum of its parts.

A @Zigford Holon in turn belongs to other organizational structures, like households (in turn inside of a country, inside of a global community) or the forum (in turn inside of the internet) or whatever else. Eventually, everything belongs to the Universe which might be described as the the ‘ultimate’ organizing principle.

Of course, we see that not everything is identical, even if it seems composed of the same general ‘Holons’.

The organizing principle (that is a morphogentic field) is described (by Sheldrake, at least) as a ‘chreode’. These are almost always described ‘topologically’ with a little topographic map showing a canyon like structure. The morphic field is pulling you towards the bottom of the canyon which might be described as the ‘archetype’ of the thing. The ‘deeper’ the chreode, the faster and harder things are pulled, but because the walls of the chreode are never really vertical, things are always degrees or a spectrum.

Another (less domain specific) way to describe this is a habit.

Things are affected by morphic fields by resonance. The more like something something is, the more strongly it resonates and is drawn into those ‘habits’ or ‘chreodes’. As each thing ‘traverses’ the chreodes, it leaves its own imprint, it’s own mark on the overall morphic field, affecting all those things that are resonating with it.

We see these sorts of effects in the ‘Hundredth Monkey’ effect, where after a certain threshold of a number of monkeys learning a skill occurs, other (unrelated) monkeys suddenly develop the skill. We see it in the Flynn effect, where people get better at IQ tests over time even though we’re (obviously) not getting any smarter. We see it in how new Elements are really hard to build in super colliders the first time, but get increasingly easier to produce afterwards. We see it in new crystal formations which sometimes ‘erupt’ spontaneously and then spread effortlessly across the world without physical contact.

Morphic fields aren’t located ‘physically’ or ‘materially’ – or at least we don’t have the capacity to ‘detect’ them with any ‘tools’ we have today. One idea is that they’re part of the zero-point field itself – the quantum sea foam on which all reality we experience floats and bobs.

Which is just to say that interactions between us and the morphic fields underpinning reality are not primarily physical, even if they have physical effects.

There’s a lot more to talk about here, but I don’t want to get too far off into the weeds.

So what’s happening here when a morphic field is telling you to ‘get smarter’ or ‘change the way you look’ or ‘burn more fat’?

The Cap’n has specifically and with great skill and metaphysical weight changed the definition of a musical track or an image so that it resonates like something else. By coming into contact with this resonance, you (or very often the lower level Holons that compose the ‘you’ that you conventionally identify as…) begin to vibrate and resonate like that too.

It changes your organizing principles.

The Cap’n is so skilled that he can target even the tiniest components that make up ‘you’. He can vibrate the very molecules of water to split it into hydrogen! Triggering brain chemicals to reorganize or release or causing massive resonant cascades to ripple through your brain to trigger literal neurons to light up is no big deal. Convincing body systems they’ve received the effect of strange substances and having them act ‘as if’ they had? If you can already work at a molecular level, stuff like that is easily within reach.

The morphic fields in the songs, in the tags, in the NFTs, they’re like tuning forks, vibrating. The longer they’re nearby, the more you vibrate too and the more your vibrations ‘sound’ like the tuning fork.

As the organizing principles of the thing change, the ‘children’ holons that compose them are rearranged to fit the new pattern. They must – their definition has changed!

So a dense, expansive, strong and resilient nervous system (…particularly it’s extradimensional aspect that connects into the organizing principle of reality itself…) is valuable because it allows you to carry (…through expanded capacity and flow…) larger quantities of these ‘changes to your definition’.

Until the changes become ‘permanent’ or ‘completely’ integrated, they’re ‘like’ signals being received that need to be processed and ‘answered’. Some fields are designed to become ‘part of you’ while others act on molecular or biological processes for the short term and provide their long-term benefits on ‘lower levels’.

In either case, you’re somewhat limited by the quantity (capacity) of how many of these changes you can handle at once. The greater your ability to ‘process’ or ‘integrate’ these changes (flow), the faster you’ll ‘notice’ the results. Both of these things are grown by developing your nervous system, though you can ‘train’ them independently if you ever had any desire or drive to do that.

While you might think ‘theoretically’ that because morphic fields are non-physical there should be no limit to how many you can ‘consume’, this is a principle you can test for yourself. You can encounter this ‘circuit breaker’ effect yourself (it sucks) or see that ‘If I use 1 field, it works really well, but if I use 3 fields, the 1 field doesn’t work quite as well’.

This is imminently testable. You don’t have to take anybody else’s word for it! You can scale up your field use until no fields work and then scale it back down until everything starts working again. Similarly, you can track and measure how your ability to process and integrate more fields improves over time, just like working a muscle.

The fact that we are somewhat constrained but those constraints can be grown and developed suggests (strongly) that this ‘receipt and process’ feedback loop is ‘real’ or at least an artifact of how we perceive the world in which we seem to live.

‘Spiritual’ fields or ‘Energetic fields’ also seem to require less ‘processing’ time, which also seems to suggest that this ‘processing’ loop is dependent to some degree on the ‘density’ of the layer that’s being affected. Again, this is something you can experiment with and test for yourself!

Try it and find out.

Or like the angels say:

"Come and see."

Again, I want to stress that this is not a definitive, all consuming explanation. It’s a way to explain the kinds of phenomenon we encounter and it holds sufficient water, but it leaves a lot to be discovered and learned. Like all good answers. :wink:


@mossyeyes i just wish that professors could explain things in the way you do! such an amazing post thank you for putting time on it


Wow Mossyeyes, this is such a fabulous, insightful response. Its always a pleasure reading your posts; they explain everything so coherently and go in depth in a way even beginners like me can follow.

So essentially, that does mean we are composed of two main aspects? One being the fundamental building blocks/ material (Energy, matter) and the other being the organizational principle, which brings it into a uniquely structured form (morphic field).

So it seems like when morphic fields exert their effects on us, does it mean we are being “drawn in” the topological canyon of the field itself rather than it being contained in us. Does that mean that morphic fields exist independently but no separately in the universe, and morphic creators tap into their resonance to create a sound that accurately communicates it. And the “deeper” the fields chreode, the stronger and faster it exerts its effect

So for this, we need to both strengthen metaphysical and physical qualities of our nervous system, as its the main receiver and conductor for our morphic fields. I wonder if that means those with damaged or dysregulated nervous system would suffer as a result, which is a shame. The nervous system seems comparatively more delicate in nature, and nerves themselves take time to repair. But maybe the extradimensional aspect plays a bigger role, and can become more involved if the physical one struggles.

So that means a good way to develop ones nervous system is to boost chakras and dan tiens for the extradimensional one, and nerve healing, strengthening and antioxidant ones to keep the physical one in optimal condition.

I do wonder how our subconscious plays into this as well. It seems that subconsious plays a big part in how well morphic fields, subliminals and energy work exert their effects, and that mental resistance alone can prevent one from resonating with the field itself. Are these mental habits, beliefs also organised through morphic fields, which when strongly resonating, will resist the change induced by different fields?

On another note, I feel your description about resonance helps answer a number of questions regarding subconscious workings. When people discuss resistance, often phrases like “attracting your vibration”, or “sending resistance love” and allowing it to exist are used, which can lead to confusion for those less familiar. For example, why would rejecting resistance make it strong and vice versa, or wanting something from a place of lack not allow it to happen? Shouldn’t our will be the defining factor in this?

After reading about your explanations for resonance, it becomes more clear. It seems what lies behind the thought patterns are the organizational principles; which attracts and resonates with what is most similar to it. As such, the important factor becomes moreso resonating with the vibration of abundance and wanting the thing of your desires, rather than just dialing up your desire itself. As for resistance, the resonance of love can affect it over time, allowing the resistance to melt and dissolve away.

Sorry if some aspects may be unrelated :sweat_smile: And as always please correct me for any mistakes or misinterpretations!


This is a very philosophical question and you’re likely to get a lot of different answers/opinions depending on who you’re talking to.

My answer to this is that we’re just one thing that sometimes seems to be more than one thing and that this fact is true at all levels of our apparent existence.

But this ‘energy’/‘matter’ dualistic paradigm is very classic and a thoroughly pragmatic lens through which to view the world. Certainly more effective than ruling out entire categories of easily observed and experimented with phenomena just because we don’t understand the ‘material’ mechanisms of action!

One of the more interesting parts about our experience here is that by changing your mind about how the world works, you’ll often see it behave in different ways. We know that particles behave differently based on whether or not we’re watching them and have proved it repeatedly and experimentally. It appears that this ‘observer effect’ applies even to sub-atomic particles. That means everything is, to some extent, responding to expectation. Isn’t that wild?

Change your paradigm and change the world.

That’s a potentially valid way to describe it – keeping in mind that ‘you’ consist of a potentially incredible number of various morphic fields all interacting with each other to be more than the sum of their parts.

I sometimes prefer to think of it as ‘harmonizing’. The morphic field and I are having a duet – it sings a note and I sing a note and I’m trying to harmonize so we’re singing the same note. I get a strong mental impression of ‘waveforms’ trying to match one another – but waveforms and canyons look an awful lot alike! There are a lot of metaphors that work.

Here’s some more food for thought:

I’d question what we mean when we think of something being ‘contained’ within us. Where is the ‘boundary’ that marks ‘you’ versus ‘not you’? After all, if ‘you’ belong to a @Zigford Holon which belongs to a Human Holon which belongs to a Creatures on Earth Holon (Please note for the purposes of this example, these ‘Holons’ are abstract organizational buckets only!) which in turn belongs to a ‘Living Things’ Holon which ultimately belongs to ‘A Universe’ Holon, wouldn’t it be fair to say that all boundaries are inherently arbitrary?

We ‘decide’ on these boundaries on the fly and they shift perpetually. For example, if you’re engaged in psychic work, your ‘boundary line’ for what constitutes ‘you’ is being purposefully shifted to encompass alternate experiences, right? When you think about your situation as a @Zigford that’s one thing, but when you think about ‘your’ situation as a country, doesn’t ‘your’ ‘boundary line’ expand in a very purposeful and deliberate way? When you imagine something, real or not, ‘where’ does this ‘imaginary’ action ‘occur’? When we see another human being, do you ‘experience’ this sight inside your skull or is the ‘boundary line’ that is ‘you’ pushed out to encompass and interact with this other human being?

You’re reading my words – you’re interacting with me in some sort-of liminal space ‘between’ ‘you’ and ‘me’. Part of ‘my’ experience is being made part of ‘you’ right now. Where’s the boundary line?

Which isn’t to say that I haven’t occasionally preferred the ‘contained in’ paradigm myself – imagining myself like a crystal bottle full of various explosive energetic forces. Our ‘image’ or concept of bottles or containers implies a hard line between ‘this’ and ‘that’. There are situations where this sort-of viewpoint is valuable!

I couldn’t (or wouldn’t) say with certainty how various creators go about this task, but I would say that the sound is just a carrier. On its own, it’s ‘just a song’. Just like a mandala by itself is ‘just an image’. It may or may not have its own implicit meaning. We talk about ‘vibrations’, but we’re not necessarily referring to physical (material) vibrations, if that makes sense.

There are maybe two easy ways to think about this.

Many kinds of ‘magic’ are ‘symbolic’ or ‘representational’ magic. These include the very well known examples like Voodoo Dolls or Poppets as well as ceremonies like the Headless/Bornless Ritual or the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram or what have you.

What happens when you do this ‘kind’ of magic is a matter of definition. You are literally saying, “This equals That.

  • “This doll with my boss’ hair on it IS my boss.”
  • “This person I seem to be IS an ancient, omnipresent god worshiped since before there were words to worship them.”
  • “This place I’m standing IS the cross-roads of phenomenal arcane power.”

It’s a matter of definition. This equals That.

  • “This song IS the morphic resonance of neuron activation.”
  • “This image IS the morphic resonance of psychic abilities.”

Alternately, if you prefer a more science-y explanation, you don’t need to look any further than Quantum Entanglement – which is this idea that subatomic particles that interact with one another continue to have influence on each other even after they’ve been separated.

If you think of Morphic Fields as being ‘stored’ or ‘imprinted’ on the Zero-Point field of energy – a ‘sea’ of quantum ‘foam’ on which subatomic particles (and therefore all experienced reality) ‘floats’ – and knowing that the behavior of particles is directly impacted by perception and expectation, then it seems clear that one could create sufficient resonance to ‘entangle’ molecules or ‘impress’ morphic fields at a distance. After all, we create resonance with each other all the time (I’m doing it to you, right now with these words!), so this phenomenon is not really that mysterious.

Through this lens, the music or imagery (or just the mental concept) is directly resonating the target. The ‘tuning fork’ metaphor works well here to imagine what’s happening – one tuning fork (the morphic field) is already vibrating and the song/image is like the air molecules between the two tuning forks.

The ‘tuning fork’ vibrates on a ‘smarter brain’ field and your brain, which is brain-like by definition, begins to vibrate too.

Remember too that the music or the image aren’t required to ‘tune into’ a morphic field. If you remember the ‘felt sense’ of the field, you can call on it any time after you’ve encountered it, which further reinforces this ‘non-local’ ‘independent’ nature. It’s an organizing principle that you can call on ‘at will’ and if it can resonate something, it will.

Definitely this is one aspect of ‘strength’ and ‘speed’. For example, in evolution there are these ideas like ‘convergent evolution’ where various animals adopt the same feature but in different circumstances – wings evolved several times over the course of history on earth and each time it seems to have happened ‘faster’ and the same is true for eyes. Alternately, many animals seem to be ‘evolving’ down a ‘crab-like’ chreode – presumably because so many animals have already traversed this path before.

Let’s not forget that the morphic fields built by the Cap’n get ‘stronger’ ‘on their own’ over time – this is directly describing this effect as the chreodes are deepened by repeated exposure.

You might also consider things like… ‘Distance’ or ‘Alignment’ – how much like Thing A is the morphic field? A morphic field that applies to humans may not apply to dogs, for example, but depending on which things are at play, there may be enough similarities that it might work for both. A brain that’s already a lot like the target field will resonate stronger and louder.

And when we’re talking about ‘artificial’ morphic fields, you also have to consider things like how well they’re built, what they’re doing and how they’re trying to achieve the objective. Perhaps they work ‘top down’ on a higher level definition or perhaps they work ‘bottom up’ from a more biological (or molecular) perspective – maybe they combine both, of course!

And I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention that while these things ‘seem’ to be the case when we’re talking about morphic fields, they aren’t the only mechanism for ‘energetic programming’ and many creators aren’t using them (even if they say they are).

Though this may be another one of these cases where ‘all the things are ultimately one thing’ (as morphic resonance describes the effects of virtually everything fairly well), it often feels like a good distinction to make.

I think we’ve seen significant evidence of this in the forum. People with weakened or damaged nervous systems have a harder time with fields and find themselves becoming overwhelmed earlier. Even relatively benign fields can play merry-hob with their systems and stronger fields like Plasma Flaunt can outright lay them out for days.

When you’re sick and your CNS system is already under pressure, certain kinds of fields will take a heavier toll on you and zonk you out faster, right?

This is something you can experiment with directly if you have a proxy for your CNS status (dead hangs from a pull up bar are a great one).

Food for thought:

Amputees often continue to report ‘sensations’ in their limbs in the form of ‘phantom limb pain’. This is often described as a neurological condition, but perhaps this is just the literal extension of their sense of self – the energetic imprint of their nervous system.

Or said another way, their ‘definition’, their ‘organizing principle’ includes the limb even if the ‘matter’ is ‘missing’.

‘Matter’ is often described as a ‘denser’ ‘layer’ and it’s the one we’re most familiar with, but our sense of self doesn’t ‘end’ where the matter leaves off, does it?

You got it. This is the Way.

Energetic work to extend the reach and strength of your nervous system in one way, physical work to develop the strength and resilience of your nervous system in another way. Doing one or the other will help, but doing both will improve this by a LOT.

Try it for yourself and you’ll see.

They sure are. It’s morphic fields all the way down (and up). :turtle: :turtle: :turtle:

@JAAJ talks about this a lot in a really great way so I don’t want to belabor the point (just go read @JAAJ’s stuff!), but a lot of our most important work is to Build Alignment. We do that by working on the various aspects of ourselves to get out of our own way.

That is to say, the various ‘parts’ of us can all be considered ‘individually’ to some extent – if you’ve ever done any Jungian style Shadow Work, you’ll be all too aware of the ‘plurality’ that makes up the ‘entity’ you think of as ‘you’ – and each of them have their own organizing principles and their own structure and thus their own direction to move in.

Through diligent effort, we can ‘unify’ these aspects of ourselves and get everything moving together in one direction – the direction we choose.

We are so amazing that we have substantial power to sabotage ourselves and ‘resist’ or ‘undo’ the effects we’re so feverishly chasing. How much ‘authority’ we might have at each of those layers can vary wildly depending on our organizing principles.

For example, you may not conventionally think of yourself as having any control what-so-ever over an aortic heart valve, so it might be ‘easy’ to fix (or break) energetically with a simple adjustment to its definition. But you might feel (subconsciously or not) a great deal of ‘ownership’ over the way your face looks or how many extra pounds you’re carrying around your middle so you won’t let some musical track take them away from you!

If you’re ‘not all on the same page’, it’s very easy to imagine how an overriding organizing principle might subvert, misdirect or otherwise poo-poo an end result. This is sort-of a prickly topic to touch on though.

I think it nicely and succinctly clarifies virtually the entire library on the subject of manifestation. YMMV, of course! Even the Ancients wrote ‘Like Attracts Like’. This is a Metaphysical Truth with a capital T.

If you are able to Resonate\Vibrate like your destination or desire, then you are literally reshaping the world around you. This equals that.

This is why things like ‘the Law of Assumption’ work. If ‘your’ organizing principles say it’s so, other entangled aspects realign to make it so. They must, it’s their definition.

There are certainly many more things to consider and think over, experiment with and discover. The aspects of Resistance or ‘Wanting from Lack’ are particularly interesting chestnuts to chew on. I could write a lot more about them, but…

I’m not trying to write a textbook on Manifestation or anything over here – it’s a little out of scope! :sweat_smile:


I Recently hit my head lol, happens quite often, I’m quite careless lol, and Brain Regeneration is the way to go.
It Immediately took away most of the pain.

Also, if you ever feel pressure in your head (or aches, etc. Different kind of sensations), the Blood Brain Barrier Repair and Stroke/Brain Plaque and Blockages Removal (thats how the stroke field is titled in certain apps) are Extremely Efficient.

It’s not like you don’t know this, but may be useful to someone reading.

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Next time that happens, check what you were thinking right before. It’s important one way or the other. Either something that wants your attention like to show you some way you were putting yourself or someone else down, or . . . . Whatever it is, give it your attention and let it go.

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That’s a Great Tip.
Thank You.

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