Claircognizant Potion of the Oracle - Know Thyself

Know Thyself Potion Bottle 1

Come with us on this magical mystery tour to consult the Oracle of Delphi and find the answers that you have been seeking. The Temple Doors are open to you! Pass into the inner chamber and begin this sacred journey. With this potion you integrate the essence of the Oracle’s teachings and practices, and thereby transcend the mundane, receiving unique guidance.

Know, however, that this insight cannot be achieved without first attaining the clarity that opens the way to wisdom.

Clearing and Protection

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a powerful ceremonial practice used to clear negative energies and establish a sacred space. Clearing the mind and environment is essential for receiving higher wisdom and achieving mental clarity. Energetic Shielding provides continuous protection from external negative influences, ensuring you remain centered and focused.

Raising Vibration and Claircognizance

Claircognizance, or clear knowing, is the ability to receive intuitive information effortlessly. Suddenly you “just know”. Continued use of the Oracle’s potion plus your own inner work raises the vibrational frequency from the dense energies of daily life and into a higher, more receptive state.

  • Claircognizance Activation: Enhances the user’s natural intuitive abilities, facilitating clear and direct knowledge transmission

Encounter with the Oracle

The Oracle of Delphi provides profound guidance and wisdom. This potion encapsulates the essence of the Oracle’s practice, as you are offered unique, personalized insights.

  • Prophetic Visions: Encourages the reception of vivid, insightful visions that offer practical steps and guidance for daily life. These visions may also take the form of “knowing” or “hearing”, as the Oracle uses your innate skills.

Inspiring Possibilities:

Each use of the elixir brings new understandings and directions, ensuring continuous growth and alignment with your chosen path.

Thinning the Veil of Maya

Often illusion and misconceptions obscure our true nature and reality. Thinning this veil represents the revealing of a clearer perception of truth and a deeper connection to the sacred knowledge that is your personal story.

  • Renaissance of Vision: Promotes a rebirth of clear vision and understanding, guiding you towards your desires with newfound clarity and insight.

Experience the transformative power of The Potion of the Oracle. It is a gateway to the ancient secrets sought at the Temple of Delphi, providing unparalleled support and enlightened wisdom for your personal journey. Embrace the wisdom of the Oracle and reveal the gifts of self-discovery!


A field to connect and obtain information from the Delphi oracle, amazing. This could be a very important source of information, I love the concept behind it :heartpulse:


I just realized that I was having some insights come to me out of the blue. I had started with some Ho’oponopono phrases to let go and suddenly I was getting a flow of knowing about energies I was letting build up. Then I understood - the Oracle was already talking to me! :partying_face: :woman_mage: :mage:


This plus the Awakening Potion can lead to some very potent and useful insights. Looking forward to hearing about your consciousness experiments! :partying_face: :mage: :woman_mage:


also matangi. i use those like wake up audios. this orackle potion is actually the first thing in ages that clensed simething bad of my third eye chakra. only it had the effect i sought. very good audio indeed.



Wow! The LBRP as a field! Nice.


Thanks for pointing that out! Here’s more info on it:

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) is a fundamental ritual in Western esoteric traditions, particularly in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It is used for spiritual protection, cleansing, and creating sacred space. Here is a detailed overview of the ritual:

Purpose and Benefits

  • Spiritual Cleansing: Removes negative energies and influences.
  • Protection: Establishes a protective barrier around the practitioner.
  • Focus and Grounding: Enhances mental clarity and focus.
  • Preparation: Prepares the practitioner for more advanced magical work.

Components of the Ritual

  1. Preparation:
  • Stand facing east.
  • Perform a grounding and centering exercise, such as the Qabalistic Cross.
  1. The Qabalistic Cross:
  • Visualize a sphere of white light above your head.
  • Touch your forehead and vibrate “Ateh” (meaning “Thou art”).
  • Touch your chest and vibrate “Malkuth” (meaning “The Kingdom”).
  • Touch your right shoulder and vibrate “Ve-Geburah” (meaning “And the Power”).
  • Touch your left shoulder and vibrate “Ve-Gedulah” (meaning “And the Glory”).
  • Clasp your hands at your chest and vibrate “Le-Olam” (meaning “Forever”), followed by “Amen”.
  1. Drawing the Pentagrams:
  • Visualize and draw a large pentagram in the air with your dominant hand, starting from the lower left point.
  • As you draw, visualize the pentagram glowing with bright blue or white light.
  • After drawing each pentagram, thrust your hand forward and vibrate the name of a divine figure or archangel.
    • East: Yod-He-Vav-He (YHVH)
    • South: Adonai
    • West: Ehyeh
    • North: Agla
  1. Summoning the Archangels:
  • Extend your arms out to form a cross and say:
    • “Before me, Raphael” (visualize the archangel of air in the east, clad in yellow robes).
    • “Behind me, Gabriel” (visualize the archangel of water in the west, clad in blue robes).
    • “At my right hand, Michael” (visualize the archangel of fire in the south, clad in red robes).
    • “At my left hand, Uriel” (visualize the archangel of earth in the north, clad in green robes).
  • Visualize the pentagrams around you glowing brightly and the archangels standing guard.
  1. Repetition of the Qabalistic Cross:
  • Repeat the steps of the Qabalistic Cross as at the beginning.

Visualization and Intention

  • Visualization is key in the LBRP. Clearly imagine the pentagrams and the presence of the archangels.
  • Strong intention and focused vibration of the divine names enhance the effectiveness of the ritual.

Practical Tips

  • Practice regularly to enhance proficiency and effectiveness.
  • Perform the ritual in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.
  • Maintain a state of calm and focused mind throughout the ritual.

The LBRP can be performed daily to maintain spiritual hygiene and strengthen your protective aura. It serves as a foundation for many other rituals and practices in the Western esoteric tradition.

Cool, eh?

No need to perform the entire ritual, fam - It’s all here energetically packaged in this field! Thanks, Captain! :slight_smile:


I can definitely feel it working on my third eye.
Very strong, only looped for an half hour .



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between this one and the Clairsentience Code, which one would you say it’s better for claircognizance awakening?


Since they are two different psychic abilities, this ones best.
Clairsentience is based in the feeling of energy, which is not what you are trying to improve, correct?


Thank you, i aim to improve my intuition, the “knowing”

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It will be fun - enjoy! :slight_smile:
It’s a very cool ability, one that I like very much


Claircognizance is a form of intuitive insight often described as “clear knowing.” Unlike other psychic abilities that rely on senses like seeing (clairvoyance) or hearing (clairaudience), claircognizance is an inner knowing that comes without any obvious source. People who experience claircognizance may suddenly “know” information, ideas, or truths that they have no logical way of understanding. This knowledge often comes spontaneously, like a flash of insight, and is usually very clear and specific.

Those who possess claircognizance might find themselves answering questions they didn’t consciously think about, or having an inexplicable sense of certainty about a decision or event. It’s often linked to a strong gut feeling or instinctual knowledge that turns out to be correct.

Claircognizance is considered a powerful tool for guidance, helping individuals make decisions or understand situations from a higher, more intuitive perspective.

Claircognizance can be applied in various practical ways, offering insights and guidance in daily life, personal development, and professional settings. Here are some worldly applications of this intuitive skill:

1. Decision-Making

  • Business & Career: In business, claircognizance can manifest as a sudden insight into the best course of action, such as the timing of a deal, hiring decisions, or innovative ideas. Entrepreneurs and leaders often report a “gut feeling” or certainty about the right choice, even when data might not fully support it.
  • Personal Life: When facing a tough decision, someone with claircognizance might experience a clear sense of what path to take, whether it’s moving to a new city, starting a relationship, or making a lifestyle change.

2. Problem-Solving

  • Creative Projects: Artists, writers, and other creatives often experience claircognizance as a sudden download of ideas or solutions that feel almost like they’re being “channeled.” This can help overcome creative blocks or generate innovative work.
  • Everyday Challenges: In everyday situations, like resolving conflicts or managing time, a person might just “know” the most effective way to handle things, leading to efficient and harmonious outcomes.

3. Relationship Dynamics

  • Communication: Claircognizance can help in understanding the underlying truth in conversations, even when someone isn’t being fully transparent. This can improve communication by allowing one to address issues more directly and with greater empathy.
  • Empathy & Support: People with this ability often know exactly what someone needs to hear or do in order to feel better, offering support that feels deeply aligned with the other person’s true needs.

4. Personal Growth & Spiritual Development

  • Inner Guidance: Many use claircognizance for self-development, receiving clear insights about their life’s purpose, spiritual path, or the lessons they need to focus on. This can lead to profound personal transformation and growth.
  • Learning & Education: Students or lifelong learners might experience sudden understandings or connections between concepts that they hadn’t previously grasped, aiding in faster and deeper comprehension.

5. Counseling & Coaching

  • Guidance: Coaches, therapists, and counselors with claircognizance might intuitively know the right questions to ask or the right advice to give, helping their clients break through barriers or see situations from a new perspective.
  • Healing Practices: In healing modalities, such as Reiki or holistic therapies, claircognizance can guide practitioners to understand the root cause of a client’s issue or the best technique to use for their healing.

6. Safety and Precaution

  • Intuition in Danger: Many people experience claircognizance as a sudden knowing when something is wrong or when they should avoid a certain situation, potentially keeping them out of harm’s way.

7. Innovative Thinking

  • Invention & Innovation: Inventors and scientists might suddenly “know” the solution to a complex problem or have an idea that leads to a breakthrough, even if they hadn’t consciously been working on it.

Claircognizance is often subtle and requires trust in one’s inner knowing. As people become more attuned to this ability, they can apply it more confidently and effectively in various aspects of life, enhancing both their personal and professional experiences.


Another field to add to the wantlist. (This week’s sale might help :slightly_smiling_face:)

Excited about this one.


Like being subscribed to the psychic friends hotlist lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I am tempted by so many fields. This seems like just what will help me with much desired intuitive skills


very interested in this field!.. had a recollection of an ‘other’ life surface quite awhile ago… was training as an oracle in Delphi in that life and had aptitude… was thrown to my death by a small group of the other acolytes… one of those acolytes is my youngest sister in this life, who i’ve always had a peculiar and contentious relationship with… i had been endeavoring to somehow harmonize our sister bond in this life when that memory suddenly and vividly surfaced as a core factor… very interested and curious to work with this field to reclaim and hone the aptitude that was developing in that ‘other’ life experience before its untimely conclusion!.. would the field’s design be supportive in this regard?!.. smiles!


The field will provide unique guidance. It will be interesting to see the support and direction you receive if you choose to. :slight_smile:

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