Brain Guild General discussion

At least 3 times a day,
But it changes all the time,
I had at least 2 nights with looping it near me
And I just go with the flow honestly (:

I’m trying my best to document things along the way so I can share more on the field’s thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hold up

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There are so many brain circuits I don’t know what is doing what anymore lol.

It used to be “oh this field helped me do this” but now it’s just a bunch of circuitry.


I’ve just bought Snapping Synapses, it feels like a nosleep field, i’ve passed the entire night without sleeping, strange thing is i don’t even look tired.
I use it along with Brain Key, White Matter and Manhattan Method, and other nft.
One NFT about the brain is very interesting : Dragon Viscera, this one works hardly on my frontal lobe, and makes a great connection between my mind and body.

So i decided to loop SS only 3 times per day and in the morning, cause i need to fully recover for my work, i suppose in a couple of weeks i could loop it more.

Also, i feel like all the brain fields helps the wiring of my main nft :“aether snake” i feel it when i’m boxing, a few movements came intuitively, its like having our own private coach and focusing only on one aspect per aspect until its totally mastered, i really feel so much more my body. Reflexes are far better, even for shooting at a shooting range.


Not to mention the plethora of “hidden” circuitry combinations from bi, tri, quad-looping fields in parallel.


Anyone here experiment hard insomnia ? Its been 2 days without sleeping, i’m wondering if Plasma Brain of Youth can help with this, if not i’ll not loop Snapping synapses for a few days


Are u playing Brain key or superhuman genius?

nevermind i just looked a snapping synapses, it seems like its a harsher then brain key, its possible its keeping you awake.

Play it in the morning and before you sleep listen to white matter towards the end of the day

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Hi @Louis,
Yes, it can, as it grounds your brain.
While the new boosters incorporate better overgrowth protection etc. they do the opposite of of grounding the excess energy in your brain… they add more stimulation on top of it.

It can take a while to get used to this new “lifestyle”, I definitely recommend using plasma brain of youth before sleep (if you have it) otherwise you can try the whole body grounding.


why is plasma brain hurting my head?

I think its cutting the axon overgrowth

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Getting paid by the end of the month and will finally fully stack up on brain fields, MM has already helped me dramatically and im super keen what I can achieve with BK, SS and MMM :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh my gosh dude what are your results, give me your brain stack.



Thats the thing, I had no real stack haha

Only Manhatten Method and Superhuman Genius mostly… Some days more, some days less (Now imagine what happens when I hop on the premium brain boosters)

I have gotten quite a bit more intelligent, school isnt a problem for me anymore.

Have aced every exam as of now, my worst percentage being 94%

Whats funny is that my beliefs and doubts about my intelligents are still there, but when it comes down to performing its a wrap


Lol you know I’m trolling dawg.

LMAOOOOOOO. Bro’s him.

Maybe sleep with alchemical revision of genius with pboy.


Brah idk why but im just too lazy to play pboy, I only take my time to heal shortly before an exam

but otherwise I have a hard time typing lmaoo

and insomnia is annoying as well, guess I’ll be a full blown zombie with bk and ss


Sounds about right lol.

For the first 2-3 months though.

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I was satisfied with this. This is thanks to the brain fields.


It’s thanks to your 300 IQ brother.

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No wonder people report to being better at sparring.