Brain Guild General discussion

Yes, I get this sensation too. It happens when using fields that rise vibrations


I need to check my journal for that. Iā€™ll let you know when I get home. But I can tell the sensation started first from lower spine area. Like I used to feel like something is gently touching me which used to feel soooo ticklish. As the time passed, the sensation would begin from right side of my brain then spread throughout the right side of my body. Recently itā€™s been happening on left side.

I realised it was the mixture of fields like PONR Stack and healing stack etc. I wasnā€™t into brain fields back then when It happened. I would say sirian energy field particularly enhanced my progress.


Iā€™ve officially become a brainiac. Glad to join you all.

Spirethion Max was the first one that convinced me these are worth the investment. Now Iā€™ve bought a few and have been looping.

Some are easier to tell that they working (brain sensations) and others seem to be experienced by a shift in thinking, with less brain sensations.

Glad to be here everybody



Welcome :champagne: :tada:


For me its a slow process, i would not say im a brainiac yet even tough i have abt 200+ hours of listening to brain fields. but i am more and more getting into it which i think is kind of inevitable at some point

also, will there be another brain field soon? if not i will finally go ahead and buy the CC

Is it OK if I listen to brain Regeneration, hemispheres field, super Human genius, permanent Brain enhancement, ocd, temporary boosted memory, strengthen old memories and attention and focus one after another?

Or itā€™s better to separate them throughout the day?

Also, how would you stack them, in what order?

And should I add any other field?

If Iā€™m not mistaken, there is one or maybe there are even a couple fields which need to be played at the end of a brain stack (?) (free ones or middle Patreon, please).

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Is there any benefit in combining all the boosters and even the old ones together for fastest growth? @DR_MANHATTAN

Iā€™m thinking I have most of the boosters and Iā€™d play them in loop with manhattan method to wire it In the quickest

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This gonna be my playground, like a little kid in kindergarten haha jk but fr I mean for people enthusiastic about brain improving and health this is heaven. Thank you for the advice too btw, it seems thereā€™s no problem listening to it before or after as you said :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Are there any brain boosters that could help boost the effects of Brain Game?

Are Brain Game and ABP more effective one at a time, or could I dual loop Brain Game and ABP and still get the same level of effect from both Brain Game and ABP?

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Thatā€™s not how it works

Just use two different devices/speakers and youā€™re good to go


can i ask something too?(again :sweat_smile: )
i stopped using superhuman genius,acetylcholine,BDNF and permanent brain enhancement when i bought MM and VV but i had only 2 devices back then(one dedicated to MM and the other for VV) now i have 4-5 so i was wondering is there any further benefits by adding them?
i thought i would still loop MM and VV on 2 devices throughout the whole day and a stack{enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity,brain dancer,enhanced visual processing,Mstate gold and silver,Semax and phenylpiracetam,theanine and tDCS with some other brain fields} on the third device looping for ~10 hours(after morning & PONR stack and things like willpower,hands of glory etc) simultaneously with MM and VV
do you think that itā€™s the best way i can include all of them? iā€™m asking because i know youā€™re looping boosters simultaneously and wiring ones afterwards but iā€™m not sure if i should do the same because i donā€™t have other artemis boosters(to add something significant to the mix)
i also experience a lot of autistic burn out symptoms i guess i should increase the loops of autism but i wanted to know if itā€™s stupid to not stop MM and VV and listen to that? or should i put some delays in between :disappointed:

i was struggling to make it short but at the same time i wanted to ask everything in one go :sweat_smile: :sweat: iā€™m sorry for taking your time :frowning:

p.s. 4th device is for looping slow down perception of time :sweat_smile: and 5th one is my laptop and since iā€™m studying with it i probably play some low priority audios like helpful subliminals in background :confused: :no_mouth:

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Not really, I would use those extra device for wiring, Valhalla, Manhattan method, extra wirings fields. Keep slow down time if you want ofc.


If itā€™s too much for you, you can take a break and focus on Valhalla to trim the overgrowth.

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As you should :smiley:

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got it ! thank you for everything :slightly_smiling_face: :four_leaf_clover:

you have my deepest thanks :bowing_woman:

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Been off the brain gain wagon for too long due to health reasons. I now have 3-5 hours at the end of my day where I get to play around with the new brain toys.

Just combined the 4 new boosters (4 devices) whilst doing an hour of zone 2 cardio, at 45 min mark swapped Strahl for White matter and hit the water hard. Then once finished cardio I begun tri wiring and let the white matter carry out for another 15 before hopping to quad wiring.

Dude, this shit hits.

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Will probably save my water consumption for another 1 hours time to double down on another hydrogen pump, the other boosters will carry me out till the end of wiring session (~3 hours)

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Thereā€™s something Iā€™m wondering with these fields. Letā€™s say you use these boosters and brain wiring fields, but you have addictions/limiting beliefs/trauma and negative thoughts. Do they get boosted and wired in as well? Letā€™s say you just passively listen to the brain fields and your thinking remains the same, your perception and addictions/trauma as well.



Short answer, kind of yes.
I should add the long answer to coming explanations