Brain Guild General discussion

Yeah it has a few areas it stimulates.

There could be more but I just found these real quick.

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Wow, that explains it!

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I also listened to some of the plasma stuff too.

If you want to learn more about which part of your brain is being boosted, checkout the Broadmann Brain Areas. He has broken down the brain into 52 sub-sections with notes about each one and the relation it has to the body.

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It is the left side of my brain which needs the most improvement. I would like to use something especially for that. I lost the ability to speak and understand language. I recovered and I can now speak in two languages and read them both, but it took a while. I want to strengthen the left side of my brain especially, I am sure other non-verbal stuff got a bit messed up so I want a left side routine.

I feel like I have an average iq right now and all that stuff, but I would like to train the left side of my brain.

Luckily I remembered that sapien medicineā€™s permanent brain enhancement has a lot of stuff for left hemisphere function. Like a brocca and a wernicke boost.

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I have the power of numbers and I guess it is an NFT. Can I just send it to anyone and then Iā€™ll get something in return? Is that how trading works in here? As long as itā€™s only NFTā€™s?

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You can check out the Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread there you can sell your NFTs for money or trade them.

Well thereā€™s tons of stuff here to fix what you are looking for, Iā€™ve sorted similar issue (itā€™s work in progress). Social bonder and Babel key are very highly effective. Do include resilience as well.

I could trade my NFT for some language related NFT I guess. Iā€™ll make a post in the future about that. That is what I was thinking,

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I should try to find some language NFTā€™s to begin with.

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Doing maths physics everyday

Learning code, stocks, charts, crypto, forex and and whatever else that pops up. Lol

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we need the brain massage back


Bro am i go fucking crazy, every time i listen to brain key, my eyes start to hurt, my acutally eye balls hurt

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If only you had white matter

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I got it, 7 days ago

I have the power of numbers and wholistic thinking. Seems like they both could give some extremely awesome synergy. I have to think about that more.

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Itā€™s unclear to me what wholistic thinking actually does. I know it is meant to make one see the connection of thing, make better decisions and have a more wide scope, but I have no idea what it is supposed to do neurologically.

I have some new benefit reports. When I drive my decision making is way quicker. I see openings super clear in roundabouts and driving feels different too. Ever since I implemented wholistic thinking and the power of numbers in my brain stack my driving seems smoother. By no means was I bad before, but I improved when it comes to the flow of it.

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