Charisma and Glamour

I sent Sapien Medicine a message on Gmail, he said if you listen to it for like a long period of time like over a year, it becomes a permanent thing (the glamorous aura).


Consistent everyday use every single day and to the extent that you believe in yourself and your own charisma as well. I donā€™t want people to be lef to believe that simply listening to the audio for over a year would make them charismatic.

It takes real world practice, in that you communicate confidently and put your charisma to use. If you donā€™t, then the field is like having cheesecake in the fridge for a long period of time without ever eating it or sharing it with others. Do this and it eventually spoils and goes to waste. (I hope that analogy made sense. I donā€™t think it completely does but it sounded nice in my head lolll)


Yeah I get what youā€™re saying, Sapien Medicine said you should be out socializing or it might not work out the way you want or expect.


It makes all the sense in the world my dear brother !!! @SammyG :handshake: :handshake: :handshake: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: in fact intentionally throughout a day, just to test its effects, I was intentionally not smiling, I waved in a boring way, I repeat intentionally, it is so I did not feel the flow of charisma that I normally feel, it is as if the will activated the whole process. This clarification is very important. ā€œThe power of intention determines the result.ā€


The cheesecake wouldnt stand a chance.


Thatā€™s very interesting. I noticed when Iā€™m out (like Trader Joeā€™s for example) I get stares, but that could be for some other reason, because I listen to other audios as well.

I am not know what is that my bro! :grin: :grin: :grin:


Itā€™s a store I go to sometimes, they sell NON GMO and Organic goods.

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Which audios?

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That was me that responded to your email my friend :slight_smile:


I listen to knight mindset by Sapien medicine, ultimate male beauty field by Dem Creations. I recently just started Negentropic Jing for more energy.


I never would have guessed it was you lol. Well thanks for the quick response.


Lol yeh no doubt my friend. I mostly answer the emails for Sapienmed.


I feel that this audio along with soul core restoration and the lower chakra audios this would bring oneā€™s glamour so high that it would probably overwhelm someone :sweat_smile:

Has that happened to you?

Hereā€™s the thing: There are a number of people in this world who would get overwhelmed by a simple kind smile from someone who is using no fields. And doesnā€™t their overwhelmed reaction tell us more about them than it does about these fields or the person using them? So, I wonder if whether a person is overwhelmed or not is a useful metric for us using these fields.

In any event, we can use the charisma and glamor (and our wise brains and kind hearts) to help soothe any overwhelm anyone else experiences with us, so I personally wouldnā€™t be so worried about that.

Actually ever since I bought soul core restoration a few days ago I have been getting stares here and there from the opposite sex. (Male here)

However I bought this charisma and glamour audio maybe like 2 months ago? I havenā€™t been consistent in using that audio. I can only imagine what would have happened if I kept using charisma and glamour this whole time.

Makes me wonder. How much do you use this audio? This audio doesnā€™t have a compounding effect like it does with soul core from what I understand. @WellBeing

I do remember that even without fields I have overwhelmed a few women in the past without even trying. So I can only imagine what would happen if these fields existed back then.


Why a year ? For some people the fields work much faster. Iā€™m just wondering that if other fields can work so fast, why does this one have such a long waiting period ? That should really be stated in the description :thinking:


Permanently means that it will become permanently imbedded over long usage of the field. I can use the stress audio to get rid of my stress but if i dont make an effect to work on the problems then the stress will never go away as your actions and mind are stronger then any effect from a field. the reason for the field saying you have to go out and make a effort is beacuse fields are like a mentor they direct and help not do everythink for u.
for example I can listen to muscle growth but if i dont eat the right things will i really gain muscle?

am pretty sure he only said go out and exercises your charisma so results are faster and if u have chrisma but scared to apporach somone then are u actually benefiting of the field?


You explained it perfectly!.


Anyone else feel certain kind of luster around them after using this field?
Iā€™m shining in similar way to how expensive/new items were portrayed in cartoons :stuck_out_tongue: