Brain Guild General discussion

Manhattan method is always a solid choice for a singular paid brain field that is less than $300


Does it replace any of the existing free brain fields (in my brain stack) or does it complement with them or rather synergizes with the brain stack if I add Manhattan Method together with it?

I would say it complements your stack. It may replace a couple of them but I am not sure since I only use the paid ones. Reading through the (long) thread for Manhattan method will shed more light on your question.

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The older fields mostly work by stimulating specific areas of the brain associated with particular attributes and qualities. The newer fields largely work by teaching your brain specific new skills and capability sets.

There’s absolutely some overlap (newer fields also stimulate specific regions of the brain, older fields will definitely cause new skills and capability sets to ‘grow in’), but I don’t think fields are ever truly ‘replaced’ – they do something different in a different way. Sometimes you’ll find value in that and sometimes you won’t. Combine flour, sugar, milk and eggs in one way you get cake, combine them in a different way you get cookies. They’re both delicious – what are you hungry for?

(And let’s not forget that sometimes maybe the Cookies are a lot cheaper than the Cake! Also – both the Cookies and Cake taste better with time and the Cookies have been around a little longer. There’s a lot that goes into the calculus.)

Manhattan Method is the Genius Toolkit – pound for pound and minute for minute, it’s absolutely going to be more effective at turning you into a Genius than those other fields – probably even all those other fields combined. Whether that is or isn’t your goal, only you can say!

I see the Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity and Enhanced Visual Processing which makes me think you may be aiming for a Creativity-centric stack, but you don’t have either the OG Creativity Field or the Well of Creativity field. Each of the fields in your stack has a purpose and a place and does certain things that other fields mostly don’t.

That said, if you’re trying to become a ‘Genius’, maybe replace everything in that stack that isn’t a booster/prep with Manhattan Method. That’d give you about 12 loops of Manhattan Method besides your Prep stuff in the same amount of time. If you’re going to spend the time, you might as well do it efficiently, right? If you do this, you’ll occasionally need to listen to the free Autism field too to prune back the overgrowth you’re likely to experience. Keep that garden clear of weeds!

I also think your boosters are out of order and a little non-optimal (Where’s the Mstate Gold and Silver? Why is Permanent Brain Enhancement BEFORE Superhuman Genius?), but sometimes you’ll settle into a flow that works for you and over optimization doesn’t necessarily mean a lot until you’re trying to tune your brain into maximum growth.

One thing you’ll almost certainly notice is the virtuous cycle of this work. Growing your brain makes you smarter about how to grow your brain (among other things, obviously!) and it seems to me like this comes on fast. Watch how often someone will pop into this thread asking about their stack and then dispensing hard-won wisdom in the next week!

And don’t put too much stock in the advice of others ( :wink: ). It’s your brain and it’s going to react a little differently than anybody else’s brain and also… you’re the one who has to deal with the ramifications of whatever you do. If we all listened only to established advice, @Jojo wouldn’t have started this crazy dual-tri-quad-quin-wiring trend, for example, but we’re all better for him having pushed the envelope and tested the boundaries so we could all melt our brains faster.


Agreed for sure, the higher self knows if not the conscious mind .:100:

Somehow my nooby brain ended up with brain key, manhattan method, and conceptual conglomerate as soon as I got here.

I think if people meditate and listen to themselves they’ll have better answers for themselves sometimes, on those “how much should I listen” or “what field should I prioritize first” questions.

At first I didn’t understand much about advanced brain fields, but then overtime it made more sense, then I got smarter it made more sense, then I kept reading entire threads and it made more sense, and now I play whatever and have at least a 90% understanding of some of the potential outcomes.


Pro tip:

Try not to mess yourself up like I’ve done to myself. (Not going to publically speak on it.) :rofl:

That one is open to self realization, whatever that means to you personally.

Intuition have to be worked by relying on yourself and not asking question of everything you have in mind.

That’s why pushing members to rely on their intuition.


Holy :poop: I miss @Sims.

Hopefully Sims is okay, it’s been like a 2-3 week break so far.

Haven’t talked to my guy @spiralriver in a few days either hope you’re good as well.

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A paragraph in, I was like “who wrote this ?”

Very nice way of explaining, good understanding too

Zoom & Nod


All is good man!

Had an amazing night with some of my best friends while looping social bonder. Very cool, very connected, open, active listening… really good. I almost got too comfortable and started going on about the new fields and became the butt of some jokes :laughing: But it was all in good fun. My friends respect my journey and have used a few free fields I’ve sent them over the years…

The little MP3 player is so clutch for White Matter… I ordered a second one.


Don’t be talking about our cheat codes bro! You saw what happened to the subliminal community once it got infiltrated! Lol nah I’m kidding man. Glad you had a great time.


haha thanks! i actually haven’t heard about the subliminal community!

My dudes are high quality gentlemen tho :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

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How are you getting on with Link and Bypass?

I picked up this field recently out of curiosity, and it seems to work well. I feel my brain being wired all day wherever I am.

For those who don’t know, it allows one or more fields to influence you remotely without listening to the audio or having any device near you.

Seriously OP. This is the future of brainmania I think.


Can you link the URL here


Testing still, just started trying offsetting Manhattan Method and White Matter through Link.


I was thinking to get Link and Bypass to run my NFTs with no audio, such as: Silver Thread, Arc Brain, Multidimensional Mind Conduit, and Codex Galactica

I don’t own any NFTs, according to Dr.Magus they are activated as if you are listening.

I think those intelligence gains show up and show out when you have low sleep.

I’ve had 3 hours of sleep for 2 days in a row, yet have been lapping myself in terms of cognitive productivity.

Starting to feel as though I was mentally handicapped in the past…

So I did my first clinical today at the hospital, shit was amazing but a little nervous, we got to do vital signs, kinda struggled cuz it’s my first time? I had a question, I do have exp potion but what do you guys recommend for those motor and on hand skills for fields to assist