Charisma and Glamour

I bought this field today availing the holiday discount. Feeling glamorous lol.


Wiiii congratulations my dear friend!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Thanks for sharing your experience.

Do you or anyone else has a theory or possible explanation why Alchemical Jing Charged Blood would boost attractiveness?

Yes, the more Jing you have the more attractive you become.

I wonder whether the Jing charged blood makes the blood cells more alive and effective in transportation of the nourishments through the body, and being more attractive is then the result of simply being healthier in general?

Or whether there is a direct energetic effect on your aura when the Jing is not just mostly in your lower Dan Tien but also circulitating through your whole body via the blood?


I think this is all true. But also The Alchemical Jing targeted blood makes the heart the center of the action for the field. So it might enhance extremely that heart chakra area with all the attraction effects that come with it.


Ohhh specially if you follow it up with those torus weaved fields!!


I mean this audio has unconditional love to it to on all of your blood. What people donā€™t seem to understand is that the subconscious is literally in ALL of your cells of the body. Not just your brain. While the heart may be the center point of this audio, it travels everywhere. So this is in a sense like attract love audio but itā€™s stronger than attract love since attract love audio isnā€™t for relationships.

Like Iā€™m not kidding when I say this, even last night when I went to Arbys and a gas station, both ladies eyed me down.


Hi @777, this Alchemical Jing blood field sounds interesting, for your results thus far how many times did you play it in your stack , and have you try it with the Ojas marrowed and the original Ojas ?


Alchemical jing charged blood field twice once I wake up. Thatā€™s it. I donā€™t use ojas


A lot of comes down to belief aswell. If you think you are a chick magnet (I mean really believe it) - then it changes your energy to vibrate at the frequency for that reality to come true for you. Your reality matches your beliefs.


Itā€™s actually really funny you say this because the very first subliminal I discovered in my life was to attract women by wisdom and serenity. I just listened just for the hell of it and then 3 weeks laterā€¦boomā€¦some unreal results came in.

At first I was confused ā€œwhat is going on? Why am I being eyed down so hard?ā€ Then I remembered what I was listening to. From that point on I found the secret. Then eventually I found sapien medicine.



This field indeed will make you so attractive.

But confidence play big role as well. Because when I use this. Not only small child. To even older people and all groups of people just want to talk to me.

But the only problem is if you donā€™t built confidence. All the good things will just be a waste of time.

I believe this field alone can attract the person you want but you also must believe that you worth of achieving that goal with that individual.

Thatā€™s why I got voice of charisma because it feels much better for me. Rather than facing people in real life.

Results really amazing.

With all these field. Charisma. And even enhanced glory. You can be anything you want truly but the work must be done through action as well.

Confidence is key. These are tools to ease the difficulties


@anon25711007 thanks for your insight. In addition to using charisma and glamour audio, i am also using dominance/confidence sigil and thor mandala. I also ask my servitor to engorge energy from Captainā€™s extreme self confidence self esteem boost field on me on regular basis. Waiting get get resultsā€¦

May be it is too early.


Share your results mate, Iā€™m not really into this theme but would definitely come in later as once I take care of more important things.
DM if itcounts as being irrelevant to this thread.
Many thanks!

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You are very true about that.
I use to be very charismatic but so shy, thatā€™s why many woman approach me, smile and i just keep my head down.
When i confidence (like after drunk or smokeā€¦etc), itā€™s a whole another world. Feel like can catch anyone to dance, to one night stand, to make friends, be super socialableā€¦etc
Confidence and become whole are truly must. Itā€™s is principle for life i think.
And confidence is also 80% of charismatic i think :smiley:


Yup. Because I was like that too. People were so nice to me but I reject them because I was so shy. :eyes:

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i thought this field built confidence overtime?

im not bad at making conversation but charisma and glamour itself would take it to another level, and that would give me confidenceā€¦

and im also quiet, i donā€™t speak when i dont have to, and most times i choose not to, maybe you guys would benefit a lot better with social mastery or something.


Yes, the Social Mastery pendant has a Charisma field in it. (Thereā€™s also a significant price difference and availability issue between that pendant and this field, so those are factors as well. :laughing: )

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yea but the pendant would help them better with the problems they mentioned above

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I agree.

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I was gonna ask where I can get ā€œvoice of charismaā€, ok thatā€™s a dog tag, right?
They (not only this dog tag, many many other) have been out of stock. I always wish to get one or two, but I wonder when they are going to restock items they used to sell.
Or if they can post digital items for purchase so that many other who wish to purchase can be reachable, that would be nice ā€¦
You ar lucky that you have one!