Could someone illuminate the benefits of learning astrology?

I’m quite curious how would our astrology be if we were in some rather isolated place and it would be just Sun and Earth (and moon), while not much of asteroids.

I didn’t do research but it is said that star systems and planetary setup like ours with 9 planets are repeated in other parts of our milkyway and must be the same in other galaxies as well because 9 is the number of completion, in the design of universe nothing is left incomplete, it is complete and self-sustaining even to the smallest level. So such situation would never arise.

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Astrology can definitely help with shadow work.



It’d have to be pretty specific, the size-wise. There are some other dwarf planets, even tho much smaller than Pluto.

Plus what about the moons of Jupiter and Saturn? What about their impact? Ganymedes is bigger than Mercury.

And we yet don’t know if there are aren’t other objects far away but still in the solar system. As we see solar system as everywhere where the Sun still dominates, gravitation-wise.

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What’s the relationship between shadow work and Saturn placement?

Plus also, there is still the possibility of the so-called Planet X (Nibiru), afaik.

Perhaps Captain seems to think it exists:

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Only modern western astrology says planets like Pluto and asteroids like Lilith have influence on our lives but traditional western astrology considers planets to be only 7 which affect our role in the cosmos and help us understand the divine plan.

Moons of Jupiter and Saturn are too far and too small to influence us here on earth but modern astrology may say otherwise.

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Ok, just going off the modern one, cuz Ganymedes is definitely much closer and much bigger than Pluto, which itself has to have lots of significance. And not the only one big moon, lol.

And the idea of how the star system has to be, how fixed may be a good question. Cuz yk, you instead of 1 planet somewhere farther may get 2 smaller ones, or rather something big but far away.

I will look up if any astrological system considers Nibiru and the moons (even tho yeah, I get they may get vastly overshadowed by the planets, but still) as well.


I like this audio good you brought it up, it has been so long.

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Depends on your Saturn placement and on what is hidden in your shadow.

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Might be another candidate for forgotten gems, I hope I will find some time for it sometime. :slight_smile:

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But you also have to consider that it may not be the size of the planet that matters, but the consciousness of the planet and the energies result from the planet’s consciousness.

For example Earth (Gaia) has her own consciousness.
And other planets do too.

So it makes more sense to ascribe the astrological effects to planet’s individual consciousnesses and their actual etheric and astral energies.

Just like with people, just because someone is taller and fatter, does not mean he/she has a bigger impact on others. Instead, what matters is the person’s consciousness / personality / energy setup and aura.

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The problem with modern astrology is that they have to force it newly found planets to available mythologies, just because there is a Hades they made Pluto a significant planet and took some of the attributes of Saturn from traditional western astrology and gave them to Pluto.

Unless a new god evolves with specific powers and attributes the modern astrologers will have tough time to make this Ganymedes fit into the fold.

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Yea totally forgotten :smiley:

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Ok, I understand, but still, I think the size or gravity, and the distance may be somewhat correlated. You don’t give a shit about asteroids.

But in any case, it may then even further support my point. Our astrology system needs massive upgrade :smiley:

For me I just use some astro fields to “cover base” and move on. Learning astrology for me is kind of like finding excuse for why this has happened etc. like you are trying to find excuses or getting more limiting beliefs.

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If only Ganymedes, lol.

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I see these almost everywhere where astrology is discussed. On YouTube, in forums and even here on the forum. The victim mindset is very strong in people.

That’s why I always consciously and proactively distance myself from ever using “astrological effects” as an excuse for anything. The whole point of these analysis is to help with self-reflection and identifying things to work on and obviously one cannot grow if one remains in victim mode and gives responsibility away.

But mythology evolves Joseph Campbell says new myths are needed as per the needs of society, who knows after few decades and a hundred years old gods are gone and there are new gods given to each of these moons.

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Jymini gives very good details when it comes to astrology. It’s more precisely and we’ll structured. Unlike western astrology. I think if someone doubting astrology you should seek knowledge toward vedic than western

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