'Convince Me' Game -- Best NFT

Read this and read this closely :smirk::smirk:

(I’m just warning you, be ready for your mind blown)

A lot of people were probably not even aware of farvahar, but people don’t realise there is years on years of energy gone into worshiping and using the wonderful energy’s of this diety to forgo many blessings upon blessing,
Let me show you what the symbol even means…take a good look it’s not just a dream :sleeping::face_with_monocle:


Yeah so imagine this is the simplified meaning…now imagine all of these ability’s are already embedded into this “creation”

Let’s bring up our guest the captain and let him drop a few gems on us…

So as you can see there is more that meets the eye I won’t go too in depth as captain even says…

You know the holy grail right ? Well boom and excuse me a bam

(More obnoxious noises in the background :rofl::rofl:)

If you go into the farvahar NFT thread you will see just the tip of the iceberg of what me and big homie have been able to-do,
And I’ve been able to “heal” countless people remotely !
(There are so many things I haven’t even written about that would even be too shocking, yes even for the forum)

One word “immortality” mic drop

You know what’s crazy ?
People will tell me they are sick and I know exactly what will heal them with this farvahar muscle flex :rofl::rofl:
It’s crazy, just practicing these skills with this ability well I’ll let you do the mind blowing for yourself

cough cough cough :eyes::eyes:

Read that again… :rofl::rofl::rofl::pray:t4:

And you wonder why I keep putting up this sign :nazar_amulet:

You see if you go into any Middle Easterners home you will see this somewhere in their house, and because so many people believe in it, it keeps the bad spirits away especially that pesky evil eye…

(Meanwhile the eye of hamsa catching demons and bad entity’s slipping)


Go through the farvahar thread and see just the tip of the iceberg of the amazing things it can do ! Because even I still get surprised till this day :pray:t4::nazar_amulet::crystal_ball::rose:


Thank you @JAAJ for giving us the opportunity and blessing to share our thoughts :pray:t4: