Charisma and Glamour

How many times a day should one use this for best results?


2-3 times, mix it with ojas if you can :)


Power of blarney stone and inner beauty indirectly increase your attractiveness/charisma while charisma & glamour is more direct in increasing it.


Only sad that Power of blarney stone is temporary field😔 but oh well

I mean I have read somewhere here that it last couple of hours 12-16h after listening
I wish I was wrong honestly

Actually I wasn’t
but don’t get me wrong it’s very very great and valuable field. I really like effects.


Thats why Charisma and Glamour can help. It lasts longer

Imagine all the fields/tags targeting the same?

Blarney stone is great to listen to right before meetings or calls or chats or to go out for a short date, Charisma compliments it. Plasma flower node connector i mean each one is a tool to build a path to reach different goals and thats the beauty of them being different so you can mix them in several other ways with other fields/ tags


Day1 of using this :

  • people treat me more like buddy
  • I’m more accessible
  • I am kinder
  • people are kinder
  • people talk more and make more jokes

For more glamour I would add the star audio .
I also combined it with blarney stone , lovers , and king of wands .


just add ojas :) and you’re gold.


I want Tejas!! :D

Does ojas in itself affect glamour?

I’ve heard others report this in their testamonials in the Ojas thread, too.

Edited: to add quote for clarity

I remember some YT comment where someone combined Charisma & Glamor, Hand of Glory and Probability Luck and had fantastic results.


Sounds like an awesome combination! Thanks for the suggestion.


God dang. That would explain so much as to why a man in his 50s or so said I have a beautiful face at work.

He asked me who I was going to marry and not only that but he told me that I should marry some Arab woman. (Truth is I want to anyways lol)

In the last two days I talked with two friends over the phone ,both times I had a great talk and we talked for over an hour ,which is pretty rare for me .
It felt like we could go on and on and we only stopped when I had the feeling it was enough.

I feel like this field definitely had it’s part in that :)


Considering that Canada is on lockdown it sucks I can’t really test the true lengths of this field:(

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It’s best to just listen and detach. Once you are out minding your own business, you will see results.


Will charisma and glamour making my aura glamorous permanently? I’m so confused :sweat_smile: I read it permanently making you charismatic. In that case it will make my aura charismatic permanently right? Please enlighten me


Hey guys. I just want to share my results with this field. So today my dad took me to zoo! And I walked toward the security guard. They said that I can’t enter the zoo because I didn’t register myself online. But then because I was really upset. And just sad. Panic too and I talked to the security guard to let me in. For some reason. He felt like something that connect him with me. And them suddenly he changed his behavior :skull: very weird. Like I was treated like a celebrity and then he even asked me to get inside but not from the main gate but from the back gate. So he took me with his motorcycle. " Oh my god. I’m extremely anxious af cause he really found me like I’m a celebrity. My social anxiety got really intense. And I just said yes to everything he say. Even asking my phone number too. Ughhh. :joy: and then he dropped me inside the zoo without me being charged anything “free” With no ticket at all. Then I went exploring the zoo

Found cute pigs too. But I was lost when I enjoyed the flow here. And I began to panicking. Realizing that my dad was outside. Not with me. And out of panic. I want to get out from the zoo. Still trying to take pictures though. Cause that’s what I do. "I’m online contributor on getty XD

I still have so much of the pictures but I won’t spam it here.
So again back with my panic attack. I asked people. It’s weird how when you’re in a panic mode your social anxiety is suddenly gone. :joy: this only happen when I’m really panic. Anyway I asked Where can I find the main gate. But what’s weird in their response is that. They seems like they’re amazed by my presence. Even smiling to me :eyes: I wear a face mask btw. And idk why they even smiling at me. And then I kept walking and walking and found this security guards car driving toward me. And then they ask me to get in and I did. And they help me to drive me out of the zoo to the main gate. But when me and them in the car they kept asking me " Are you a foreigner. Why you sounds so different. And I said no I’m a local and they just really smiling at me and then keep asking me question which honestly making me more and more anxious lmaoo :sob::joy: but I replied to their questions anyway cause I had to. Cause they helped me with the free ride.

Like I said. They really flattering with my presence like wtf. Not only that too. And two kids saw me they really think that I’m some type of celebrity :joy::rofl: loke wtff. This is soooo strong field lol
I’m just like why the hell they’re so good to me. Is it because of the luck sigil too? Cause I use it too but is luck sigil make people behave nicely to you? I will assume that goes with the charisma and glamour. In general. People really amazed by my presence. Deep down if they know I’m anxious af​:rofl::joy:

@Captain_Nemo thank you for this. I had fun while using it :slightly_smiling_face:


how are results going now if u used it?

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If not used it will slowly fade.