Breathing Difficulties With Constant Cough & Wheezing But 98% Oxygen Levels

Yes it is very strong but was worth the pay off for me. It was only strong the first day and then afterwards it was mild on the second day but very cleansing and healing spiritually mentally and physically. I had no clue my respiratory system even needed healing until afterwards. Good luck man! Keep us updated.


For some reason or another I have never tried that field. I’ll wait until the morning to try it incase it gives me a burst of too much energy now before going to bed soon. Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll let you know how I get on with it :pray:t2:

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Thank you man. I’ll meditate to it tomorrow when my body is hopefully a bit more relaxed and see what unfurls from it. Thanks for the message man, ill keep you posted :raised_hands:t3:


Shamanic Snuff Therapy??

Is this a field??

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It is a silent energetic healing by a different creator called Programmed Intention. I’m not sure if it’s on YouTube but it’s on his Patreon

Kindly send me patreon link… From last few days I have too much cough…

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Sent in PM. I hope you feel better soon :pray:t2:

Hey Seamie,

The body knows how to heal itself and how to run optimally. When it isn’t doing well, it’s because something is interfering. If it were me, I’d start checking out some of the fields that target parasites. You’ll be running around in circles the rest of your life, chasing symptoms if you don’t look there. I did a quick search on “Sarcoidosis parasites” and found some hits. Check it out. Trauma release is also very important, so keep focusing on that too.


Have you ever fasted for a few days ?

I think you must have inflamed and porous intestines which over time leave toxic molecules in your blood, hence your allergies.


I think that a few days of fasting (supervised if necessary) + energy fields (I could develop explication if you want) + water charged with a field (plasma drink , watercharger v2 or Lourd water) could help you improve your health :slightly_smiling_face: .

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Hey Kyle thanks man. I’ve used Parasite, Fungul and Bacteria destroyers in the past but maybe I should do a longer course of just the Parasites one for now. How long would you recommend to use it for? I used to do I think it was 2 weeks of using Parasite, Fungal and Bacteria, two times each a day. Should I try for longer than that and just stick with Parasites on its own? I was a bit afraid of the die off symptoms the last time I was using them so I didn’t push it too hard but maybe it would be good to add in a couple of different fields with it. Far Infrared, Enhanced Blood Circulation, maybe even give Ivermectin a go also. What do you think?
I’ve been using Crucible Of Stored Trauma and Emotional Healing And Release for about the last 2 to 3 months, I’ll keep going with them and add in Crucible Of The Past when I can.

I didn’t even know about this, tha ks man I’ll do some research about it now :raised_hands:t3:


Use those anti-parasitic fields for as long as you need to. Start slow, and work your way up to manage the die-off as you said. How long should you use it? Months to years if necessary… however long it takes to feel like yourself again. Make it a part of your life, like brushing your teeth. Twice a day is good, imo. You’ve had these issues for a long time, so it’ll take a while. One day at a time. And make sure you use fields to support your lymphatic system, endocrine system, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc to help with the elimination process. The full body detox field periodically to help eliminate other toxins that might be contributing to your issues as well. The Orgone accumulator and Jing fields daily can also help sustain your life force throughout the process. Lots of clean water and cleansing foods. Be patient and I think you’ll see the results :+1:t3:


Hey Limael sorry about the late reply, it’s my daughters birthday today so I keep getting distracted trying to write back to people.
I’ve had numerous gastroscopies and colonoscopies through the years but they always show up as being ok except for severe Gastritis in my stomach, but the last one I had done a few months back showed up nothing at all (All thanks to Iron Gullet I believe :muscle:t3:) but for all those types of procedures, I cannot take any sedation so I have to do them normally without using anything because the sedation has a terrible affect on my body, mostly my brain though also I believe. I had to get a Broncoscopy done, camera into the Lungs and they told me it will be very severe without the sedation so I stupidly agreed to taking it and they had to give me the max dose which they are aloud to give someone to be able to go off to dream land for it but for more than a month after, I was feeling very suicidal and terrible everyday, it really fucked me up but I’m lucky to have my Bio-Energy Healer here in my town who was able to help me, well she’s far more than just a Bio-Energy Healer she can do many many things and one visit to her and she had me back to my normal again. If only I thought of going to see her a month earlier it would have saved me a lot of anguish, she maybe even saved my life, I was in a terrible way mentally after that amount of sedation. I’m just noticing again that I’m writing a essay back to you :joy: I wonder why that is? I usually like to keep things short and sweet but sometimes my fingers just won’t stop typing haha :laughing: But anyway sorry, back to the actual conversation, I have tried fasting before but I didn’t last long because if I don’t eat my body goes back into the crazy 500 different symptoms mode. I could go maybe 12 hours without eating a couple of spoon fulls of tue chicken and rice but after that the extreme symptoms will start to rise and rise. Thinking about it now just while writing, could that be the Parasites like @Kyle_Reese was explaining? They don’t get anything to feed off of so they set off this reaction in my body? :thinking: I need to do more research on this and the toxic molecules in my blood. Thanks for bringing this up :pray:t2:

It’s cool you can make your own fields man, would they help with trying to do a fast? Would fasting, Intestinal Cleanser and Parasite Removal be a good concoction to push a few things out a bit quicker than usual? Obviously along with a few Fields to keep the die off and detox as calm as possible.

I use this almost everyday it’s really good :ok_hand:t4: I think it’s time to make a new stack and see how things go with this new approach. Fingers crossed it will be helpful :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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Would Parasite Remover and Far Infrared be enough to help remove parasites from the body and blood? Blood Purifier also because I have very low white blood cells, I think I remember seeing it helps with Parasites also but i could be wrong.
If I wanted to tackle it full force, would that be a foolish idea? I find it hard to go slow, it’s probably why I end up in most of the situations I do because I like to go head first into the wall to try and break it instead of chipping away easily as it. Definitely something I need to work on.

All of the fields you mention are in one of my daily stacks. Lately I’ve gone a bit crazy with trying out loads of different fields and not having any set ways to keep stability so I need to get back into the right frame of mind to pick one or two stacks throughout the day and stick with just them. I’ve gotten obsessed with getting better lately and I’m not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, it seems to be taking over me that any spare second I have I’m researching, it’s just a pity I have such bad brain fog and I can’t remember anything which I looked up about a few days later :roll_eyes:

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In a perfect world i’d suggest going to a practitioner who can muscle-test you for specific issues. Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) is one way to do it. I found out which parasites I was dealing with and I found out I had numerous food allergies. Just that information alone takes away so much guesswork and trial-and-error and will save you a lot of unnecessary pain (and time). So it’s difficult to say which parasite fields will work best for your body without having the proper information.

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I made a mistake in the translation, I do not develop or create fields, I just wanted to say that I could give a little more information on the fields which can help you.

For a period of fasting I think these fields can help you achieve it more comfortably:

  • the sun gazer
  • photosynthesis
  • the super human mutant
  • plasma charged mitochondria
  • alchemical jing charged blood
  • intestin healing and cleanser



Doing a fast of a few days requires good preparation before carrying it out:

  • Intermittent fasting to accustom the body gently.

  • Fill up with good vitamins and minerals. Cure with food supplements, whole fruits and vegetables or in juice to facilitate digestion and assimilation. For more information on good food combinations I suggest you research the diet hygienist (Herbert M. Shelton)

  • A food descent, that is to say reduce the digestive load day by day until you ideally reach a vegetable broth before starting the fast.

Ideally it is to be accompanied by an experienced person for slightly longer fasts and have a doctor’s opinion if you have major health concerns such as heart problems.

When the body is in digestive rest (fasting) or when you follow a healthy and balanced diet there will be a significant detoxification process. Headache, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, pain etc.
In most cases this is completely normal, allowing the body to cleanse and heal itself. Fields can be very good support.

To prevent the symptoms of detoxification from being too intense, you have to go gently, step by step. The more the body is clogged, exhausted and wonky , the more you have to be careful and go about it gently.

Other tips:


Go out, get some fresh air in the forest or another ventilated and healthy place. Give your body enough rest and get good quality sleep. Have a healthy environment and avoid as much as possible any negative source that creates chronic stress.

By working on different aspects, discarding all that is negative for you, you will improve your health ⚕️ .

I wish you a quick recovery in the best conditions, follow your intention :relieved::pray::yellow_heart::sunny:

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This video mentions the benefits of intermittent fasting, maybe it can help you, and also mentions that nad, NMN is helpful for physical recovery

With dietary adjustments coupled with the captain’s field, I believe you will get better and better

For example, the doctor mentioned that supplementing too much growth hormone will lead to rapid aging, and maintaining the balance of the body is neither more nor less, which is the root of longevity

I also left out the antioxidant resveratrol,

This forum gives us a lot of fields, I believe you will find a suitable👊

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Seamie i don’t know why i read your shielding 3.0 and this, I am surprised you are going through the same thing I am going through.


It’s loads of fun isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ve had many issues get fixed over the last year but I’ve had so many set backs that just seem to send me straight back to feeling like crap again. There have been times where I have felt great and thought that I am over all my health issues but for some reason I always get dragged straight back down not so long after and it’s like I have to start all over again.

I hope this doesn’t happen to you also, it sucks. But for the breathing issues definitely get on top of inflammation in the body, the pleurisy field is great as well.
And if you have some digestive issues it would be great to get on top of those also. A lot of my breathing issues even though I have Sarcoidosis, I feel it is more to do with my stomach issues and it restricts my breathing.
Give Pleurisy, Restoration From The Long Haul, Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Iron Gullet a go and see how you feel after a week or so with it. Hopefully it will help you :pray:t3:


Dude I am going through the exact thing. Like literally. In the vibration you feel hahaha. Same thing to me. If you look at the other forums I mentioned it lol. For me Drvirtual7 Targeted individual scatter frequency his latest one with like knock sounds all over helped me the most. Also, all of dream’s plasma fields played 24/7. Try this out you’ll be in top shape. Oh also, MEF bioaxy 2 gene.

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