Colors of your Clothes and their Influence

Oh no… :weary: :worried:


Me reading this while wearing black clothes. Just got home from a funeral.

I usually wear “sunny” colors. Warm orange and yellow tones. People seem to associate that with positivity and often comment that my clothes reflect my bright personality. Somehow I feel like it could have an effect on my aura.
At least it always puts me in a good mood and boosts my happiness.


I recommend you play this:


Clothes, geography, house, people, food, chemicals, weather, profession, everything has an influence on the body.

But how much can one control? And if one is constantly focusing on fixing each of these aspects to change to a certain perceived beneficial value, it is a lot of thinking, planning, and activity.

In my opinion, while we can try and do what we can, the better way is to become energetically resilient.

Alternately, becomes harmonious and one with nature and its universal consciousness so that one is not antagonistic in mutual response with any element of nature. Winning battles in an inferior way, and rooting out the need for a battle is the true way of the Sage.


I love to wear Black clothes but lately im trying to wear more colors .

I remember wen my grandma passed my mother was wearing black clothes for months .

Later she started to feel as something is choking her energetically .
One time she told this to her doctor and the lady doctor told her to stop wearing black all the time .

She did listen advice and started to wear more colors .
After just couple days of changing from all time black clothes to more colors the feeling of choking left her and she started to even be more cheerful + even her pail skin on the face changed to more rosy cheeks .


As long as you aren’t a red shirt, you’ll be fine.


How about using servitor/NFT’s to raise the vibration of clothes?

In my opinion such things are overrated if someone has build a decent strenght of his own field.

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I tend to wear muted earth tones, which is the uniform of the Pacific Northwest. In South Florida, I would wear pastels more. I can’t say that I thought to much about clothes. It’s just a background thing.


It depends on the time and place, but I usually like wearing red, it’s so lively.

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