Could someone illuminate the benefits of learning astrology?

From my perspective it always seemed a bit like cursing yourself with expectations. Like for example, if your Saturn is in a certain house, believing you’ll have worse luck in a particular pursuit, and therefore manifesting it to be so.

I’m open-minded to it. But every time I’ve looked into it, I’ve become a bit jaded by the lack of agency it seems to give you.

I’m the kind of person who want to be in control of my own destiny. I don’t like how it gives you guidelines on what kind of person you are, and what kind of future you’ll have.


Personal take - astrology is a tool that often gets treated like a religion, much like tarot does.

The purpose, imho, of astrology is to know what energies are flowing your way, allowing you to be prepared, to harness, or to counter. It’s so that if it seems really hard to communicate all of a sudden, you know what’s happening and can come up with strategies to counter instead of feeling helpless and blind.

Unfortunately, all too often, people submit to the energies as being absolute. But these are the same people that believe they’re locked in. They’re not striving to encompass everything they can be, they want to be defined to an infallible degree so they don’t have to stretch. That’s not what astrology is for. It can tell you things you will encounter, you still choose how you react to those encounters.

From one of my teachers - “Man wasn’t given wings but, right or wrong, he still learned to fly.”


Wait for the Mercury Retrograde and see :smiley:


I highly recommend you a book Inner Sky by Steven Forrest. I think it would answer your questions and many more.


I didn’t believe in astrology 1.5 years ago.

However, I was guided by my helpers to still give it a try.
This was my first astrological field purchase and experience:

As of today, I still do not understand a lot about astrology and do my best to learn about it. While still not sure what to think about it, I am keeping an open mind for the following four reasons:

  • Life on earth is hard, therefore I will take any potential advantage I can get my hands on to make my journey more pleasant and more successful.

  • My Intuition, my Inner Guides, Alien Friends etc. have consistently guided me to take a look at certain astrological fields and just use them and be open minded.

  • Dream and PU have made a lot of astrological fields. Since I trust their judgement, I also trust that there are real astrological effects taking place, even when I cannot consciously grasp them yet.

  • I can feel the effects of certain astrological fields very strongly and I cannot explain why.
    For example looping “Sun Healing and Development” from PU is really addictive for me and I feel super good from it.
    Another example: A few days ago I got the Sun MC NFT and have looped it every day since then. While I am not energy very sensitive (I cannot even feel the Shorse servitor), I literally felt how my whole aura energy field literally expanded very far across the planet just by looping the Sun MC NFT field.

I don’t take any of the astrological predictions as bare truth and I do my best to not allow those chart analyses influence my belief system.

At the same time I am open minded about learning more about this and – in the meantime, I am simply using the astrological fields that are likely making my life easier.

There is no time to waste here, so sometimes we need to blindly trust our inner guidance and make leaps of faith and apply certain stuff even if we don’t yet understand it.

I know many people who mention this and who actually experience negative effects during these times. I never understood why, but I think I might be immune to the effects of Mercury Retrograde because I have “Sun Conjuct Mercury” plus “Moon Trine Mercury”… :thinking:


There is no use in learning astrology unless you want to practice certain magick rituals but for it you have to learn traditional western astrology not modern astrology.

Many people start learning astrology (mostly modern) hoping to make sense of their lives and have some control but end up in the rabbit hole. My personal opinion is it is a waste of time when you have so many tools from Captain which can help you on your journey.

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Who knows.

But generally, most if not almost all ppl shouldn’t be immune as long as they don’t use any astro fields.

I have almost everything Astro, so I’m covered too, but …

Did u observe the happenings in this year’s April? You may just experience ppl going crazy.

In April, someone in my dms even went to demand some high-value nft for free, lol.

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Nothing out of the ordinary happened in my life in April.
Neither during other Mercury Retrotrades.
Or maybe, I am simply not noticing it because my baseline is already super crazy.

LMAO :laughing: :joy:
Well, someone had the balls to ask.
If you never ask, you never receive lol :grin:

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I have experienced the same thing. I never experience any weird things happening during MR.

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Astrology can give you a more objective view of what you’re dealing with, it’s worse when you turn it into self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s observations and opinions based on those observations, as far as interpretation goes. Some people blame all of their problems on Saturn and everything good on Jupiter. Speaking from my own chart, especially vedic where my Saturn is functionally benefic and Jupiter malefic, what things are, what’s “good,” what’s “bad” depends a lot on context. Like all things, it’s a useful tool if you use it wisely. It won’t condemn you to a horrible life, but a wonderful life isn’t necessarily given either even if the chart is wonderful. You always have choice, just your choices will be different from someone else’s and different decisions will be more impactful for you rather than others.

It’s also great to understand the retrograde cycles, what times are good for certain things, etc. Also helps to know, in a general sense, nothing is forever here. All things change, sometimes slowly (Saturn), sometimes quickly. And you change, too, and astrology is just another way to see it.

Astrology works well with my mind, things like tarot not so much. If you find that astrology just doesn’t do it for you, then maybe you don’t need it. Good to know that what the general influences on the world at large are, though.

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While harsh, I do resonate with this line of thinking. If it doesn’t directly benefit my goals, I feel like it’s a waste of my mental energy. Especially when it might impact your expectations for the worse.

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Hey, why don’t you create a natal chart for yourself and see what the analysis on the site says:

Then you can tell us how much if it actually applies to you and how much does not.

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The only thing I really notice during Mercury retrograde (finding out after the fact) is there are a lot of miscommunications and misunderstandings.

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Mercury is the planet of “Communication”.

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I’ve really been noticing the technological glitches the last couple of years more often.

It is not intentional but geniune concern I wasted few years learning both traditional western and Vedic astrology but it got me no where, but people who want to make a career out it are free to learn. I still have Thoth NFT which I bought it only to improve my learning of traditional western astrology and magick.

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I just asked ChatGPT:

“Which famous companies are known for making their business decisions also based on astrology?”


While it’s not extremely common for large, mainstream companies to openly admit to using astrology in their business decision-making, there are a few well-known cases and historical instances where prominent business figures have incorporated astrological advice. Here are some notable examples:

  1. J.P. Morgan & Co.:
  • J.P. Morgan, the famous financier and banker, is often quoted as saying, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” He is known to have used the services of the astrologer Evangeline Adams for timing major business decisions.
  1. Raymond Loewy Associates:
  • Raymond Loewy, the industrial designer, consulted astrologer Joan Quigley. Loewy, known for designing the Shell logo, Greyhound Scenicruiser bus, and numerous other iconic designs, reportedly used astrological guidance in his design processes.
  1. Regan Administration:
  • While not a company, the use of astrology by former First Lady Nancy Reagan for planning the schedule of President Ronald Reagan is well-documented. Astrologer Joan Quigley provided guidance on the timing of important events and decisions during Reagan’s presidency.
  1. Yahoo:
  • In the early 2000s, Yahoo’s co-founder Jerry Yang reportedly consulted astrologer Ron W. Dickman. While it’s not clear how extensively this advice influenced Yahoo’s business decisions, it was notable enough to be mentioned in the media.
  1. Goldman Sachs:
  • Rumors have circulated about certain traders and executives within Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms consulting astrologers or using astrological cycles in their market analysis. However, these practices are generally not publicly acknowledged.

Reasons for Using Astrology in Business

  1. Timing Decisions:
  • Astrology can be used to choose auspicious dates for launching new products, starting ventures, signing contracts, or making major investments.
  1. Market Predictions:
  • Some believe that astrological cycles can be used to predict market trends, economic cycles, and even geopolitical events that might affect business.
  1. Personal Guidance:
  • Executives may use astrology for personal guidance, to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, or to make decisions about their career paths.


  • Perception and Credibility: Companies might be hesitant to openly discuss their use of astrology due to concerns about credibility and public perception.
  • Cultural Influence: Astrology is more commonly accepted in some cultures than others. In places where astrology has a significant cultural presence, it might be more openly integrated into business practices.


While the explicit use of astrology in business decision-making is not widely publicized or accepted in the corporate world, there are notable historical and contemporary examples of influential individuals and companies consulting astrologers. The practice remains a niche approach, often conducted privately due to the potential for skepticism and the desire to maintain a professional image.

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I have run one of these. Personality-wise, it’s all fairly accurate.

My Saturn placement makes me uncomfortable though. It directly conflicts with one of my big goals. Even thinking about it makes me uncomfortable because I don’t want to subconsciously buy into it - and make it a reality.

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Just remember, there are data points, then there’s the various stories the data points can be used to tell. And honestly, with all the asteroids and everything else that can effect even a major planet placement, what it can mean will likely take skilled interpretation.


Not just companies celebrities do as well because a famous astrologer confided that celebs reach out to him all the time but they are too proud to admit it lol. It is sad that people want to gain benefits from astrology but are too ashamed to admit it.

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