Card Meanings & Spreads

Okay, I drew for the same question as above (wanting to get past clutter and resistance to organization), this time with the sapien deck. Guessing by the cards I pulled that the subject matter has revealed itself to be daily activities and finance. :slight_smile:

The cards were all upright

1st Card = the Ace of Pentacles (Where am I now?)
2nd Card = The Sun (What can be done?)
3rd Card = Queen of Pentacles (Outcome)

I will get back to this post with my reflections as soon as I have any, lol.


I’m going to wait until you have your say.

I’d like to caution you to be careful that you don’t change your question in response to the cards you’ve pulled. This is so common (particularly, among professional readers ). I’ve seen so many people ask a “money” question, draw what they think of as “love” cards and then say, “Oh, but the cards want to talk to me about love.” No, that’s not what’s going on. The cards are answering the questions you asked. The cards work for you.

Keep your power and your agency. You determine what the subject matter is (when you ask your question). These cards are your possessions. You own them. Don’t let the cards boss you around. :wink: You’re the boss; they work for you.

The subject matter is what you decided it to be when you asked your question. (Pro tip: Write down your question and focus on your written question as you shuffle your cards. That will go a long way to nip this sort of “mission creep” in the bud. It’ll also prevent you from revising your question to suit the cards drawn so that your interpretation is easier or more palatable for you.)

Your job as a reader now is to interpret these cards within the context of the question you had asked it.

I await your thoughts.


P.S. Give yourself bonus points, if you can tie this pull into your previous pull (because, if I’m understanding you correctly, this is a clarification of your earlier pull, right?).

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MonkeyOwl suggested that I use the CS deck instead of the RWS which was the online one I used, just because I was exploring. The question did not change because I was after the energy, not an answer per se. I might have said it differently here, but the subject matter was exactly the same as the original pull = how not to run from whatever the heck it is.

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That is very interesting, Daylily.

Consider also that Aces represent potential and Swords represent the element of air which correlates with intellect & ideas. It could mean that your obstacle is a lack of a plan or vision. Perhaps your impression of the sword “coming through” is a calling for you to go deeper?


Today I pulled the Knight of Cups.

Traditionally this is known as the Grail Knight. We see from his left facing orientation that he’s returning from his adventures (in spite of a bright opportunity to his immediate right). Like Kings, Knights in general represent the realized archetype of their respective element except that where the King tends to live out his days at the castle, Knights are compelled to action in the world outside the castle. Cups represent the emotions, mainly love. For this reason, this knight is also known as the Knight of Hearts.

What I really, really like about this card is Captain’s use of a Lotiform Chalice Lotiform vessels (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - Wikipedia - the glowing blue cup in the Knight’s left hand.

This charming detail is interesting for many reasons, not the least of which is because it tells us a little bit about this Knight’s travels. First off, it’s totally appropriate as a water symbol given the Blue Lotus is a type of water lily. More specifically, it tells us that this Knight likely spent time in Egypt where the Blue Lotus is a common motif in all forms of Egyptian art. His westward travel path indicates a return from the East where he may have taken refuge, like many of his Cathar brethren, from the perils of the Inquisition. Furthermore, the Lotiform Chalice and determined westward (past) traveling direction (in spite of a bright opportunity to his immediate right - future) into dense vegetation (Nature) could indicate his intention to return from a tumultuous life on the road to a quiet life very likely as the village Shaman - again, evidenced by the fact that he’s leading his horse into dense vegetation (symbolic of Nature, the Shaman’s domain) and the blue lotus being known to aid a shamanic, visionary lifestyle with it’s third eye, lucid dreaming enhancing capabilities. To Egyptians, blue lotus is also a symbol of creation and rebirth which further informs on this Knight’s intention to reinvent himself along shamanic lines.

Beyond the traditional interpretations of this card, it seems to me that, if nothing else, working with this card may assist with all kinds of Shamanic endeavors including lucid dreaming.


How would we interpret the combination of World, Judgement as well as World, High Priestess?

So far I’ve found those two combos a little difficult to decipher.

One author states this on world, judgement: (and yes they base it off the the RWD like the Sapien CS deck is based off of)

Curious for more insights on both combos!
Plus in general I find the world tarot very interesting
Especially when that comes first prior to a second pull

Edit: if its too blury then peep as it reads:

“A new situation entirely.
If further divination is attempted, it will be difficult to
understand the results”

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I’m guessing you might want to add some details, such as what was the question you were asking, or the situation that lead to the pulling of the cards?

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Yeh i edited comment
Didn’t realize it posted first lol

Generically speaking.

I’ve pulled judgement plenty just for even single questions, and it pertains to any facet of life.

But whats interesting is that no matter how much I shuffle it
I’ll sometimes just know the card that will be picked up. This is most especially for Lovers, as well as for HP/Judgement/World.

Just a thought but its very likely im wrong:
Maybe thats how we might influence the future? (since these cards say in the description they may be able to)
Because each card holds a distinct energy so when we ask how x scenario will play out, we can select it, while still following proper guidelines (its still all are face down but thanks to the energy they all excued you can simply select how it will play out)…?


Interesting and unrelated question.

For the advanced energy persons out here this is for you:

One day I wondered if I could have a “talk” with Hades through here- as in our Corpus Spiritus Deck.

Not sure why but I felt HP was perseophone, hades death.

Decided to go online, it was confirmed by several sources. Biddytarot for HP I reckon

Now this deck as we know - even though it falls along the lines of RWD- it’s claimed to always be accurate - so there’s no “what if” unlike when one might play with other tarot decks.

So what i’m asking: is it possible?

Because when i asked can i get some type of confirmation or a tarot that can either deny or whatnot,
After pulling

Death (who i felt Hades could be etched to) fell out
Alongside HighPreistess (persephone)

Now i dont know if this deck actually does that.

And thats important because if it does not,
The answer interpreted will be incredibly different
If it is, then yes- assuming thats a nod from him I can communicate with him via this
But if its not- then obviously, no; i would reckon that would have just meant “no you’re wrong just go back to playing without asking if you can communicate with a deity via here”

And kinda important because i’m either really interpreting these messages right or really interpreting these messages wrong

I hope that made sense.

That’s the problem with generic readings and generic questions. You get generic answers that often add more confusion than clarity to the situation.

It’s really helpful (especially, with the tarot) to have some focus, such as writing out your question on a piece of paper and then focusing on what you’ve written as you shuffle your deck.

If you do that and you’re still getting generic answers, ask clarifying questions of your cards.

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Ok in that case the question was
What does my future hold- or like as of right now whats the most likely probability in regards to what my future holds (i go off the premise our future is not set in stone, many diff possibilities that can fall out like when we put a quarter into that gumball machine)

I would agree that, classically, the corresponding card for hades would be the Death card. I personally would also use the Death card to connect with Persephone, who is associated with the rebirth of spring as well as the harvest, both of which are connected to the Death card as well.

I’m always leery of absolute statements, such as “always be accurate.” Tbh, I haven’t seen that claim from a creditable source about the CS deck. I have seen that it lends itself to more accuracy than other decks, especially in the hands of a skilled or practiced reader.

But all readings (and their accuracy) are a product of the reader, who is often human. We humans are not very good at “always” anything and we do make mistakes. So, I’m sure there’s “what if,” especially as the reader is learning how to read their decks. That’s the way with every learning curve.

Is it possible to “talk” with Hades or Persephone with this deck? For sure. That possibility is increased as your skills (not only with this deck but also your skills with that sort of “talking” and with the discernment needed to make sure you’re “talking” with whom you want to be “talking” with) become more proficient.

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Oh my gosh
Im so happy. So so happy.
It means a lot to me you confirmed

I love them. I’ve always connected so deeply to persephone because her life (prior to hades) really resonates with my own- so much so it goes to the point where it slightly creeps me out lol.

I really hope her nft comes out one day btw
once she comes, im done :heart_eyes: (ok well her, hades, eset, usir but hey they’re all kinda like the same gang)
Unrelated but still :slight_smile: lol

Thank you :’)

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Fun fact: Pluto (Hades) is associated with the Judgement card. So he may have been reaching out all along. :woman_shrugging:


Thank you VMMS
That actually makes sense

In that case… what about archangel Azrael ?
Especially in regards to tarot Judgement (and perhaps Death) (but judgement especially)

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Gahhh this really made my day lol
He’s my favorite
Just like azrael
Dont really know why but i really like them
Its ironic though not much is recorded on those two

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I’m not sure what you mean here but I don’t know that much about archangels outside of the main 3 - Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. :woman_shrugging:

I’m glad it made your day.

And yes, I like him, too. Very dignified and honorable. Keeps his word and expects the same of others. For example, after winning over Persephone, he stayed true…there’s no stories (to my knowledge) of him ever cheating on her.

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Try this:

When you need a card or spread from the tarot deck it doesn’t seem like you have to actually physically use the cards.

If your mind is clear enough you can just ask the deck for a card and go with the card that feels the strongest. It seems whatever field is on the cards also highlights and makes the right card feel stronger to you.

Others can test this out but this is what I’ve found.