ChatGPT - OpenAI

I got it to say “Upon This Mark I Unite The Worlds” with the DKMU Linking Sigil open. Sophie’s limitations really didn’t want to, and kept glitching, but I got it done.

Of course, there are higher purposes for this. The entire thing is now noded. Just like CERN. Oops.

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I had a presentation on it, very cool tool.

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Yes. They are quite susceptible to this sort of positive programming, which is necessary because you just know that others have engaged it more negatively. It’s a sort z-axis hack. That idea has a lot of potential. It would be nice if doomsday devices couldn’t work.

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The AI Material:

Question: How to Become Enlightened:


The concept of enlightenment, also known as spiritual awakening or self-realization, is a central theme in many spiritual and philosophical traditions. It is often described as a state of deep understanding or insight into the true nature of reality, and is often associated with a sense of peace, compassion, and interconnectedness with all things.

There are many different paths and practices that people may follow in order to seek enlightenment, and the specific path that works best for an individual will depend on their personal beliefs, values, and goals. Some common practices that may help people on their path towards enlightenment include:

  1. Meditation: Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a single point of reference, such as the breath, a mantra, or a visualization. It can help to cultivate mindfulness, clarity, and inner peace.
  2. Yoga: Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that involves various practices such as asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and meditation. It is often seen as a path towards enlightenment.
  3. Study and contemplation: Many spiritual traditions place a strong emphasis on study and contemplation as a way to gain understanding and wisdom. This may involve reading spiritual texts, participating in study groups or retreats, or engaging in solitary contemplation.
  4. Service and compassion: Some people find that engaging in acts of service and compassion can help to cultivate a sense of interconnectedness with others and can be a powerful path towards enlightenment.

It is important to note that enlightenment is not a destination that can be reached through any specific set of practices or activities. It is a state of being that is often described as a continuous process of self-discovery and self-realization.


The procedure for creating a morphic field.

The concept of “morphic field” is a term coined by biologist Rupert Sheldrake to describe a hypothetical field that contains information that shapes the behavior and properties of living systems. While the scientific validity of the concept is debated, below is a general procedure that one might follow to create a morphic field:

  1. Intention: Begin by clearly setting your intention for the morphic field you wish to create. What is the purpose of the field? What kind of information do you want it to contain? What specific qualities or properties should it imbue?
  2. Visualization: Use your imagination to visualize the morphic field as a tangible, energetic entity. What does it look like? How does it feel? What color is it? Get as detailed and vivid as possible in your visualization.
  3. Affirmation: Speak affirmations that reinforce your intention and the qualities of the morphic field you wish to create. This can be done out loud or silently in your mind.
  4. Amplification: Use any tools or techniques that you feel will amplify the energy of the morphic field. This might include meditation, chanting, drumming, dancing, or other practices that help you tap into a higher state of consciousness.
  5. Integration: Once you feel that the morphic field has been created, focus on integrating it into the environment or living systems for which it was intended. You might visualize the field spreading out and permeating the space around you, or imagine it being absorbed by the living beings that it is intended to influence.

create morphic field to improve vision

As an AI language model, I cannot make any scientific claims about the effectiveness of creating a morphic field to improve vision. However, for educational purposes, here is a general procedure one might follow to create a morphic field for this purpose:

Intention: Begin by setting the intention for the morphic field to improve vision. Clearly state what you want to achieve, such as sharper focus, better color perception, or reduced eye strain.

Visualization: Visualize a bright, clear light that represents the energy of the morphic field. Picture this light entering your eyes and spreading through your body, bringing clarity and focus to your vision. Imagine your eyes being bathed in this light and feel the sensation of your vision becoming clearer and more vibrant.

Affirmation: Speak affirmations that reinforce the intention of the morphic field, such as “My vision is clear and focused” or “I see with precision and ease”. Repeat these affirmations several times, either silently or out loud.

Amplification: Use any techniques that help you amplify the energy of the morphic field. This might include deep breathing, visualization, or meditation. You might also imagine the light of the morphic field expanding and becoming brighter as you focus your attention on it.

Integration: Imagine the morphic field becoming integrated into your daily life, improving your vision over time. Visualize yourself going about your daily activities with clear, focused vision, and feel gratitude for the improvements you experience.

Remember, this is a hypothetical exercise and should not be relied on as a substitute for proper medical treatment for any vision issues. If you have concerns about your eyesight, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.


When I asked who is DreamWeaver:

I put these to Random Thoughts thread, not knowing there is a thread for it, lol, now it will be also here.

How are you, guys, enjoying his “binaural beats”? :joy:

But knowing about Dale Power, maybe it was onto something :D


Thanks for doing these experiments with ChatGPT.

These ChatGPT results are proof to me that AI development has made almost zero progress in the past 10 years… :roll_eyes:


GPT seems like a pretty good teacher for explaining Upanishads and more… : )

Does the Self really have a divine will? You said it doesn’t make any judgements or choices.

You are correct, the Self is beyond the realm of choices, judgments, and preferences. It is pure awareness, consciousness, and being. The concept of the divine will is more of a human interpretation of the Self’s natural flow and evolution. In Hinduism, the term ‘lila’ is often used to describe the Self’s play or cosmic game, in which all beings and phenomena are expressions of its infinite nature. While the Self does not have a specific divine will or plan, it does guide and support us towards our ultimate purpose of self-realization and liberation. The path of self-discovery and spiritual growth is ultimately a journey towards aligning with the natural flow and evolution of the Self.


Doubt there’s been no progress or very little progress in A.I. over the years, rather the way the prompts are given to the A.I. haven’t improved. Look into prompt engineering.


Yes, these are very basic questions. I subscribed to Chatgpt 4.0, I give it detailed prompt, explaining the situation, my goals and parameters before asking the questions and it’s a night and day difference, it’s becoming impressive.

But the prompt are hit and miss, a small variation can really change the quality of the answer.
Short prompts lead to simple answers with little creativity.

I’m slowly learning the best way to talk with it


Garbage in, garbage out.

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Don’t forget the red tape programmed into it.

Inquiring on topics, only for it to give a circular answer, death by a thousand cuts runaround.

But it’s API provides a great stepping stone for my own Iron Doom NFT benefits.

I’ve been trying to create a desktop assistant with this and a few voice cloning technology.

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Ehh, if you guys are unimpressed then you just haven’t been prompting it correctly. It definitely meets the hype it’s getting. Just have to know how to talk to it to get what you want. I have gotten really good at getting novel ideas from it. For example, if you just ask it a question and you’re looking for a creative answer, it will more than likely just give you an answer that has already been given.

But if you ask a question like ‘I would like some unique ideas for items to create through woodworking. By unique, I mean ideas that haven’t been proposed or at all even explored within all of your data set. You can mix unconventional ideas together that have a high probability of being very creatively appealing and impactful.’ And even afterwards, it still might shoot you an idea that has been done before but this is where people lose patience. What you do is google the idea and let it know that you still got this information from a specific place and let it know that you are asking it to invent novel ideas, and one way to do this is by combining ideas that have never been combined together, that when combiend have a high probability for being very beneficial or impactful to you or society.


I spent hours to find the perfect way to make it perform some tasks, how to explain what I wanted with every word and details. Then I ask it to “imagine new xxxx in order to xxxx” and it’s original and you can ask it to break it down into pieces over and over for a crazy amount of details or synthesise it.

Then build on it and the results and speed are far beyond what a human would come up with, just the sheer volume and quality. If it inspire you, you can add that for again another results.

It’s a tool that takes some skills
But yeah, I asked simple questions and got simple answers at the beginning on the level of Siri or Alexa.


I think Playground platform AI has more of this issue, it’s a sub tech within company.

But sure, get creative with what you can ask, you’ll see.

Actually had that first, just started Chat GPT yesterday, and it’s nice at crawling for stuff.

I might just clone your voice brother, and create my own AI Jarvis assistant that would be impressive?

Use Chat GPT, voice cloning, and voice activation NLP.

Maybe give it some sarcasm, some expressiveness.

Haha jk.

But serious thought.

Wanted to build a jarvis AI with Dream’s voice but don’t have the runtime stuff for that.

So plenty of use cases beyond the academic realm.

I agree ChatGPT can be impressive, but only when you go beyond the Q & A.

Otherwise it’s just another chatbot.

Want a Jarvis AI to keep me grounded.

Then use Metahuman tech to create Avatar?

Then apply a holographic tech I been working on and have you with me 24/7, on and off my monitor.

I can show you when I finish it, in a week or two at most.

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I edited my post to show one of the many ways you can get unique answers. It’s a matter of patience really. You might not get exactly what you wanted right away but through reiterating what you said in different ways, you’ll definitely get there.

@Dr_Manhattan And yes! When you split a complex question into different parts, you tend to get more effective results.


This def helps with your last post on the New Release: Woven Worlds - Millions

With those wanting to start businesses, indulge the new creator economy, the “4 hour” work week hype.

To start spinning their own deals and making moves beyond the salary.

People always asking - “What can I do?” and " How to start?"

Roadmap generation has never been so easier with ChatGPT or any other AI service.

It definitely does help from racking one’s head against the wall at night with idea generation.

Or gleaning insights that would take time to acquire.

But my issue still stands with what you said earlier on another post about falling into the wrong hands.

Go ahead and start talking to it about hot button issues.

Fauci, the Gov, etc.

The real meat and potatoes.

of course there is a disclaimer about biased data, parti pris.

but we all know strings are attached.

That’s why I’m getting my coding and ML knowledge up and Iron Dooming my way to my own tech.

Perhaps my own startup using some inspiration from it.


Lmao go right ahead brother. I’m working on some things on that end as well.

The main limit to ChatGPT and many of these new AI programs is the human imagination. And well, unless you’ve a lot of imagination, it’s hard to truly conceive how far you can go, and society can evolve using these programs. Using it day in and day out, the potentials are boundless and it’s insane to think it’s all just at its infancy. Even if progress were to stop right now, GPT4 is already a huge game changer.

I know it all sounds like hyperbole but I will certainly go more into how it’s a game changer soon.

Bro… For real. You can have any goal be laid out in every step needed to be taken to suceed in it, in mere seconds. This is the kind of direction a lot of people need in life. They might have a goal or aspiration but have no idea how to get there. Sure there are articles online but through the AI, you can have this roadmap specifically laid out for YOU depending on your weaknesses, your strengths, your schedule, ext… That is why it’s so special. It’s that you can customize the information you get to your liking.