Can I use both height booster v1 and v2?

i started using hgh 3 weeks ago. That might be a cause

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Semen retention can raise your jing levels which is sexual energy that can be used as fuel for fieldsā€¦ but you Should still be seeing results

You can try listening to

Subconscious limits remover
Flow of jing
Environmental energy accumulator
Pranic swirls
Pranayama training
Ego dissolution before listening to whatever field you want to gain the most effects from (no more than 3 times a day)
Angelic vibrations 2.0 before listening to whatever field you want to help raise your vibration before hand
Energy blockage removal

From description:
Version 2.0 (experimental)
There is a tightly controlled feedback loop that controls the growth or lengthening of bone, the growth plates may still have a small amount of room for growth sometimes,
the trick would be to get the ā€˜restingā€™ stem cells there to start producing more chondrocytes which will become bone and so help to increase your height.
This is programmed to help do that. (by stimulating the cells to reactivate)
Take your time and tabulate your growth.
(you can use up to 4 times a day)

-Basically, if youā€™r growth plates have already grown to the full, and you dont have any volume left, you probably wont grow with this audio.

-This audio helps endocrine system and The hypothalamus, which includes Pituitary gland, which regulates human growth hormone. So maybe this audio can help too.

Height booster ver 2.0 should be listened as the last audio of day.
Because if you listen to different field after, it might interfere with that field and it wont work 100%. And try to meditate or close eyes, as it will work better.


do you think my growth plates have closed if i am 15 and 8 months old? Thanks for advice!

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I highly doubt they are closed at age of 15.


Could beā€¦ You just really cant knowā€¦ But i started growing more, when i was 15/16ā€¦ So just be patient :slight_smile:

But think about listening to Endocrine system audio :slight_smile:


thanks! I listen to that one nalong with both height booster at night! Iā€™ll see how it goes!

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About Endocrine, read the description, you dont need to listen it daily :innocent:

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where did you get height booster v1?

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Go type it in the search. It is available as a link in this forum. type in height booster v.1 and click on the first thread. It should be there

What results do I notice with height booster v1?

It stimulates production of igf-1 which helps enlarge and lengthen the bones in teens and help in growth.

Is this ?

Yeah thats it buddy.

It does not let me change the quality of the video, why?

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i think it is because it is a link, so it functions differently.

Does the audio quality let you change?

a question, which dht audio should i use, there are 2 audios in the sapiens channel, could you tell me which dwbo to use for height growth?

I would recommend the dht overwhelm audio on sapiens youtube as it is the best one.


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