Porn vs Masturbation: The Greater of Two Evils?

How do you managed to get out of the addiction and are you still watchin sometimes?

I used to read stories with porn as well but I never really cared about how they made the characters look. I mean, I might sound stupid, but seeing characters with big boobs or big dick just didn’t interest me. I mean looking handsome or beautiful is more interesting to me. I just read it for the sake of plot. And I must say there are many interesting plots I have read.


Months ago I was in similar spot that you are in. Trying to figure out the right balance for a healthy mind/body/spirit. I dont have all the answers but I can give you my experience.

First off, I recommend you have a specific goal in mind. For me, I knew I wanted porn out of my life, but I also knew it had an extremely powerful allure to it that made it hard to stop once you started.

I found it much easier to break the habit when I did small breaks that gradually were increased in length until I felt very balanced with my energy. In the beginning I used transmutation audios and do think they helped but no longer feel them to be necessary.

At first, during these breaks PMO went hand in hand, but after a month or so of mental conditioning, I was confident that my desire to not view porn greatly outweighed the instant gratification for using it and at this point avoiding porn was a cake walk (and has been since)

I dont have anything against masturbation, but I know I personally dont feel the greatest after a session. It comes down to how you personally view the activity. I found that personally when I do not masturbate it is a lot easier to mentally resist instant gratification. I will say that if I do masturbate I do so mindfully and without shame. If I were in different circumstances I would choose a female partner, but you have to make do with what you have. Sometimes solo is safer anyways, in mind/body/spirit. Be selective with who you court.

Yea erotic literature is very visceral, but to be fair I am a big reader anyways. I try to avoid most erotic stuff because I dont like those vibes in my aura, but I wouldn’t say there is anything wrong with it.



Both in combination is the worst. Etheric cords + + +

But they’re both terrible. Especialy for the males out here. Females and masturbation is a different topic because they’re different creatues, but porn remains the greater evil. That stuff is just not good. Unless you’re with the one you’re married to and you’re shooting it yourself and not sharing it, then it’s just another gray.


in my opinion porn leads to making the consumer have really unrealistic expectations of his current / future partner since most viewed videos are of certain criterias that requires actors with very specific characteristics and this leads to the unrealistic expectations or unsatisfaction with the partner or any partner in fact, and can harm relationships as I’ve seen some have issues with their partner over this


Porn is likely the bigger issue than normal masturbation.

Depends on your mindset though. If you abstain from masturbation because you view it negatively maybe even related to your sexuality it is just as damaging cause you supress these energies inside you. Abstain cause you want to not because sexual related stuff is “bad”.


Porn destroys you, creates etheric cords,attracts entities, screws your life force, makes you depressed and feel useless, lowers testosterone or fucks up your androgen receptors. Also declines in field results a lot, go thirty days with no porn or masturbation and you’ll see how much faster results are with fields. My theory with that is that the etheric cords replenish and you feel more whole


Sometimes but not much.
I think the best to overcome any addicion is to grow your spiritual life and concious.
Try meditation and spiritual audios from Sapien.


both are pants, masterbation is the lesser and it takes approx 64 days for semen to mature give or take depending on the person ofc

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Well, I cannot say whether suppressing such intense desires are right thing.
We all might have experienced days when we were super busy, had no major thoughts about sex and sleep instantly at night without the urge to masturbate.

Personal experience, days when I’m fully engaged in my work, I’m just focused on it. Sexual thoughts do not arise. At night, I just feel like sleeping rather than masturbating .

Masturbation is modern society sickness. 100-150 years before, majority had partner to let off sexual energy rather than self pleasure.

To me , suppressing of any intense desire / emotions is greater evil than porn and masturbation.


Porn really brings you into a vicious cycle…
I’ve struggled with it for a long time. The worst is how it depletes you gradually over time, minimizing confidence, self esteem, etc.

Well, would you consider penis exercises as a type of masturbation?



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Porn, hands down.


Raj, I agree with everything u wrote except this. Masturbation isn’t new.
Babies and toddlers masturbate (and quite happily I may add!) usually using toys and rubbing the toys against their diapers. Sometimes when U change diapers, and they have easier access they masturbate then too. As a nurse floated into pediatrics I can tell u, it is common place.

TMI but… I also began quite young…I remember being pre-K, so under 5, and liking it very much : ) In fact it caused a problem for me when I was in kindergarten, (no privacy). Somehow I had already …absorbed/known…that it was a private thing.


Porn, masturbation and size are such big deals for people.
It’s a mass obsession. It pops up even in private conversations. I never worried about size or masturbation. I watched too much porn as a teenager, but I hadn’t much else going on.

That obsession is part of the problem. Obsessing on a problem creates an even bigger problem long term.


I learned to balance lust and love, and it seemed to do pretty well for me.


From my personal experience, equally bad. I can’t tell which is the lesser evil.
And I still have so much difficulties and predicaments on this issue :cold_sweat:

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Well, they are worse when you combine them, but I would say porn is the greater evil of the two.
Since I was 14, a Priest whom I really respected told me not to do it, since it could harm the mind and the body and he told me that ejaculation wastes energy, both sexual and spiritual and after some “first-hand research” I found it to be somewhat true.

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