Brain Guild General discussion

Maybe this is just the healing experience.
You probably got very used to a brain not working in coherence and your ego tries to keep you there where you already made your reality calculable.
Maybe go slower. Use some other audios like Ego Dissolution, SRL, etc.
Maybe start working on your stomach too.
The brain field will come to you when you’re ready.


“Warfarin induced degeneracy” that’s a House MD episode. Serious stuff.

I’ll be reading more later, you can send this to me in private if you want


I’m going to be coming with the fire soon…

There’s not much to discuss.

P.s Philip is managing NFTs every friday so try not to @ him as much if you can wait. (Note to self as well. :rofl:)


you can be part of Gen 3 brainmaniacs and beat gen 2 maniacs like @Jojo @Beast and few others…


We’re still in gen 2.

BTW, I think gen 2 is lapping most of gen 1. :yawning_face:

Also beast just started as well. We have a big gen 2.


maybe you don’t know…he’s got a speed responding field as well

White matter has unleashed gen 3 already.

you might have been fried brained when you got outclassed

How, if we’re in gen 2 of brainmania. Season 2.

I think you’re deflecting like @Pano was yesterday.

First week and I honestly feel like I’m struggling, I think it’s the way I’m studying but haven’t took first exam yet but we shall see

It’s hard for me to get these concepts of nursing,etc

Taking a small break here

Exactly, thank you sir

In 1 year, Gen 3 will start


That’s what gen 2 folks think. lol

Some gen 1 folks…funded gen 3 without declaring the war on gen 2…

We built you up to watch you fall

Ok, trash talk over


It takes time tbh.

Nothing completely new at a collegiate level should be completely easy, well until you have much more hours of wiring and then breaks on top of that to let the brain heal.

I recommend some reading before each class maybe?. Like 30 mins of the chapter before walking in.


Pls Doc, let them know the war they are up against

Been doing that and taking notes plus using anki to memeorize flash cards

I think lecture notes are a waste of time personally and just familiarize my self with material and use flash cards as reading and understanding concepts in textbook

I like this whole interaction.

There’s a lot of confidence there. Why? I don’t know.

Soon we’ll meet again. Let me gather some of my guys from gen 2 and have a pep talk in the huddle.

Gonna be retiring a lot of old men. :muscle::smiling_imp:

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How long have you been doing that tho. Like how many days and hours of wiring?

Or are you specifically talking about reading before class?

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ABP combined with BG + SB + CB

1-2 hours. Plus 1 hour flash cards a day

Also gotta practice manual skills and stuff

All while looping the brain gen 2 fields

We have all of these too.

But I think you might wanna add some WT and CC fo see whk you’re dealing with.
