Classical Orchestral The GOAT Scent

I appreciate the response. Yeah your right, that’s the biggest challenge, to know how to navigate with all eyez on you haha. I never fully committed to the audio but the brief time I used it I was alone and it made me feel a sense of peace. Do you think that this field can improve mental health? I know it’s not specifically designed for that but it would be a great help to me. Thanks!


Yes that’s exactly what happens (as a by-product?). It increases self confidence, reduces you feeling self conscious in any situation, which therefore means you can act more natural as your natural self, no matter in front of whom and in which surrounding. It’s a kind of framework fostering overall well-being. While you feel better about yourself, of course mental health will be at high and beautiful levels. You are simply not bothered, you are you, you walk your path. Let others talk, you do the walk. In my opinion this combines well with various fields, and it’s strong enough that you only need to play it 1-2 in a stack. If you start out, I’d say give the stack a week or so to sink in. I mean if you don’t see results after a day, don’t worry. Just go on


Man that’s great. You don’t know how much confidence this gave me to listen to it again. I’m stoked that it allows you to express yourself more freely. I’ll probably keep this in my stack for the foreseeable future. I already listen to Soul core, Neg Jing, Manly Man, Kidney/Adrenal, and now Goat as well. I used to listen to the og androstenol but I prefer something tamer like this one , to mitigate the anger. Thanks so much for your reply:)

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I’m trying to get a tip😁


Would you care to tell us this stack?

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Not even a full listen into this one and felt that nice sit up straight, man spread feeling I get from manly man… might have to use this one more :sunglasses:

Interestingly I have a very close girl mate and she told me the other the week that I have a very strong smell and I had used the alpha andro one for an hour an half that day. So I asked is it only today and she said no it’s been like that for many months and I can literally smell you walk into a room! She also rated the smell a 8/10 :smirk: so I guess I already have high Androstenol? Only recently got manly man , hypermasculinity and only use alpha androstenol on very very rare occasions … very interesting indeed :muscle:

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Manly man 3x
Hypermasculinity 2x
Black martian 2x
Classical GOAT 2x
Sometimes OG Androatenol 1x
Yaga Legend 2x


Is this the alpha one on patreon or is it a different one ? An if it’s different where do I find it thank you

Patreon version

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quick review on this one from last few hours played it for 15 mins then went to college got complimented by 3 males and everyone was super friendly I had a lot of attention on me. When biking most men I went past looked down which I’ve noticed since using manly man + hypermasculinity and the ones that don’t look down we will nod to each other considering I’m young this is very cool to see and I love it( not them looking down just the respectful nods are)

Even more confidence then normal which felt amazing and I was sat with a very straight back man spreading in class like I owned the place it kinda gave that vibe. All round very amazing field be interesting to see what this is like with built up momentum daily…

Just remember this is my experience with this and I use a lot of other fields that would help with attraction internally and externally it won’t magically make you HIM however will deffo help

All round only spent about 30 mins properly socialising so more to come later today…


Is this only for men?
I can’t find a definite answer.
And if it is only for men, is there a female equivalent?

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Yes this is only for men and don’t think there is a female equivalent.


Thanks for clarifying.


does this replace the og stenol field?

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Could do it


I played it last Saturday but left the room. That room smelled like a goat for 24 hours! Unreal!

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That was Phillip not the Doc.


The “Alpha” or confident feeling I get from this is insane. Not positive on female attraction, but i carry myself different and people respond to it.

I didn’t use to get results with this but spirethion max has made fields much more potent.