Coronavirus audio

This maybe a really stupid question but I thought I’ll ask anyways!

If we over do it can the audio damage cells which can lead to cancer. Far Uvc light I read can cause cell damage leading to cancer. I’m asking about both audios the silent one and the music one!

Reason I’m asking is that I’m getting relief from other problems listening to this even though I don’t have corona virus. And intend to listen to this for a while. As preventative measure also!

I’m probably wrong but thought I’ll ask anyways and what’s a safe limit to listen if their is any danger in overdoing it!


Can someone give me link of silent one version, it seems I only on gumroad find always and always music one and Dream said he has silent one too??
Edit: thank you @gpo so much


It’s here.


Awesome! Thanks. Looks like Sapien created it and it includes the Far UVC as well.

Thank you, Sapien!!!


I recently made YouTube playlists related to this topic and shared it to many of my FB pages. Thought you guys may also be interested in using them or share to other people. You may expect a surge of users here.

Sapien Medicine - CoronaVirus Disruption (energetically programmed audio) 3x

CoronaVirus Disruption 3x, Lung Strenghtening / Renforcement Pulmonaire Ver. 2.0 3x

Sapien Medicine - (Far) UV - C light as a safer germicide and virus destroyer (energetically programmed audio) 2x

Dream Seeds - Heal those around you. (Be the healer) Programmed audio.(Ver 2.0) 3x

I have created some more playlists. There are some of them which are in sets of 3 of the same field. They can also be used to build your own playlists on YouTube faster with the “Add All…” function.

You can find them here.


I use Corona and Lung Strengthener v2 twice a day each. Is this enough?

You could add UV-C (while outside) and Immune System Supercharger (every other week).


You are right. I thought about the last one as well. It has been on my mind after making some of the playlists. Thank you!

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The silent version has the uv c added to it!


True and even better. Thank you!

CoronaVirus Disruption silent version


If we over do it can the audio damage cells which can lead to cancer. Far Uvc light I read can cause cell damage leading to cancer. I’m asking about both audios the silent one and the music one!

As I understand it, far-UVC light may not be a human health risk or carry any cancer risk.

It differs from broad-spectrum UVC light (which is known for its cancer risk - perhaps you were thinking of that?) in that it doesn’t penetrate the outer dead-cell layer of human skin or tear layer in the eye.

Here’s an informational link for anyone interested.

From the article:

Several years ago, Brenner and his colleagues hypothesized that far-UVC could kill microbes without damaging healthy tissue. “Far-UVC light has a very limited range and cannot penetrate through the outer dead-cell layer of human skin or the tear layer in the eye, so it’s not a human health hazard. But because viruses and bacteria are much smaller than human cells, far-UVC light can reach their DNA and kill them,” Brenner said.

Regarding the coronavirus audio, based upon the description I had imagined Dream programmed the energetic simulant of purple laser light to directly and specifically target only coronaviruses and viruses in a similar family, while avoiding targeting or damaging any human cell components.

Dream is generally quite proactive about making these fields safe while designing them, so I would imagine he had thought of the possibility of many people listening for a length of time.

But @Captain_Nemo or @SammyG or someone else on the team should be able to give a better answer and correct me if any of this is inaccurate.

Here’s an informational link to the original study into violet laser light pulses which Dream probably based this upon.

It’s rather old, from 2007, so perhaps there has been more study into it since but I haven’t been able to find anything more recent.

From the article:

The system seems to kill viruses with great efficiency while keeping human cells intact. The scientists suspect the laser polarizes the capsid, causing it to vibrate and shatter. The laser can polarize microbes with a wide range of vibrational frequencies, allowing it to inactivate many types of pathogens. Meanwhile, the laser’s low-power pulses help keep the surrounding liquid cool enough for body proteins and cells to survive. The technique is safe for human cells because they are more than an order of magnitude larger than viruses and vibrate at a very different frequency. The large size of human cells also means they are surrounded by many water molecules that can help dampen inadvertent vibrations. The bilayered structure of human cell membranes may offer additional protection from the laser’s pulses. While current tests suggest the laser can be tuned to kill bacteria while keeping human cells intact; the researchers aren’t sure how the light will affect small blood components such as platelets and other proteins.

Edited to add:

Reason I’m asking is that I’m getting relief from other problems listening to this even though I don’t have corona virus. And intend to listen to this for a while. As preventative measure also!

Great that it’s giving you relief from other problems as well! I listen to them as a preventative measure too and have gotten relief as well. In the comments to the Youtube video, Sapien says that it helps with a host of other viruses also.

effs l effs l
I listen to this a few times and it has helped me BIG time with the common cold. I swear that nothing could clear up my nostrils this past days like this has. Thanks.

Sapien Medicine Sapien Medicine
Yes it will help with others viruses as well. But especially for corona

Sapien Medicine Sapien Medicine
SARS, Common Cold and Pneumonia are in the same larger family.

As some of the symptoms of coronavirus can be similar to common winter illnesses, I think it’s great that it can help with them as well.

Due to the present worldwide shortage in testing capacity and test kits, it could inadvertently help people with winter illness symptoms which are in fact milder cases of the coronavirus to prevent the spread a bit.


Thank you so much for the in-depth feedback. I really appreciate it and you’ve given me reassurance that it’s safe!

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You’re welcome! Really glad to be of help. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t actually know whether there’s a specific limit or point at which one can overdo it, beyond the usual possibility of overdoing it with any audios, so would be keen to hear input from Sammyg or Dream.

Sapien Medicine’s audio on YouTube is now unlisted from the Channel!
It’s accessible here now and on the Playlists topic.


i think more the corona virus is man-made

how about you guys what you think any analysis?

No its not about making money i mean who ever did that they succeeded on making the virus fast spreading. In future coming viruses will be more devastating fast spreading as this one but more killing i think. Thinking that the coronavirus kills only the elderly people and serious ill people but not the babes or kids. Its way to depopulate.

For anyone interested, a hypothetical Virus Disruption & Immune System Strengthening stack is here.


The audio on YouTube is now at about 127k views.
About a week ago it was at 70k views.
I’m interested to see how the numbers will progress in the coming weeks.

I didn’t know we weren’t supposed to listen to it overnight. I thought we could listen to everything overnight, unless Sapien specifically states otherwise. Now I don’t know how often we are supposed to listen to the fields, because I thought 2 times is too less



