Car protection

hello community,

I got a new car and not even two days after I bought it someone crashed it while parked… thankfully the insurance covered all the damages and cost.

So my question is if there is a mandala that I could place on my car to “avoid” accidents or an audio that could work on objects that shields it for example 24 hrs and play it daily?

thank you :clinking_glasses:


Amour and glory audio in teespring


The navigator of awe also good. As it’s protecting you while driving


Also if you have a servitor you can ask that

Angelical Intercession

Spare of Destiny feels so protective

Plasma flower

Probability alteration and luck

But if you also want protection for your car when you arent driving it then def ask a servitor and keep draw luck or repel negativity mandalas around the car


Tbh idk how to get a servitor and how they work jajaj mind a summary?

I do have plasma flower btw

The light and dark servitors from Patreon take less to learn and grow but you gotta talk to them a LOT at the beginning like if had just adopted a child with a lot of potential but that dont know a thing and first needs to know you and ur life etc

Dragon Golem from gumroad and i think its also on Patreon i dont remember can quite learn a task without knowing much about you first. But def teach them all abut cars, accidents etc

Fae us great but u need it on you for it to work properly but Dragons and Servitors youd leave them in the car

Type servitor or dragons etc on the searching bar to understand and then you can use Om’s technique to easily communicate with them or ask them things

_OM’s Much Anticipated Instructions for Servitors (Version 1.3)

How to train a servitor?

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The following is not to make you feel bad but to make sure this never happens in the future ever again.

This is just an idea, I am not you and don’t know the details…

Are you 100% sure that it was not self-sabotaging behavior (via outside manifestation)?
Usually such things do not manifest randomly…
Some topics in your subconscious mind that you need to work on?

  • Self-worth topic related to owning a new car?
  • Self-worth topic related to being seen in a new car?
  • Subconsciously believing the world / the road / parking is a dangerous place?

I am a big fan of working on the source problem.
One can for sure cover up the symptoms with luck and probability fields, but the long-term solution is to make sure that only positive stuff manifests in one’s life.

Another idea:
Are you wearing the BPIL tag?
If yes, then maybe it led you short-term on a path that appears not nice, but is better for you in the long-term?
What does you inner feeling say?