Brain Guild General discussion

What is it? :thinking:^^

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Sexual stamina ofc.

Weird flex but we´re not here to judge


Reaction time

I just read it on the picture’s name.


Reaction time in milliseconds. I felt like sharing this good test result to boost my morale.



Congratulations :champagne:


Bro what 111 is that a joke, am on a 240hz display and I don’t even get that low, and ur mostly like on ur phone which is 30 or 60.
That is impressive
Is crazy


From the same website Human Benchmark

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I was on my pc. I wasn’t able to get that low before. It is almost as low as a bat or a falcons reaction time and I am satisfied with it. I am sure a lot of you guys could do something similar as this knowing how powerful the brain fields are. I hope all of you beat this score.


graphics card of your PC has nothing to do with it, just the HZ rate of montior, but even then people dont get as low as 110.

Pro leauge players get 130 at best and average around 150 and thats on a 240 or 350 montior. Your secore is really rare.

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So it begins!



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Yesterday evening, i played Pboy 4 times and finally i was able to sleep. Thanks to your advise

Last months i tried to enter the brainiac mode, it was a kind of hard because i also played other heavy nft, i could assume the training, but my gf couldnt sleep because of me. I think that all the fields get stuck in the aura and there is nothing you can do except waiting to digest them. Fact is we could sleep but the sleep’s quality was very bad

If anyone have a solution about that, i will gladly use it. I think i’ll loop pboy overnight to see if it improves the sleep

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I definitely will because on a couple of nights this week I only got 2 hours of sleep, despite listening to PBoY 14-15 times a day.

I will say this for everyone who spams brain fields.

Brain key and snapping synapses may keep you awake and ruin your sleep if you spam them, and for some people, even if you don’t spam them.

It is a phase.

We all went through that phase. Where you get 2 hours of sleep… if that.

It takes time for it to come down. It took me about 2-3 months of hours and hours of Brain key and snapping synapses daily for me to completely adjust to it.

Now if I wanted to I could wire in my sleep and just be “slightly fogged” when I wake up, and sometimes a little tired. (Brain refresher and Shen, Jing, and Ojas help.)

I don’t know how long everyone will adjust to this. Some faster some slower, but it is indeed a phase. Just wanted to clarify it if anyone was wondering.


Lol, PBoY and blueprint of life did not save me back in those days.

I just took it to the chin.

But overtime I started performing better with 2 hours of sleep than my previous fully rested, 8 hours of sleep brain.

But then I stopped having any of those symptoms from brain key.

All of a sudden we’re on multiple devices looping and sometimes I didn’t even need PBoY before bed after like 10 hours of brain key.

It just takes time tbh. It’s difficult, but even before the release of brain key, Philip mentioned that it would be hardcore.


Many thanks for tips!

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3xDay of such stack:1H Key 2H CC
And Plasma Brain before sleep.

This is the way

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One of you is going to write down the theory of High-Temperature Superconductivity in your left hand while you solve the Riemann hypothesis in your right hand. With the left foot one of you will tap Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture in morse code with your left foot and with the right foot you will tap Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness. With use of the neck muscles you will communicate Collatz Conjecture. While you do all of this at the same time you will communicate the Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness with your left eye in morse code, with the right eye you will communicate the selfish gene perfectly in morse code by recall. You will tap your elbows on the table to create the most complex polyrhythm. When all of these complicated processes occur you will also explain how to get rid of all the nuclear warheads in Swahili language. While this happens you will be attacked by 4 world mixed martial arts champions in heavyweight, light heavyweight, middleweight and welterweight and not get a scratch. After you have done all of this at the same time you will do a triple backflip into a handstand while you sing the note c in perfect pitch. All of this will be recorded on a YouTube livestream and you will win multiple Nobel prizes.

One of you will perform this feat one day.