Cancer warnings

Welcome to the forum, Luke!

I know, in an ideal world, that’d be nice, wouldn’t it? However, this world can sometimes be less than ideal. For example, I know you’re new with us so you might not know that there seems to be an increasingly conservative definition of what constitues "medical treatment and/or advice"throughout the world, including on YouTube. In fact, making the “wrong” kinds of claims (even through warnings) will get a video pulled and a channel banned.

The problem has become so great and not limited solely to YouTube. As a result, Sapien only recently decided to pull many of its medical fields from public sale (You can read more about this in the Charge Back Black List thread and elsewhere in this forum) and have been contemplating shutting down their various YouTube channels.

It’s becoming an ever-challenging tight-rope for them to walk, between offering these beneficial tools without running afoul of the clout of–erm–conventional dogma (too strong a phrase, but that’s what my pre-coffee brain can come up with).

Enjoy your time with us and enjoy your fields!