Can aliens fix my computer

I know it sounds like a very silly thought, but I wonder, can I ask aliens to repair my computer with alien intercession? Is this possible? (sorry my bad english)


Best thing to do about it is first to ask and then wait to see!


You’ve got to tell us if this works.


Why does this feel like a plotline to an early 80’s teen movie? :joy:

“Watch what happens when John, an average teenager with a computer, makes contact with aliens and then asks them to fix his computer.!”
Hilarity?/Horror?/Romance? ensues!"


I’ve heard Archangel Michael can repair technology.


Anything can be attempted.

I owned a computer store for 15 years.

Code doesn’t really just “change” itself, so there isn’t a good energetic mechanism for that… but some computers have bad “luck,” and others good “luck.”

I always used to say if there was a problem I should have just given back the equipment to the customer. In the future, if I ever open another store (I am definitely, definitely not… I am into metaphysics now, now enabling porn addiction), my official policy will be the first time I screw something up on your equipment, or I order a part and it’s the wrong part, or get a “new” part that doesn’t work… you take your device back and I won’t work on it for at least 30 days. 90% of my problem machines/problem customers were REPEAT problems. I’d order the same part 3 times before I found one that worked, shipping would be delayed, etc, to the point that many people just assumed I was lying to them. But no, some stuff just seems to have decided it’s not going to get fixed from day one. And when the right part FINALLY showed up, my chance of screwing it up would jump up by at least 1000%.

Short version: ask them to optimize the hardware, optimize the software, clear any curses, improve luck… and maybe learn to love your computer…


Ha. This exactly!. People always look at me weird when I’m talking to “inanimate” objects with kindness or when I’m telling them that yelling at their car for not working isn’t helping…


Give them your physical coordinates and you will increase your chances. Heck, they might even take you for a ride.


Yes, they can fix your computer! I have received help (not necessarily from Aliens, but hell, whoever is not exactly human like us probably can be called Alien?) in:

  • Starting my car when I had to run to a meeting and just would not start! Asked Sekhmet for help, and the car started right away.
  • Several times when flight is late. I try to not “abuse” my privilege but as a weekly traveler, I have used this countless times to fix my flight issues.
  • Fix a TV before a game one weekend
  • Find lost things all the time
  • Fix a keyboard at work - a key would not work at all and I had to complete a presentation. Asked for it to be fixed, and it worked immediately - exactly till I completed and then the ‘K’ key stopped working again
  • Pause rain till I get home (here, I rely on some Daoist work)
  • To get help for my mom on various things as she lives al the way across the globe in London (she is freaked out every single time lol)
  • etc. etc, etc

Too many such experiences out there to recount. Intercession tag has boosted my results a hundredfold.

As Dream says:

“The simple fact of the matter is that help is readily available to everyone, but the rules that good beings abide by require a specific request for aid be made.”


I’ve done the same things a couple of times to hold of the rain till I’m safe at home whenever I’m on a walk

A simplified technique is to imagine that you are radiating heat towards the sky coupled with conceptual thinking


yeah i also have this approach. i even name things if the inspiration knocks.


Hi guys, i’m a very impatient person, so I listened for 2 days and left. I can say that although I cannot see non-human beings but i can feel them. In my 2.3 listening i definitely felt something was coming. but I guess I could not say my request exactly. There was a curious being that eagerly awaited my request. my computer broke hardware, part of it broke and it needs to be replaced. I was too lazy to take it because the pc service was too far away and I wanted to test this sound. I think that if there was a software malfunction rather than hardware and if I could express my request, it would definitely have been corrected. let me also give a strange detail. In the neighborhood I live in, there is a dog that people feed and he loves me too. I approached him the day I listened, but he avoided me and looked at me curiously. It’s a very interesting detail for me because it always made me love it. (Sorry my english is bad and i translate from google translate. There can be many ambiguities)


I asked this to the Dragon 3 times in a row and it did! I forgot about that and i think thats the most wow thing hes done because i saw it happening right in front of my eyes.


Well, that’s pretty cheap too, I mean, you just ask and if they want, they might do it, but what if they ask for a price ? :dizzy_face: :joy:
Well, your problem has been fixed anyway, just realizing now that the last post was in september!


They’d probably say that there advanced components/equipment aren’t compatible with that pile of shit…it would probably just set fire to it :laughing:


:dizzy_face: :joy: Brutal, but Good point!



I was thinking something like that. Imagining myself asking Nikola Tesla to fix my Abacus.

Could you… Could you please Sir…


“Hmm what was that? You want me to what?”
