Brain Guild General discussion

lol i got 7 extra devices,

its time to get dangerous :smiling_imp:


Youā€™re gonna spontaneously combust my boy :joy::joy::joy:


Hahaha, please do not hurt yourself. Weā€™re in college and imagine trying to focus when that overstimulated :rofl:.

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haha yeah im playing,

man I still gotta get used to dual looping


Lol he just got brain key too, he hasnā€™t even done a double wiring field loop session yet. Letā€™s let him find out.


double wiring session about to start right now broo,

mmm + mm

time to get fried lol


My side effects = brain completely hot and I feel dumber. Itā€™s not autism because itā€™s still there even after like 4 hours of PBoY lol, just brain being on fire. My brain still need to get used to mass looping.


No. Donā€™t LOL do notā€¦

Use MMM alone for 1 hour and then attempt that shit. HAHAHAHA you will go insane trying that combo when you just got these new wiring fields.

1-2 hour of MMM when you first use it can put you in a different galaxy.


Yeah, inflammations, I used to listen to HGF years ago when I reached that point, the ā€œbrain fireā€ but itā€™s bad to abuse (just trust me on this one).

Itā€™s ok, itā€™s the price to pay.

Youā€™re gonna hate the next stages if you push. I would only do it when alone in the beginning because then I got cranky.

Some antioxidant would do you good as long as you keep Plasma Brain only (Brain key will heal but add to the fire).

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Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t use hydrogen fission for inflammation as well.

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Ah, so would you say when you took that ā€œbrain spaā€ your endurance went up after a few days?

Iā€™m cool with taking a break for maybe like 2 days with brain and spine antioxidant, pboy, and bolā€¦ As long as I can get that endurance increase for the next times.

Oh, I was already on hydrogen boosting my brain day and nights.

But he is already using an hydrogen field

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LOOOOL heā€™ll do it for 3 hours max guaranteed. Then heā€™ll be typing in Minecraft villager language. He will reach for PBoY like a water bottle in the desert.

From experience, MMM is the most frying brain frying field ever. Unless some older NFT out does it.


Brain and spine antioxidant = hydrogen

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I just kept pushing until the final stages. You have a long way to go.

Take your time, use plasma brain and the rest and when you feel good enough, start again.
Your brain had never been pushed like that, it will cleanse itself and come back stronger.

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Yeahā€¦ this just makes me want to push LOL. I just feel like Iā€™m missing out on the grind manā€¦

But I will rest just because you and psimindset both suggested it.


HAHAHA yes this is a challenge :smiling_imp:

Be sure to tell us your experience in 2 hours. Or maybe 30 mins.

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Bro I just spit my drink out LOL! When you said that I instantly heard that in my head boy. I know Iā€™d be sounding like those animal crossing dialogues :joy::joy:. When you get a chance go to YouTube and listen to that monstrosity of a convo they be having.

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