Companion Field For the Hygrogen Accumulation and Fission Field

Hello There Fellow Dreamers in the Infinite Consciousness,

I have recently purchased the Hydrogen Accumulation and Fission Audio From Gumroad and I am loving its Subtle yet powerful Healing effects.

However, I would like to further increase the speed of My Healing Process as well As Increase the Cognitive and Learning Capacity of My Brain As well. Also, I do not wish to listen to a Stack of 10’s of Audios and Fields.

Hence, I request You All My Fellow Dreamers in the Infinite Consciousness :pray: :pray: :pray: to —

  1. Please Suggest 1 Paid Companion Field to Further Boost and Complement the Healing Effects of the Hydrogen Accumulation and Fission Field… [like the “Robust Organs For Sure Field” perhaps ? ]

  2. Also Please Suggest 1 Paid Companion Field to Permanently Increase My Brain’s Cognitive and Learning Capacity… [like the “Brain Growth Field” perhaps ? ]

Hi :wave:

1- check these and see which one resonates with you to add to the Hydrogen one:

The Plasma Flaunt

Max Heal Potion

The Smarter Rife

Mitochondria Protector Blend

New Release : Robust Organs For Sure

2- check on the Brain’s main thread to see which one you think you might want to work on first:

The Guide to NextGen intelligence fields