Brain Guild General discussion

Brain Quiz


Dang itā€™s been 4 days already?

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almost yea. By tomorrow morning itā€™ll be 4 days. Just to be extra safe iā€™ll hop back on brain fields on monday lol


Good waiting will help

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I just end up tri loping out of habit now. Lol playing one audio feels weird.

You not tri looping fr. You on 1 audio be fr.

Lol your instigating tactics are of no use against me mortal. I only 1 audio while Iā€™m at work.

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Since you called me a mortal and this video is about instigating itā€™s literally perfect lmaooo.

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I dreamt about me listening to multiple morphic fields and eneregetical programming audios that increased the electric impulse of the brain. In the dream I was in doubt about listening to it since I didnā€™t want to overdo it, but then I decided to do so anyway.

I would love to have your expert opinion

I can just have one of the next options, because Iā€™m on a tight budget at the moment. Iā€™m quite beginner regarding to brain fields but I have Manhattan Method and Iā€™d love to loop it for 1-2h in the near future (health and safety is important).

I wonā€™t be able to afford any other paid fields soon (at least til Christmas), I Know theyā€™re different things with different purposes.

So, what would be the best option for my situation in your opinion guys:

  • A. White Matter + Plasma Brain of Youth
  • B: Brain Key

0 voters


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Have found a way to up my brain gameā€¦I dont sleep with any wiring field because resting is importantā€¦also I give enough time to rest from wiring fields so my brain restsā€¦but lately I have found a great way to up my rest beyond sleep with yoga nidras, I can wire all day if I want. It gives the rest I need. Yoga nidras induce deep rest on youā€¦like deeep sleep. Its like a second sleep. More restorative than a nap. I can wire more and more without getting fried and fatigued. Game changer for me, wanted to share to whoever wants to try it out. Also as bonus, yoga nidras helps u develop deeper and longer restorative sleep if u have problems in that area.


18 votes, suspense

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Hahaha I already know which option will winā€¦

Knowing without saying doesnā€™t mean anything

Yes, doesnā€™t mean anything for you.

Back in the day, before brain fields, this was my jam:

Bro, i have been trying to find a gif for a meme i have in mind and i cant find it rip

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What even is that :joy:

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lol brainwave entrainment. Where the binaural beats help wire the brain and/or put you in a specific state of consciousness.

Very rudimentary when compared to fields lol

There was a neat gamma brainwave one with fractals tooā€¦ that one actually popped me into a heightened state of consciousness for a few weeks when I first listened to it in high schoolā€¦ I canā€™t find it any more, though.

There were lots of neat things at that time since 2012 was on the horizonā€¦ too bad that never turned into anything lol

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