Brain stack for brain fog

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When I read such messages, I immediately have a thought: after all, in medicine, before advising something, they collect all the information, anamnesis:
-what is your rhythm of life
-how do you eat
-how do you sleep, whether you get enough rest
-specifics of your work and so on…

It has been said many times that morphic fields are tools, but much depends on the person too …

Speaking about myself - given the current global situation and working in pharmacy - I get so tired that in the evening I can’t think, my head is in a fog, and sometimes I don’t even have the power to read the forum. And in the current rhythm I have to live from weekends to weekends. But this is purely psychological and physical, natural fatigue, lack of rest. morphic fields support me, but I do not set goals for them to solve all my physiological problems, as I understand that I still cannot enter a calmer rhythm …

All of these tips are great, but also evaluate your life, food, rest.



Thanks! Going to start including those into my current list. Is the order you listed them in the optimal way to listen to them? I’ve dug around a bit in the forum and there where some post indicating that when using multiple brain audios that there is an optimal way to listen to them but its not clear which ones go first and which goes last.


The throat chakra is a good idea. Going to purchase that one shortly. What is the reason behind the anxiety removal field?


That Hakuin Healing Egg seems interesting. The “Permanent brain enhancement” audio seems to also work on the Wernicke’s area. Does the stroke prevention have a stronger effect on this area then the PBE field?


I think I should be good on zinc. I’m defeintly not a vegan lol. I eat a good amount of meat products per day. Althought supplementing with extra wont hurt. I used to take ZMA for the extra zinc and magnesium.


I used to workout a lot. Due to an injury I haven’t been working out because I’m trying to heal that injury. Working out was a personal stress relief for me. Since I’m not working out it’s been hard trying to manage stress. My eating habits are good but could be better. Going into the holidays its been pretty crap though lol. Sleep is an issue. I don’t feel like I can really get a good nights sleep. I guess this goes hand in hand with my work. I own my own business. Due to the current pandemic, elections and just 2020 in general. Let’s just say its been enough to keep my stress levels up and worrying if my business is going to make it or not.




Afaik the stroke prevention video also helps to heal some of those areas. I would lay off with any of those enhancement videos for now, because it sounds more of an overload problem. At anyone’s bare minimum, you shouldn’t be having brain fog. You walk to a random person and ask if he/she has brain fog and you would probably get a “no”, so yes, this is not optimal. You need to go back to baseline first.

From the looks of it your brain is getting damage from poor sleep hygiene. Use Massage videos before sleeping, and Deep Sleep to generate melatonin just before you go to bed, and when you wake up try HyperSleep. People don’t understand how crucial sleep is to the brain. You absolutely need it, it’s just like you need to eat food and breathe in oxygen.


that sounds very simular to
i have it very bad and some audios help, ive noticed diet and cutting out all sugars and dairy helps alot’
regarding to audios, genuis ones helps but im still yet to find the right audio,

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You can try fungus destroyer and Adrenal healing fields.


It’s great when different people look at a problem from different angles.
See how many great ideas you’ve been given …

Indeed, by normalizing your rhythm of life and using Sapien’s fields, you will get the desired result. If you have a predisposition, arrange yourself a little meditation.
On my own I will add - include the Muscle Massage field in your playlist … :slight_smile:

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LOL point well taken. Will put that anxiety audio in my stack. Always good to get an outside perspective on things cause we usually overlook these types of details about ourselves.


Would be cool if you can expand on what you suspect is overloaded. Could help me narrow down what I’m doing that could be contributing to it. Sleep I know is an issue and something I know I need to handle. My business can have me up all night with little sleep so sometimes its hard to get a handle on it.


Care to share what all you’ve tried?


It’s great but how do you put this all together into an effective stack lol. So far it looks like my stack is going to look like this

Attention and focus
Superhuman Genius
Brain Regen
Brain message
Stroke Prevention and Help
Brain Hem Sync
All purpose Anxiety
Soul restoration or Hakuin Healing
Anti aging

I listen to audios for other things but this would just be for my brain stack.


More experienced composers will help you to compose optimally the playlist :slight_smile:
My brain playlist was made taking into account my characteristics + I have a Cognitive and Memory Enhancement dog-tag
Don’t forget about the new field Brain grow work

I use Hakuin’s egg for meditation, at the end of the playlist
Soul restoration - in my beginning


i did a post on the forum a while back on my other acc (that i cant log into)


Would getting the Cognitive and Memory Enhancement tag, brain message audio and the Attention and focus be enough to cover all the essentials for the brain stack? I’m trying to shorten up the amount of audios I listen to daily and this seems like a good alternative then having to listen to 6 more audios. I was thinking about the brain work audio however it seems to be more of an experimental audio and not yet proven. Not much feedback about it yet. I’m wanting to stick with things that have been proven thus far.


In addition to Stroke Prevention and Help, Brain Regeneration, Nerve Growth Factor, Multiple Sclerosis Help Ver 2.0 (myelinates and removes scar tissue) and Enpp6 Enzyme can often have a healing effect on dysfunction in the temporal lobes and what you’ve described.

All Purpose Anxiety Removal can be of help with the functions you’ve described as well, depending upon the specific issues involved.

That can certainly help shorten your brain stack. :slightly_smiling_face:

All Purpose Anxiety Removal, Stroke Prevention and Help, Enpp6 Enzyme and Superhuman Genius wouldn’t be fully replaced by those fields.

Brain Regeneration is typically best at the end of a brain related playlist.

As @_OM put it in another thread:


Is the ADHD field a stimulant? When I use it I don’t feel stimulated but more focused. Reasons why I’m asking is because I need a field to cope with a boring tedious job that I have.

May I suggest listening to this playlist?

I love listening to this, a thrill forms inside of my on a dull day at work or whenever I simply don’t want to listen to music.


Is this one of those portal fields similar to what Dream has on his channel? What’s this for?

It’s a story in form of audio. Great ‘mystical’ story.

Subconscious limits 1x (amplifies the effectiveness of all fields and removes mental blockage)
Stroke help 2x (clears obstructions to proper functioning)
Brain and spine antioxidant complex 2x (production of ALA has synergistic effects with the next item on the list)
Nerve inflammation 1x (detoxes the central nervous system and reduces oxidative stress)
Stem cells and scar tissue removal 2x
Brain regeneration 2x (induces neurogenesis all throughout the brain)
Memories of joy 1x (improves recollection, optimism, and sense of self)
Hemispheric connectivity 2x (improves ability of the hemispheres to communicate
Synestesia 2x (improves ability of the different lobes to communicate)
Nerve damage 1x (works similarly to brain and spine antioxidant complex but also targets the peripheral nervous system)
MS 2.0 2x (induces myelination and improves mind body connection)
optional: Oasis of thoughts 1x (An intelligence subliminal by Enchanted Workshop)

A way to improve a brain stack’s effectiveness is to make sure that you get plenty of magnesium, omega 3s and b-vitamins as part of a balance diet, especially when using stimulant audios like superhuman genius or brain enhancement.


Had no idea memories of joy did this. Thank you for sharing that.


Could you improve that stack even further ?

Like one big ultimate Brain stack, with fields complementing eachother.

Or maybe like Split them in to two

One for brain healing and

One for brain improving.