Couple questions about sexual alchemy, nutrition, and more

i have a few questions, english not native language but anyone know can answer me,

this field focus on nutrient and physical biology also ?

there lots of threads about semen retention , but after reading all , i still no knowledge about biological process of it

so all know sex is damaging, i think is logical also because feel weak and empty after

sapien medicine i think is wisest biologist to exist, he say that masturbation shorten lifespan

i agree

but i have some questions

i focus on physical strength and combat sport, muay thai and muay boran, and my goal is championship level and above, we say knee have to lift elephant

so i spent long time to research, about how to

no matter what people say, we can not check because sexual topic is very weird , so if people claim they no sex, and still was, they gonna lie

but importantly i am big fan of sapien, and i read dale power articles

dale power say that most scientific paper is misreported

i agree, and i do not trust public biologists, especially western , and no offense i mean

so i ask here from grandmasters of biology and alchemy

when i research, i found online semen retention extremist group, and they claim is that, u think anything sexual or arousal, body prepares for procreation and all nutrients are used for that purpose and wasted

even if no ejaculation, it will go out with urine and pre semen or what they call it

so my real questions is a few,

if what they say true, we can use this audio for reabsorption of nutrients ? or is lost forever

sometimes i see woman and excited, i purchase manly man and it triple now heh

i not fight it, is natural, ok,but im afraid of biological damage

for my goal, even last piece of rice is crucial for strength,

because i read alot this place for biology knowledge

energywork is great but sapien also say for physical
body need physical nutrition

i read dale power say , maximum 10 thousand calorie a day , unless extreme endurance athlete, but even then not big difference

and water , body can absorb max 24 ounce per hour for cellular use, anything more is wasted

but i dont find more for detail biology information

so i wanna ask , is it better full nothing sexual?

because in ancestor age food is problem

now we have all foods, steroids and ofcorse sapien fields for genetic change

so for anything sexual damage, we can use brain heal fields, hormones, i think nervous system?

i read and feel orgasm damage nervous system, but i not find field for it from sapien ? or i misread, english difficult sometime

if sapien has full nervous system field kindly recomand , i will purchase

but what about nutrient

most important for me is physical strength so need physical nutrition

but if i get excited and all is lose, is better for me to live alone more and not much public

but i dont know, biology that much

if i consume 300+ gram of protein daily, what is lost sexually

i read you posts maoshan, u wise, but i dont find biological knowledge of process

for jing, i read is from food, so what do sapien jing fields? make body better use food for jing?

we play jing field before meal during, after ?

and last question sorry,

for energybody get strong, what does field use?

auric repair strenghten field i purchase, i play free field astral viber

but what it use? nutrient? jing?

so if want very strong energybody and astral, is better not train ?

if train then nutrient and energy go muscle, less for energybody?

i want know process and resource it use for make stronger energybody and astral

is like muscles ?

so for maximum is better eat a lot food, no do anything that use energy or minimal, reserve it so fields can use for make stronger energybody and astral?

if my theory true, is difference what food ?

because sapien say for physical healing physical nutrition

but if energybody is also connected ? physical nutrition for use for strong energybody?

or different ?

i am convinced after all my experience with sapien field, is work very strong

so is why i make acount and want ask, if anyone answer thanks

if sapien answer offense nobody but would be best

keep in mind, i ask not for normal person or healthy life normal

my elbow and knee must to unconscious elephant

, to compare , example, i never hurt animal or human outside combat sport

sorry is big text, i know is not biology forum, i trust here more than any place

especially internet is too many lie

review of this field, is very very strong , like all sapien field

mental sexual and lust gone, very good

but natural biological desire and proces sometime automatic, with manly man is triple random erection and excite when see woman

is why my questions

manly man hgh receptor why i use mostly for bones, other things androgen also great for strength, hard to sacrifice that field

my bad @Maoshan_Wanderer , i read u posts , i think ur very wise, if i may read what u know?

i read u celibate for many year, but this strict celibacy ? u do sports and u compare ?


That was more then a few questions :joy:


yes my bad, sorry

for alot sapien field is scientific description and understand

but here is sexual energy is difficult

quadible integrity sexual transmutation field interesting description, but who know if true?

1 drop semen = 40 drops blood?

i want know if semen retention extremists are true if they say everything sexual even thought kill nutrition

or if not ejaculate and orgasm, i can use this field to transmute?

nutrient recover and power

very difficult for research this sexual , i think docter controlled and if say sex bad , then agents kill docters

no scientific paper is proper done or can trust easy on this topic

is logical sex damaging, but even think sexual?

so body prepare procreation, but if say to body go back, with this field, it can reverse?

description say excess, my bad if useless question

i want know biological aspect of field, i trust only sapien and dale power, and opinion of users here, maybe expert biologist on forum?


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Welcome MuayThaiKing (great name to write out)!

I think this could be placed within the ask for advice section.

For now, it seems there are a few field recommendations based on what you what, if you don’t have these already.

Sexual Energy Alchemy - would help keep you focused on your knee to elephant goals, and excess sexual energy would go toward healing & recovery.

Negentropic Jing (and probably Chi) - you seem to have an interest in semen retention and Jing is a big part of that. These energetic practices would also work well with your physical goals.

Your Energetic Being - would improve your energetic systems, supporting energy and physical body. There is also a nervous system development field.

Honestly, you could potentially have your own thread. Take measurements of your biology, practices and occasionally share any updates on your progress. If you start winning matches and share, people could rally around that and support you there too. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Sex is not damaging - with the right person it is empowering, energizing and uplifting.

Yeah, that does seem like an extreme viewpoint…

Moved your post to here @MuayThaiKing hope thats ok


Off-topic - Strange this is a new post which I just saw but I got a notification about 5 replies to this post. Wonder how it happened.

Absolute yes.
For some time there has been this erroneous concept that it is harmful regardless, it is an extremist, untrue view, perhaps coming from certain competitive and sporting environments, when instead many athletes say that it is good for you, because they include the main ingredient, the love. It seems instead that it can be curative, naturally without excesses, as with many things.

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Hi @MuayThaiKing

Purple welcome mandala

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i think my question misunderstood

I mean, like sexual energy alchemy field, use resource , transmute for different

I know sapien medicine know this

but my question , the sexual alchemy field also affect nutrients?

and is true, if excited and erection, nutrients wasted permanently?

sapien medicine say masturbation shorten lifespan

this biological fact, i agree

i want know is better not go public, not look at woman, focus training

or if natural desire happen, i can fix with field sexual energy alchemy?

repurpose nutrients, reabsorb?

I hope sapien say one day for biological process and resource

maybe eat this food a lot, how many for energybody stronger field

if play auric repair field, what resource it use from body?

better eat 3000 calorie then use field ?

sapien special ingredients food?

no trust docters only sapien medicine heh

@Nice2knowU nutrient absorption very good field, I use daily!! thanks

Use up biological nutrient resource from body

maybe better understand like this

But I not know biology good

if eat example 300g protein, 3000 calorie daily

how much sex use ?

how many nutrient body can use

Sapien medicine best biologist, i hope one day he make diet guide

or advice

yes, ejaculation does weaken the body physically, energetically and even mentally and spiritually, and that can be felt after an orgasm with ejaculation.

Hindu sages found alternatives though, which constitute two tantric paths:
the right hand tantra (abstinence, while folowing a monk-type life and giving the love and adoration to a deity)

and the left hand tantra, which uses sexual continence (orgasm without ejaculation), and in which our beloved is seen in his / her divinity and adored, respected and really loved. This method is extremely hard to learn and master, and it’s said that it is as hard as walking on the blade of a sword. But still, many people learn and apply it, even in our present times.
For this you can consult, for example, the book “The Multi-orgasmic Man” by Mantak Chia, which explains how to separate the orgasm from ejaculation.

Another field that could help with sexual arousal is The Internal Alchemical Crucible, which contains the three great bandhas that transmute and sublimate the sexual energy into more refined types of energy.


yes thanks u

my question is no ejaculation and no orgasm

if a man excited, think about sexual stuff, erection constant,

i read , semen retention group say,

body prepare for procreation, nutrients used for that purpose, but even no ejaculation and orgasm, it come out with urine, bladder and say precum is mix with urine

So if in that state, erection, excited, desire and horny trough day,

can use sexual energy alchemy and the field make nutrient come back for heal or body strength?

or lose forever

this my question

biological repurposing also? the field

or energy purely

if is lose is better i no go public, ignore and focus train only

i want master biologist sapien thoughts

he make field

but maybe powerful users here, can too answer


that will dissapear with the help of these two fields, and you’ll feel just normal, not focused on sex, no sexual pressure anywhere. So urine will be pristine and holy.

What about the force of will you exercise to suppress lustfull thoughts?

Perhaps it drains you from kinds of energy aswell, the friction of controlling your mind.

But what if you reach a stage where there is no friction and the mind is in peace? Maybe such has the lowest drainage or consumption


There is a third path that is also the White Tantric way- sexual connection with your spouse without the orgasm.

@MuayThaiKing And the answer to your question about the Sexual Energy Alchemy restoring nutrients, is no. It does however take your existing sexual basal energies and extract the life force from it to facilitate cellular rejuvenation. The Negentropic Treasure fields are what you want to use to reverse the effects of loss of sexual energy throughout your life. Especially Negentropic Jing. Maoshan Wanderer also pointed out that using Tejas Alchemy plus The Light of Savitur (if you have it. If not you can get The Tapasya of Savitur or use the Gayatri Mantra field with Tejas Alchemy instead) can facilitate an alchemy that basically brings you to a state as if you were practicing Brahmacharya up to the age of 18. There are many other fields that can also help in direct and indirect ways reverse the effects (mental, physical and spiritual) of ejaculation or replace the energies. These come to mind as well-

• The Golden Elixir (Jindan)
• The Three Ginsengs
• Orgone Accumulator
• Microcosmic Orbit
• Transmutation and Microcosmic
• The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
• The Internal Alchemical Crucible (as @whitefire wisely suggested)
• Auric and Energy Body Repair
• Soul Restoration Series
• Energy Body/Aura Deep Cleanse (weekly)

The list would be really long. I can keep going.

Also, I thought maybe these would interest you.

There is also a book called Science Discovers The Physiological Value of Continence that is a great read.


yes my question,

even if no ejaculate and orgasm

body still think is procreation, so nutrient gone?

woman happy but me weak

i ask biological nutrition, no energetic

I need physical strong, bones, shin, elbow

tejas jing all alchemy, where energy from?


i read sapien medicine say, need physical nutrition

so all alchemy, energy, from food

but if sexual, food gone, or less

less energy for alchemy?

i read alot brahmacharya texts, it say best monk, nothing sexual

for this i need be alone, not go public,

problem not mental

i see woman, biological desire automatic

which why my question,

if desire erection lose nutrient

better i not go public, much

i transmute with training

if horny, train till no horny

but this field sexual alchemy, I wanted know if nutrient,

but thanks u for answer, now I know

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No. If you are in love with your partner and they love you, the Tantric act without the orgasm in remembrance of the Divine is rejuvenating and awakens consciousness/Kundalini. This is the point of it. Both metaphysical energies and nutrients in the body will be rich and abundant with regular practice.

Read the links I sent and you will understand very deeply how it all works- how the Source energy densifies and modifies itself into your blood, semen and subtle energies. Also, how to eat a diet that is conducive to your goal. (The Five M’s diet/The Panchatattva Ritual)


Btw I also am pretty sure that sexual desire by itself (erection and fantasy) would mostly drain Shen, Prana, Ojas and the other subtle energies, not nutrients. I believe it takes excessive ejaculation over a long period of time to really deplete the body of it’s nutrients.

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There’s a lot of good answers and information there. So many repeating thoughts, questions, and behaviors that could potentially be addressed, and learned how to resolve.

Thank you for sharing.

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