Could someone illuminate the benefits of learning astrology?

Lol, just got Astro-naut by a trade when talking about astrology, what a synchronicity


Forgive me the heresy, but maybe F the gods and we may just observe their effects.

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That is one way but then the struggle would be hard and long but if we work with them our work will be smooth. We need help to evolve, we can’t do everything by ourselves, that is where planets as gods come in, they expect humility and respect.

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We can respect them without ascribing other gods to them.

I mean, when we spiritually and astronomically observe how they are like, what they are doing, what differences it makes for us, then we may just make a general idea what they are or create “godly figure” for them. This I don’t think is too hard. I mean if we let’s say found ppl that are super into astrology. Cuz otherwise, how do you find those gods?

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It is not impossible but hard to do and unless you can find a god from a mythology the newly found planets can’t seep into the collective consciousness of the people easily.

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Well, yeah, but that may be at least for our community and a bit beyond.

Do u think during next like 30 years, we may get some gods for the moons and nibiru and/or whatever other planet/s there is/are on the far side of our solar system?

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Possible but the question is would the new gods replace old gods, probably not.

You reminded me of a movie I haven’t seen in a very long time, Cloud Atlas in which one character gets worshipped as a god by later generations who only heard about her heroic deeds if I remember the story correctly.

Will have to watch this weekend :smiley:

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Well, if u wanna wish a nuclear apocalypse so then the humanity may restart with new gods :smiley:

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I wouldn’t want to wish or worry about it lol, there seems to be many beings involved in the development and evolution of humans.

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A potential nuclear war is possible next year. Especially if you’re in the us.

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Ah cmon, nuclear war incoming now, then one day later then the next year for sure, that’s the new “2012- world end” story.

For sure, lol.


@JAAJ says turn off TV and news, it helps, I’m worried about how soon I can quit my shitty job and enjoy life in a secluded place lol.

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It’s all meaningless not simply but reality as a whole.

The only meaning it has, is what you give to it.

Think its something grand, and then verily it shall be something grand reality is like that.

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There are some benefits to astrology but only to the talented astrologist. For most people, it’s kind of useless.

So let me give some examples of how astrology CAN be useful:

  1. You came into this world not knowing who you are. Astrology can map the personality you came with.

So you know your tendencies and correct them sooner than later.

Ex: why others attract money so easily with sapien audios but I can’t? You have Saturn in your 2nd house with malevolent aspects.

But remember, the stars incline but not compel. You may have to work harder than others to get the effect but you can always change it.

  1. The vibrations of other planets can affect what today might be. Such as moon square Venus which may indicate you may wake up today feeling not good enough.

You’ll feel not good enough anyways and you won’t know why. At least you’ll be prepared today and mitigate its effects before you fully succumb to its influence.

Again, astrological influence is much like rain. You think rain won’t affect you but then you feel more sleepy than usual.

it doesn’t matter what the planets aspect is today. You have to combine the current transits with your natal chart.

  1. Magical effects

If you want to create an energetic audio, you can take advantage of auspicious timing.

Like a waning moon is easier for releasing negative energies than a waxing moon.

  1. Ask questions to certain answers

In the past, a king would consult the astrologer to win wars. Astrologers in the past is not the same as today.

You ask question. You get simple answer.

You don’t get “well, you are Sun in Gemini and that means you are conversational with split personality”.

It’s “will I win the war?” No.
“Why?” The enemy aligned with 2 more countries.

My Consensus:
You don’t need it. It’s more freeing to not worry about what today will be.

Plus, your mind is stronger and more peaceful if you just accept life and handle anything that comes your way.

Oh and mercury retrograde is BS.
Don’t believe it. Mercury is never moving backwards, it just looks like that. It’s moving in the same direction.

It has no effect on you…unless you are caught up in mass hysteria.

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Its not real in my opnion , its only real if u give it attention and believe in it .

same with karma and going vegetarian and doing external things to manifest things . Neville Goddard calls these “quibbles”

all you need is your mind and you can do anything, you are god lol. I prefer to follow Neville Goddards work than believing in stuff like Astrology. Maybe it is real but it has no influence in my daily life :stuck_out_tongue:

Never thought much of astrology, but I think it has significance since it has been used for a really long time.
Also the new servitor seems to be helping with such things