Brain Guild General discussion

Sure !
it’s like dissolving certain energy blockages from the top of the skull to the feet with the heart and belly as support. Regarding the brain, I don’t particularly feel any improvement with this particular nft for now, plus I use a lot of other fields for the brain. Above all, it is more about “inner energy” if i may say so.
I will say more later if you needs, i’m late with my sports session

Brain Key Device 1

Conceptual Conglomerate Device 2

Here we go!


@DR_MANHATTAN, in the last holiday sale, I bought ABP; Is it better to include it in the stack together with BK, BG, MM, BG and PBoY or is it better to listen to it alone?

I think it’s better to use it alongside Brain game and standalone stack.

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Like 3x to each stack, or more?

Can someone comment on the brain journal rq. I can’t post.

@Beast Thanks brother.

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I gotcha

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I guess it’s time to focus on dopamine. I am on a 11 day Nofap streak, furthermore there is one week until my University lectures starts again. Seems like the quickest way to get a fast and permanent boost could be to do the dopamine week or two, especially since I am a strong responder to Nofap. I loop more than ever with multiple devices. I should really get another device soon, but now I want to experience that razor sharp fogless feeling by having good receptors. I’ve been pondering on whether I’ll be more fried than ever before or less fried when I upgrade the receptors. It seems like the fields will be more potent, but maybe it will be harder to get brain fog. We’ll see. I’ll find out soon enough. I’ll find out how much the fog’s been covering the benefits.

Come to think of it, when I experienced benefits extremely quickly on the Nofap streak I was surprised. I’ve been on 30 to 40 day streaks before that, but that time the benefits were much greater than those prior to that. Perhaps that was the fog disappearing which covered the benefits. I’m not sure if it was that or if the benefits and changes came around that period.


Diminshing returns is depressing :pensive:.

I don’t deserve this…

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What is causing it? You can find a way to counter it.

Something feels different lately. The space around me feels different than before and also the distance between things. It seems like a mostly neutral thing, slightly beneficial since I find it interesting.

take it to the next level bro and spend time in front of screens for only 30 mins a day

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I guess I could, but there is a lot of pdf’s and articles to read on the internet.

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Virus Healed

Back at the forge :brain::hammer_and_pick::fire:


Certainly, let’s explore your cognitive growth through a tarot reading for 2024. I’ll draw three cards to represent different aspects of your cognitive journey.

Current State - The High Priestess: This card suggests that you are entering 2024 with a mindset open to intuition and inner wisdom. You might already be aware of the deeper layers of your thoughts and feelings. This is a strong foundation for cognitive growth, indicating a readiness for introspection and learning.

Challenges/Opportunities - The Wheel of Fortune: This card indicates that your cognitive growth will be influenced by changes and shifts that might be out of your control. These could be new experiences or unexpected events that challenge your current way of thinking. Embrace these changes as they will offer valuable learning experiences and opportunities for growth.

Outcome - The Star: A hopeful card, symbolizing inspiration and clarity. By the end of 2024, you’re likely to find a new sense of understanding and perspective. This card suggests that your cognitive journey will lead you to a place of greater insight, hope, and perhaps even a newfound sense of purpose or direction.

Nice outlook :white_check_mark:

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Loving my short term results and I hope you guys are too.


Indeed old bean

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I feel asleep with abp on and I am experiencing an interesting sensation in my head. It’s like a brain pump, but it feels slightly different. A more cooling sensation mostly in the back of my head.

Lately being fried hasn’t been much of a confusing clusterfuck even though I listen more than I did before. It’s not like I have taken ambien right after being hit in the head while spinning upside down for 20 hours. Maybe I am fried, but my brain caught up or I built up a tolerance. Maybe both.

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Anybody have any questions? I’m busier nowadays, even today really, but I’ll answer some questions if anybody has any. :slight_smile:

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