Corpus Spiritus Tarot Deck

I got my deck few days ago and it has been sitting on my desk, package unopened. I finally opened it today, admired the cards, shuffled and asked for a card that would tell me what my main focus should be for the month of May. What should I be paying attention to? Shuffle, shuffle… The High Priestess.

I’ve been struggling between going back to school/finding some other way and in some ways I am now none the wiser. She seems to imply both education and spirituality. Also, as a side note, the lady in the card feels and looks like she is not going to put up with any of my sh*t. I’ll keep pondering.


I just ordered a physical copy. I am wondering how this is an NFT though because it is not in an NFT wallet?

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It will be in your wallet soon
It can take from several up to 10 days. Occasionally up to 14.

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Now I start to worry a little bit about it. It’s still en route by DHL. How is this possible… :man_shrugging:

i ordered the first day and it is still in transit, dhl

I hope it arrives soon :blush:


It really depends on where your deck is going. If it’s going outside of the U.S., then factors outside of Teespring, Sapien and even the carriers come into play, like those lovely folks at Customs. And COVID’s impact is still a very real thing. And in some places, with some (new) staff, the transit reporting can be less than (ahem) “accurate” or timely.

So, sadly, it’s quite possible.

(@mimolina, this can be applicable to you as well.)


It’s almost 2 months and the deck is finally in the house! :partying_face:
This is soo worth the wait!
The first deck was lost so Teespring offered me a replacement at 0 additional cost. If you’ve seen your deck stuck somewhere for a long time on the tracking site, chances are they might be lost, try emailing Teespring for a solution.

First thing first, the quality is top-notch, it’s much better than the one I printed from the digital deck. The colors are vibrant, the paper gives this nice feeling on the fingers, and all the cards are glowy and seem to give additional energy to the reader, which is highly appreciated as reading tarot can be very energy-consuming.
I especially like the back design, beautiful, mysterious, and alluring, inviting the readers to explore the magic inside.

The first question I asked was: What’s the role of the deck on my journey?

I’m reading tarot mostly for myself, most of the things I’ve learned about tarot came from watching a lot of tarot videos on youtube and reading the net so I’m more than eager to know your take about this if you don’t mind sharing :innocent:
I interpret it this way:
This deck acts as divine guidance in times of setbacks and adversities.
The numbers on the cards are 3 2 2 4, combined with the meaning of each card, it means the deck will help me to return to a balance point in challenging times, step back to look at the bigger picture, receive divine guidance, and being strategic to make informed decisions as to what are the next right steps to take to head towards successes and celebration.

It’s kinda like taking one step back to take two steps forward :grin:
I’m sure the journey ahead will be much more fun with this divine buddy! The best has yet to come!


Corpus spiritus Tarot Deck are very accurate

I’ve been reading for few people for present and future.

Present is accurate

Future some start to fold up



Thanks to BeyzaNur’s testimonial (a few posts above), I had made up my mind and ordered the deck in Turkey (I was hesitant after my last misadventures with Teespring regarding shipment, etc. 2 years ago while ordering tags from them).

It arrived today, in a little less than 1 month + an outrageously high custom fee (but good things have a price). I didn’t have cash on me when the postman arrived and plus was hanging out with a bath towel on my head, so not ready to hit the street to withdraw cash.

In sum, I don’t have the deck now because the postman had to take it back until I go and pay the fee but nevertheless, the energy emanating from the package was quite impressive. Even the postman was turning it inside his hands, intrigued.

I don’t have the slightest doubt about its accuracy and other awesome side effects either. A good and oldest friend from the forum had done a long-distance “reading” for me some while ago and needless to say how spot on it was.

Thank you Dreamweaver…


Nice to hear from you after a long time @bronyraur


Thank you @fast_manifester, nice to see you too :) Take care!


Yo Here i am :)

Yesterday by the suggestion of a friend and the help of another one to test … ahh man … delicious.

The cards can be used in a different way … for those that wanted a "buy version of DEVIL REVERSED " me included x100

like mandala receiving the bennefits of the card.

any audio on energetic alchemy tarot related can be used like this !! very very unique this !

and EASY . Be a magician never was so… ;)

this is it. you just wear the card and get the effects as it was the audio…

imagine the possibilities very hyped for this. lot of options.

!! This is the Tarot VIP El VIP …!! Tití!!! :yum:


Akiro you’re my icon ily lol
Thanks for this!!!


I am having a lot of fun with this deck. :brown_heart:
It is super accurate and it helps me with many things. This is my first deck ever and I was completely new to tarot when I bought this. And it opened a whole new world to me. It helps me expand my intuition and it threw down some of my limiting beliefs about how our world works. Thanks :pray:
I am surprised it is not sold out yet.


I dont think it is
But i dunno how much interest there will be really.

as you can see, it is accurate.

(I think the fun part of tarot for most people is the ‘room for doubt’ )

so it can be scary to a lot of people, and of course, beliefs will be challenged.


I love this deck. At first I didn’t resonate with the artwork since I tend to prefer more abstract or impressionist / illustrative decks but I’m getting used to it. I find that any tarot is as accurate as a person’s subconscious allows, but maybe this deck is special because it breaks through those barriers so you can have a good connection each time to the flow of the universe. I look forward to experimenting with it.


Hey so I ordered the deck and it’s shipping its way over but I didn’t get a message to claim the nft. Anyone know what I could do?

A letter will be sent to you within two weeks.

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My deck arrived today :mage:. Cards look and feel B E A U T I F U L :star_struck:.
But, their tenderness makes me wary of somehow damaging them, also I am clumsy as hell :unamused:

Does anyone have advice where I could purchase transparent plastic cases for each of the cards?
@Violet little bird told me you might have the link :pleading_face:

PS: I think most forum users will eventually want to explore this type of divination, so I would suggest to everyone to get their deck now until the first batch is available, so you can flex years from now with that NFT proving you were one of the OG supporters, although rly for the price you pay and what you get, this is practically a steal :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you