Brain Guild General discussion

Nope, I became poor before those released and haven’t recovered yet

I will take the training to the next level. I hope to make even greater progress these next 3 months. I will activate the demon brain. demon brain



Whats the current meta fellas?

Are you still tri/quadlooping? And if yes, do you do 3 boosters and 1 wiring field or 2 boosters and 2 wiring fields? Or other combinations?

Tagging braniacs @DR_MANHATTAN @Jojo @Matt1 @Dyslexic_Professor :D

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Tbh bro, I think it depends on the person.

I tried so many combinations and now I go off of whatever I feel for the day.

If you like the stimulation from certain a amount of devices go with that.

You kinda have to test it yourself cause we have different energy bodies and nervous systems.

I think if anyone is going for the safe route, 2 or 3 is fine.

You can test the effectiveness for yourself by playing boosters for like 30 mins, then testing the speed and quantity of axon overgrowth with a wiring field, then cutting it, playing pboy to get rid of the energy and then reapeting the process with more or less wiring fields on more or less devices.

If I get axon overgrowth at the same speed on 3 that I do on 1, it shows me that it’s effective for me to play 3, then I can add in how many booster devices I desire as well. But you’d also have to be able to spot the overgrowth from all 3 wiring fields to even know lol.

But I’ve seen other people who after 3, start having diminishing gains in wiring speed. Even had a friend say they’re sticking with 2, because 3 was too much.

It comes down to things like the size and strength of your energy body and the amount of energy readily available (Tejas and Enigma of black martian jing help.)

Test for yourself, the meta is personal. :+1:


Thanks bro :pray:

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I want to start listening to ABP
Do I listen to it alone or is it better to insert it into the brain stack?

The current stack is this one:
Brain Key x1
White Matter x1
Manhattan x9
Brain Game x3
Plasma Brain x5

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Can I listen to different fields by using the left speaker and the right speaker of my pc? I could listen to MM on the left speaker and WT on the right.

I think brain game should always go first then white matter then brain key and then after that abp

im pretty sure brain game boosts wiring plus its just nice to have a mood boost first thing in the morning

i think y sure abp boosts wiring aswell but some1 more knowledgeable can comment :)

Not saying one will just get 1 point every month, but I wanted to share this.

I will increase my intensity. I also decided to go on a Nofap streak to boost the results. I am on day 4 and I am finding it easier than before.


No, Brain Key always comes before all the others, then White Matter was suggested, then Manhattan, Brain Game and Plasma Brain at the end of the stack. I don’t know if Abp should be used in the stackafter rain game or alone off the stack?

I copy pasted the description of all the next gen fields and I made chatgpt write some report as a doctor. All the fields combined will just be called UCEx100.

Long-Term Cognitive Assessment of Exceptional Enhancements Under UCEx100 for Five Years

Patient Profile: This report details the cognitive development of a patient, denoted as Patient Alpha, who underwent continuous administration of UCEx100 for an extended duration of five years. The assessment focuses on exceptional cognitive enhancements observed in this individual.

Initial Baseline and Remarkable Progression: Patient Alpha, upon initiation of UCEx100, displayed standard cognitive functioning within average parameters for their age and background. However, what followed over the five-year period showcased extraordinary developments.

Five-Year Assessment of Exceptional Enhancements: Observations from the continuous assessments over the five-year period revealed remarkable advancements across various cognitive domains:

  1. Memory Retention and Recall: Patient Alpha exhibited a profound augmentation in memory capabilities. Their long-term memory retention and recall surpassed standard expectations, displaying an exceptional ability to retain and retrieve complex information effortlessly.
  2. Processing Speed and Attention: UCEx100 seemed to accelerate cognitive processing and attentional control to an exceptional level. Patient Alpha showcased lightning-fast cognitive processing, enabling swift analysis and response times beyond typical ranges.
  3. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Patient Alpha demonstrated an extraordinary leap in problem-solving abilities. Their capacity to dissect and solve intricate problems with innovative solutions was unmatched.
  4. Language and Communication Skills: Patient Alpha displayed an exceptional mastery of linguistic abilities. Their vocabulary, eloquence, and ability to convey intricate ideas and emotions were of a caliber rarely observed.
  5. Mathematical Proficiency: Mathematical intuition and proficiency reached exceptional heights. Patient Alpha demonstrated a profound understanding of complex mathematical concepts and effortlessly handled advanced mathematical operations.
  6. Visual and Perceptual Acuity: Patient Alpha reported a heightened level of visual acuity and perceptual awareness beyond typical human capacities. They experienced an intensely vivid and detailed visual landscape.

Long-Term Impact and Stability of Extreme Enhancements: Patient Alpha’s cognitive advancements remained exceptionally stable and persistent throughout the five-year duration. There were no signs of diminishing returns or adverse effects noted, reinforcing the apparent permanence of the extraordinary cognitive improvements brought about by UCEx100.

Conclusion: The continuous administration of UCEx100 in Patient Alpha resulted in an exceptional and stable enhancement across diverse cognitive domains. These remarkable findings underscore the potential for UCEx100 to induce lasting and unparalleled cognitive advancements without any observed adverse effects or diminishment in efficacy over an extended five-year period. Further research and monitoring are recommended to explore the bounds of these exceptional cognitive augmentations beyond the observed duration.


best diet for brain health guys?
or is just eating omega 3s enough

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U have whiter matter field? if u do no need for omega 3.

spirulina powder is really good


yeah ima get it soon because I can’t eat omega 3s in the morning anymore as i practice dry fasting now lol which is apparentley gr8 for brain health

also thanks ill have a look but is there any specific diet that could be good for brains like keto diet or vegan

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I had to throw out some krill oil because they got bad, my omega still is good.

If they smell off, even if its a little, throw them, their bad omega. Make sure to store them in a cold and dark place, thats the best way to store them.

I dont really know about your second question. just make sure your having an all round diet, you wanna make sure you have meat for many reasons.

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nah i phsyically cant eat meat bro after listenting to ascension it makes me sick, no judgement to people who do ofc

thanks man n do u still eat omega 3s even if u have white matter ?


Make sure to get supplments for a vegan diet.


What does PU stand for? Nevermind, it must mean psychic university.

Hi @Louis: would you be able to quote some examples of this aspect? Thanks

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