Charisma and Glamour

That’s the glamour, baby!
Nearly everyone on film/tv has some version of this. Natural or otherwise.


What is “otherwise” ?


@Desiree I think _OM meant some kind of spell/field
@_OM time to become celebrity it seems :smiley:


I listened to “Charisma and Glamor” and I feel very UNCOMFORTABLE …

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Thats weird.
What kind of uncomfortable?

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No not really, the very first time I listened to this I had some uneasy feelings. But that’s because the difference between the field and I was big enough to cause an imbalance. I also noticed I get a bit anxious when I loop it for longer, and I get the most out of it when I listen for an hour and two rounds.

@Bre19 Just keep listening, we have different fields now that can help… add some Blarney Stone for the ‘concepts of many years’ effect, Oxytocin to make things easy on your mind, some tarot Death before charisma, some mstate Gold and Silver, Iridium and Indium, etc…

I find fields like cosmo volt or advanced healing to work just as equally on non-physical effects.


I feel so uncomfortable that I can’t stand it and I take it off.

Of the audios that I have is the ONLY one that I can’t stand, not because of the music, the ego, I don’t know.

I have NEVER given it a REAL chance to find out if it works or not.

For example I listen to KNIGHT WARRIOR MINDSET and I love it.

I recently bought ACU AUTOMATON and I like it too.

None of those audios causes me that discomfort, not supporting it, wanting to leave it.

I do not know…



Is there any element of self-sabotage or something that bothers the ego? When I started wearing BPIL I had similar symptoms now no longer.


Best Path in Life Dogtag, Intercession Dogtag, Knight Warrior Mindset, Acu Automaton, with all those I feel very good and enjoy them.

Just “Charisma and Glamor” makes me feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.

So much so that I have to STOP.

I’d say that, as our friends have already mentioned, your uneasiness is your indicator that it’s “working.” Whether you adjust your listening regimens that it works in a co.mfortable and useful way for you, that’s a different discussion.

Good for you for listening to your personal energy system!

It sounds like you have some clearing that you’d like to do on this topic in order to prepare you for this field. When you decide to do that, there are fields for that. In the meantime, continue to enjoy your new purchase of Acu-!


It definitely sounds like you need to do some clearing. It seems like your current beliefs about yourself have solidified so much that your energy field/ego are trying to fight the audio off. Have you tried playing ego dissolution before using this?


@Bre19 Well, anything that “Messes” with our current baseline energy levels might create a backlash of some sort.
Your ego has some command of the current energy structure, and if starts to radically change, it will fight back…because it is losing control. Imagine that you are a fully indoors person, also introverted, well you could be in for some trouble in the first days, because you’re not used to feel as such…

Doesn’t mean it is bad, still… Just use it for less and start incrementing. This is why it is important to know how you feel instead of looping things immediately or even following the guidelines (2-3x day). Some people which have quite high sensitivity don’t even hear the audios fully at the start, and slowly build up. Try to do as such,

Short Review

I’ve bought this field a while ago and have been using it alongside Ojas and sometimes Knight too.
I believe the effects to be sustainable. There were times where something truly “magickal” was happening. When you suddendly enter a room and everyone “feels” you? And I didn’t even do any energy work or so…In my case what I felt was it slowly made me feel loose, I would talk and say my things more, and even had a feeling I could “get away” with anything lol. In the sense that I would come up with terrible jokes and people laugh still :man_shrugging:

The Charisma I felt due to the reciprocity from people in my day-to-day interactions, they seemed to groove me more?
The glamour might be a sort of magnetism, that intrigues the eye of some people.

I can’t phrase these any better.


Ojas from tespring? Pliss link?

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Yea that’s also what happened to me. People always keep wondering who I am. What’s very interesting if I do talk to them. They seems like getting hypnotized by my voice. Only if they know that I’m very anxious. And have no intent to lure them :joy:. It’s just automatically do itself.


After listen Ojas?

No. Just charisma and glamour alone. I use it every day for a month and still do listen to it once or loop it at night


Been listening to this for a year daily and can vouch for that quality of social charisma. Had a friend randomly comment that “you have a really nice personality” and that was pretty out of the blue haha


This audio is great!

People love being around me, perhaps not only cause of the charisma but also the personality.

Knight mindset and people respect me more.


Can I play morphic field and subliminal simultaneously subliminal which has white noise or pink noise like binaural nutrition? And through earphones?

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I like Knight Warrior Mindset, but it makes me VERY SERIOUS, more than I am.

I gave a NEW CHANCE to “Charisma and Glamor” and it makes me talk a little more, without thinking.

But when I use BOTH I feel that it generates a Shock. A fight between the two to see which personality will surface. That makes me anxious.

In my experience and at the moment I do not see they can work together.

Maybe they need time to integrate.

What is your experience?