Brain Guild General discussion

Me after i see @Jojo talk about how he gained 90 IQ points overnight

Volume warning



Lol I had to delete a comment ngl, I wouldā€™ve had to reiterate the fact that Iā€™m not sharing my results until December if I posted it.

Gotta move a little more silent this time around.

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i MADE ANOTHER MEME, BUT ITS TOO LARGE for it to fit on here

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Nooooo rip.

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I sent it on discord, LOL i dont know if u would get it or not

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DM me, I have not received it.

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Itā€™s in the discord chat

DM, I have not received it.

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(Insert Thanos infinity gauntlet GIF)


Those four plus two laptops and my iPhone and I am set to Hepta-Loop if I so wished it. I will at least for an hour one of these days

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Endless possiblites

Endless doors, the power, the results, the grand scale

This is the pure form of human peak.


Who does cuh think he is LMAOOOOOOO. Iā€™m crying.

Itā€™s the perfect positioning that got me rolling bro. Bro doing a whole ritual.


bro named them 1 to 4, he collected them from all 4 corners of the world


I believe Iā€™m starting to get a glimpse of the type of results one can experience through embracing long looping sessions.

Put in some solid hours today. SB, CC, CB, Speed Reading, and of course WM (which made it all possible for me not to crash and burn). Also boosting with BK, SS, ABP, and BG.


Welcome :muscle: :smiling_imp:

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Hahaha. look at this noob talkingā€¦

ā€œI played 4 more hours with a fried NSā€ like be quiet nerdā€¦ Get on my level.


Let the Brain Wars begin.


Decided to forego my Morphic field ā€œday offā€ and continue the looping.

On todays menu itā€™s quad looping Speed Reading (we calling this SR for short?), CC, SB, and WM. Also added in KtB about halfway in for quint looping.

That WM is holding strong as a buffer/capacity extender. I feel the brain getting work but nothing overwhelming. Now mind you itā€™s ā€œlighterā€ fields which I chose intentionally. It would probably be a greater load had I done a combo like MM, CC, and MMM for example.

I think also having quad looped ABP, BG, SS, and BK does wonders for capacity extension.


So I found new ways to study and been doing very well, reading textbooks more than taking notes in lecture and consuming textbook into flash cards.

Iā€™m not really looping anymore personally 2-3x, I feel like looping disturbs me while studying and I do better with listening to Lofi while studying after my morning genius playlist


Hello, Iā€™d like to ask if I need to optimize my brain stack? Iā€™m not even sure if Iā€™m right on this one and Iā€™ve been using it for months. I also have other fields to play before this stack (unstoppable willx3, stop procrastinatingx2, then after adhd would be anxiety x1)

Enpp6 Enzyme x3 (planned to add this one since I needed this)
Brain Regeneration X3
Nerve Growth x3
Permanent Brain Enhancement x3
Superhuman Genius x2
Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity x3
Enhanced Visual Processing x3
Brain Dance x3

Its just for free or fields that are available on patreon that I have by the way, so I cannot buy more than 1 field for a paid brain field one.

Edit: What paid field should I get from gumroad if I have a budget of $200+ but not more than $300?

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