(Mostly for Fun/Your Entertainment and What If Scenarios...Mostly an Unscientific Thread) - - - Conspiracy Theories Thread

this thread is good.

there is allways a grain of truth in every information ot there.

most of the things one should check with his/her inner guidance and feel for whether it is true or not.

in my eyes there are the things like the Pentagon and the Twin Towers that did happen and were a real tragedy. i had never had any doubts. and then come the analyses and theories, and they of course try to find other truths.

the main idea being, that the populus has its focus for longer on the event. with pop-corn if possible. this is in my eyes the problem. The cruelty of this new media. Where a tragedy is made into a conspiracy. The have tried the same with COVID. I have had a pregnant very ill patient during the second wave and one shopkeeper, after my workday was over, has asked me whether COVID was a hoax…

i dont know of consipracy, but the logic of media of today is simply to withdraw attention and to mezmerise and to bewilder, to shock, to scandalize, to entertain in very simple fassion… but not ot inform…

the news in themselves are so specialised i fathom the normal folk would not make half of what it is there.

so dysinformation and control of beliefsystems, also always keeping the conflict between the ruling class and the ruled alive.

allways. this is the generator of energy somebody uses.

All the rulers of this world, that we know off, are really very very busy people. They recieve nothing for granted. But the media always pubishes shit about them and the populus hates them without questioning what is true and what is not.

The true conspiracy for me is, that there is a general lack of attention and interest in the populus because of the media of today. They are being constantly and in all ways numbed. This is in my eyes a very dangerous thing for all.


Ehi buddie, why not?

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@TF_CAD I guess we can talk better things on this forum? Idk. :grin:
Anyway, if this topic is of any use, then I guess, that’s alright.

Sadly, that’s the way it is…

@noname I have no idea what are those :thinking: , but they do look awesome …

Thanks. I have to watch that clip.

Who knows…
Rigged elections is not something that exists since yesterday, after all…

That’s the thing with these theories/ideas, we can be manipulated to believe all sorts of things, there is no concrete conclusion (nor is there enough evidence for many claims) since many theories might have some truth in them, but I don’t know if these things are truly worth our time and Energy…

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& that’s exactly why it’s done lol

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This. In the past it was easier to hide things from the masses. With the internet and easier worldwide connection people have more and better options to access information. Now you have to overwhelm them, drown them in so much bullshit that they don´t see the informations that lay right before them.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :thinking: :thinking: :face_with_thermometer: :face_with_thermometer: :mask: :mask: :mask: :mask: :mask: :mask: :mask: :mask: :drooling_face: :sleeping: :sleeping: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :hot_face: :hot_face: :cold_face: :cold_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :alien: :alien: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :joy_cat: :smirk_cat: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :poop: :poop: :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:


:joy: :crown:

He’s a King when it comes to lying.


I will be sure to follow his advice and also binge watch the latest She-Hulk episode.


damn, need new brain cells after watching that.

the insanity.


This man has a degree.

He is very well educated.

I trust him


So wait semen retention means a guy can’t have sex unless he wants to breed or

So it’s like celibate?

What does that mean

So you can’t even have sex for fun? So its celibacy then, no?


@JonDoe297 What movie is the clip from?

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The and only

Wall Street (1987)

A must watch.


Thank you. I’ll definitely watch it.

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U know what

am going to treat myself to a movie today. I havnt watched one in a while.

Its like 30 mins later, And i feel like i need to write a review, I think its the Mult brain NFT that the reason for this. But the way am expericning the movie is 10x better then i have with any movie. Maybe its because my brain is getting better.

I am understanding way more of the movie. This feels like the same of sep last year, Where i was starting my brain stack.


I think the issue is not an affirmation of celibacy so much as a re(de)valuation of non-reproductive sex as the apex experience that all other efforts should be directed towards. Once that happens, it’s placed in competition with other uses for the energy. Sex might lose out to another activity the same way video games might.

Of course, you’re right to question it and take notice that this represents a change, but it may just represent a return to the mean on once a long enough time scale is taken into account. We’ll see.

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the bad movies can become far more unwatchable also I would think ;)