Confidence, Dominance and Authority Sigil

is there a way to know if it worked? im scared im gonna say the keyword wrong or something.

and im not energy sensitive and it would probably take me days or weeks to be aware of the changes

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It works. Just decide that it works. And you can do that because, in your post, you’re deciding something that you don’t want. Choose what you do want.

You’re certainly free to be scared but there’s nothing to be scared of. If you stumble or don’t say it smoothly, no big deal. It’s no different than when you come to any new word. Just do it the best you can. That’s all that’s needed.


This is a sigil, not the same as a field. Screenshots or poorly drawn crayon are good.

The ONLY thing that can ever get in the way is you disbelieving so hard your subconscious doesn’t make any connection to the sigil whatsoever.


It works and works very great. You don’t need to be energy sensitive to see how this one works. At least I didn’t need to :smiley:
My confidence increased a lot, I made friends from another city and found topics to talk about. I have never talked to the strangers before but now I can easily do it and I won’t feel shyness at all. My social circle have increased and connection with some people went on another level. Thanks Dream and team for such a good sigil! :heart:
Time taken to realise about results: 2 days

Follow your intuition brother :crossed_fingers:


I have noticed that I had boosted an item I made of this before but since this is an older sigil would boosting it a few times still be ok if I made a new item with it?

Why You Should Stop Boosting Fields

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Believe me I know of this, but also way before that was the reason the whole sigil got created was because older sigils and items weren’t as strong as they are now and the confidence sigil falls under that category.

You don’t like the answer. Got it.

No, lol it’s not that I don’t like the answer. But did you know that the reason the boosting sigil was made long time ago was to boost things up to make them more on par with some of the offerings that came after? Not rejecting your answer I’m just letting you know from long ago. :relaxed: But I appreciate your response. Thank you

True, there’s nothing wrong with boosting an item/field 1 or 2 times.
However, after 2 to 3 times it is better to make sure you have a pretty strong energy system.
But the thing about not boosting items even 1 time is a baseless rumor ( urban legends)
I find that boosting a field once after the first months from its creation gives it an optimal push in what will be its growth path.

(It is true that there might be exceptions and whatnot, but with 1 boost nothing bad happens, i stand by it)


Thank you, I’ll give it a try with just one boost on a newly made one on a ring and see how it goes. Appreciate the feedback on it.


i would wait a few weeks before boosting it. Let it grow naturally the first month, then give it a push with 1 boost if you want.
Thats just my preference, but feel free

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Here’s the thing. We have, just a few posts above yours, people reporting how they can’t wear their unboosted items for even a full day because it overwhelms and you have your knowledge about boosting and fields, etc. and how they’re a personal, individual experience.

You’ve been here longer than me so you know that you’ll get all kinds of answers. I’m not sure what you’re wanting.

Doesn’t the reasonable thing to be is create your field, live with it a bit to see how you respond to it, and then make your personal, individual decision from there?


And I shall, thank you for both your views on this. I’ll give it a try without for a few weeks. Before when I’ve tried this I couldn’t quite pin down the difference. But I’m in a different place with my energy work so perhaps it’ll yield a differing result. :+1:.


I’m sure of it! (And good for you!)


I boosted mine 10 times and I got extremely fatigue everytime the sigil near me :rofl:

Have to put that so far away now :rofl:

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that’s awesome and thanks a lot bro, i’ll get started it on it once i get home😛

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Has anyone thought of putting it on a pair of glasses, it could work right

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Since it was your brilliant idea, why don’t you try and report back to us how well it went for you?

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Yes i will I’m just deciding between my phone case or glasses, I don’t wear jewelry

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