Can I use both height booster v1 and v2?

I will listen ot height booster v.2 in morning while listen v1 at night because I am 15 years old. Would you guys say that this is fine? I want to use the v1 because it has igf1 whihc is important for growth in teens.

I am not a 100% sure, but I am pretty sure there’s nothing wrong with that.

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thanks! It’s just that i have been using the height booster v2 for months yet there aren’t results form it so I will use both of these. Does semen retention have anything to do with the effecitveness of the fields?

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No problem! :slightly_smiling_face:Nope, semen retention won’t affect the efficiency of those fields.


would masturbation affect the fields? I noticed that in the last 3 months none of the fields have been working for me, so I am wondering if masturbation could be a cause.


I highly doubt it. Is that the only new factor?

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Yeah ill go on semen retention for the next month or 2. I have been using the height booster for 3-4 months yet no results. This is strange because I am an adolescent so this audio should work perfectly for me. I think it has something ot do with masturbation.


Hmmm…if it is a factor, I’d be surprised. You could have other blockages you don’t know about. Have they always worked for you since the beginning? Are you listening to the “Subconscious limits removal.?”

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I do use limitng beliefs removal and aura cleansing, so I don’t think it’s blockages. I also use gratitude and aprreciation.

But for how long???

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4 months as well for sub limits dissolver. i use the gratitude and appreciation since 2 weeks ago and the auric cleanisng once in a while. I’ll add energy blockage removal as well to help it out.

How about the Exorcism and the Emotional Release?

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I don’t use those. I do use ego dissolution though. Since this audio wasn’t working for me, I was wondering if my growth plates weren’t open. That should not be the case because i am 15 years and 8 months old so I should still be growing.

Damn…do you meditate? Meditating helps a lot bro.

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not really. I do listen to these audios while I am relaxed. I added in the hieght booster v1 because it is more targeted towards teens so it might work better.

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I really hope sapien makes a height booster version 3. That would be super nice and effective.


Yeah, that would be great! I don’t use that audio because I am 34.

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  • Some mundane things like eating healthy, exercise, periodic semen retention (I prefer the term, Sublimation) and intermittent fasting seem to hugely improve the performance of fields for me.
  • Some fields simply do not work for me, unless I get into a meditative state and then listen to the field. You can pick your most important audio and try to listen to it in a meditative state and see if that helps you?
  • Also, the height booster seems to be one of those fields which have mixed results based on what I have read on this forum.
  • Dream also pointed out someplace that these fields do operate within the laws of material reality. For example, they do not create things from the air. The weight gain field would not work if one was to not consume enough calories. I am not very sure how exactly this field works - but perhaps you can supplement the effectiveness of the field by eating the right foods that help, or add HGH audio etc.

As Huy said, Exorcism audio would be a good one to try! Hope things work out for you and soon :slight_smile:


i do exercise and eat healthy as well as using hgh audio as well as estrogen reducer. I’ll add in hrihgt booster v.1 and do semen retention. I see my results in a month and thanks for the advice!


This is what Sapien seems to have commented on Youtube (according to what someone posted on FB).

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