Cant feel fields at all , how to open this abilty?

hey guys
i cant even start to explain how beutiful my journey with energy are

a good friend of mine hearing amyizing stories about my effect and results from energy work
he dont belive the exist of it and keep saying to me things like :
"the fact that you belive it so strong ,create it and this is the only effect you have :mask:

he asked me many times to give him field that he can feel or see anything changed
what can help him to open this abilty in effective way?

he really want to try this world so lets help him

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You don’t need to feel the field working… just give him some hormone field. He will see it himself lol



testosterone boost v2.5?


Hi @jonuary12
If he insists, I would try

and right after

which was made for skeptics