Can anyone help my little brother? He might have been cursed

My beloved little brother has been going through a lot starting last December. For a few months he had a lot of bad luck, constantly injuring himself in stupid ways - he even had to give up a lifetime trip to Thailand because of a broken bone just days before leaving. But the last two-three months his mental health has really taken a dive after he met his current girlfriend: he says she’s a very good girl and good girlfriend but since he’s been with her his mental health got worse and worse and worse: he’s now been diagnosed with OCD because of intrusive thoughts about hurting her - he never had OCD before. He’s going to therapy (with little to no results) and the therapist has adviced him to see a psychiatrist. He’s also showing symptoms of depression, he’s stopped doing sports and is eating way less.

I live some 800 km away and so am at the rope’s end as to how to help him. This could as well be due to the girlfriend being not a good match for him - he says she’s amazing and all that, but I don’t really trust him to recognize red flags in a girl and I won’t be able to meet this girl for a few months. Also, I’m maybe just projecting because my mental health also went to hell when I was with an abusive person, even though I didn’t recognise it as abuse at the time. Or maybe it’s just plain old mental health issues. He’s 25 now and has a past of cocaine and weed use so the risk factors are there.
Still, the neverending bad luck of this guy doesn’t make me exclude that a curse might be onto him.

Can anybody help in any way? He wouldn’t listen to fields and he’s not spiritual in any way, so I can’t unfortunately direct him to Sapien or to mantras.

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I can only think of Intercessions.
Angelic, Aliens, Devic Intercessions are the choices.

If he would accept healing energy, you could send him but otherwise it’s better not to do it against his will.

You can also pray for him.


I understand your desire and hope for us to help him, but to be honest, in this case where he is against using fields etc, only you could have a chance to cross that barrier, blood love can get better intercession to bend his resistance (only in the case his rejection comes from an outside influence, because if it is his higherself well aware of it as part of the way he chose to walk his path, it wont work) than any of us.

Ill suggest you to read a bit about the way i help others that are not living close to me here:

How Sapien Medicine Healed/is Healing My Family & Friends (Stacks)

If i was you id start sending him

the Exorcism Rite x 2
Bhooted Boots x 3
Point of No Return x2

And loop for 1 hour Angelic Vibration x a few days

Then talk to him again, see how he feels? Maybe at that point he is more receptive in the scenario where the rejection for help was coming for outside not within him.

If he still rejects it, as a brother tell him, i will still send you love and protection if i feel you needed, because i love you and i want you happy and to find your way back however you decide.

If he accepts great, then you can keep sending him Servitors to engore him with love and protection or the love and protection audios ONLY, because thats what you said and he agreed on. Eventually his rejection would give way and be more receptive (again in the event of his decision not coming from his higherself)

If he says no, then still remind him that he could always always comes to you if he changes his mind, no questions asked. And respect his will :( im sorry but we have to accept what others decide even if its wrong, each person is a whole sovereign world we shall respect. :orange_heart:


I’d recommend a healer for this but it has to be his free will… cannot do anything without it.


Hey, I’d like to give a quick update. Life has been hectic lately so I didn’t think to reply.

I don’t know what happened but everything is so much better with my little bro! Everything seems to be going well for him, not just for mental health but also general luck in life, it seems things are finally getting good.

I’d like to thank everyone who replied, DMed me with helpful tips or even just thought about him. I believe you were of great help.


For future reference, if he’s against fields & you’re miles away.

One of the most effective things you could do is pray for him, Christ heals & protects all who come to him.
