Can anyone offer advice?

Hi all :pray:

I joined an app called “Spiritualify” not too long ago. It’s basically an app where you can connect with other spiritual people, add them as friends etc.
I logged in yesterday for the first time in a couple months and an Indian man reached out to me.
He claimed to be a self realised god realised soul and that he could offer me free distance healing. He said it was completely free and that I didn’t have to do anything.
He asked for my first name and that was it.

The next day he asked if I was feeling better which I actually was so I told him yes and thanked him.
He then offered to do another healing on an app called telegram. He video called me but said he couldn’t hear my voice and asked me to install an app called “Botim”.
I installed the app reluctantly, mainly due to the fact that I got scammed a couple months ago for a fair bit of money. I wont go into the details but it left me a bit shaken up, knowing the lengths and evil that some people go to to get money.
Anyways, I installed the app and he asked for my phone number so that he could add me on the app as that is the only way to add people on there.
I felt nervous as hell and told him sorry but I’m really not comfortable giving out my phone number and that I needed to think about it.
Now obviously I would love to receive healing, I’ve been desperate to heal tbh as I have been suffering with major depression and anxiety for years but also I’m wary that he could be a scammer or something. I just wanted to know if any of you kind souls here have had any experience with remote distance healing and can enlighten me?
I can be quite naive so I really don’t want to make a big mistake and get scammed.


I’ve used this app before and it’s similar to whatsapp and similar apps. It’s almost exactly like whatsapp even the interface etc. I’m saying this to rule out the phone number thing…



Like why wasn’t he able to offer this healing on the same app?

This is what sounds fishy to me throughout the story

Anyway man, tons of healing options available here… You can even offer “distant” healing for yourself with the Become the Healer audios

Tons of servitors, beings, audios, NFTs, free fields, paid fields…

Literally the options are too endless and cannot suit one post

You can even find the healing cards from sapien medicine…

You can do so many things

You can tap more into the real cause of these issues and use the fields tailored to it…

You can use an all round audio field or an nft…

You can ask for people to send you healing with their servitors even…

I mean…

This is Sapien Medicine… After all

And you have exceptional, highly trusted people here who charge a small fee for a healing session…

It’s a full community with everything you need :)

(and I have seen you around a few times now, I assume you know most of these already… But sometimes it’s true that we require so much healing that we can’t find our compass, our spirit… And just need a nudge to another direction…)

I wouldn’t offer anything further to the man if I were you honestly


Yeah, as Desiree said, he sounds fishy, to be honest.


Super fishy yeah


Thanks @Desiree

It did strike me as odd that he reached out to me, something didn’t sit quite right with me.

I guess what I failed to mention is that I have actually made quite a lot of progress the past few months. I’m definitely better on the whole thanks to some very kind souls on this forum, and one member here also sent servitors for me, you know who you are :)

But I stopped all healing fields for the time being as I am focusing on a playlist for my knees at the moment as they have been giving me trouble. And so when he reached out, I thought well I could probably do with some healing? why not :sweat_smile: but yeah i can be very naive so hopefully I’m right and saved myself a ton of bother. The old me would have just gone through with the whole thing without thinking about it.

Part of me feels guilt in case he’s genuine and actually trying to help me but then the flip side is being wrong and potentially having my life screwed over :roll_eyes:


I wouldn’t say you were naive because eventually, you followed up with your intuition, reached out and publicly so, to gain another opinion, and noticed the difference between your old behaviors and newer ones :)

It’s okay to feel guilty for another possible scenario also, but when the intuition knows, it just knows. And if it’s not intuition, then for sure it’s displayed behavior that rings odd to the logical mind

Walk this digital world and choose whatever healing method you want, always know that you will, indeed, find it here. :)




Yes I was thinking this, like maybe this is one of the first actual times that I’ve thought about something before diving in :joy::joy:

I think this brings up an interesting point - knowing the difference between what is that uneasy gut feeling when something doesn’t feel right vs just being nervous/anxious…

This digital world has some very dark corners and corridors, it’s so easy to get taken advantage of (or maybe its just me being gullible again :laughing: ) but seriously, I was thinking, who can I ask for advice on this subject… and then I was like durrrrrr the one forum where there’s A TON of spiritual people :grin:
And yes, I think I will try to keep my confines to within this community from now on :) Gotta stay safe in this digital world ;)

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Thanks @Daniel :blush:

Im guessing this is in reference to the mention about my knees. I actually have this in my playlist but its funny you posted it here because I literally just created another topic for advice about my knees Ask for Advice - Sapien Medicine I’m a bit unsure which tracks are safe to loop or not…

proper threw me off when I saw a reply for the knee topic but in this thread :sweat_smile: Thanks though :)



U should be wary on people being so insistent to help you.


Btw @StayHard
I offer sth like this here.

However I do not claim to be a

I am just me

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Yes his choice of wording there definitely didn’t sound humble or authentic and sent off some alarm bells. I find it such a disgrace that there are people doing this sort of thing, taking advantage of vulnerable people trying to find their way on the spiritual path. It’s quite disheartening

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I got scammed once and they do exactly that: pound on your fear. Using fear as a weapon. They blackmailed me and i stood my ground. I remember a moment where all my fear suddenly released within 20 seconds, a very liberating experience. It taught me that fear can literally be stored but also be freed and that it’s up to us.

It’s happening everywhere unfortunately. I don’t mean that everybody does it, but even only a few people suffices