Course General Discussion

Just to be sure, there’s no problem using the animal empathy/telepathy field? As far as I know that one only works on the brain

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This is my first run of the course and just finished 3 days of body primer. Body is very light as compared to before and I did not realize that physical body also goes through a detox. I am looking forward for this 2 days of rest :slight_smile:


Guys, here dream said that the course may have something which would enable us to make things. So is it there in the course or was scrapped.


The crystallization attunement allows you to charge items with the energy and that energy will stay on the item for several weeks. So in a sense, you’re able to make energized items.


Oh, thank you. Now I get it.


Released 5 new articles in the course. Also, a welcome video in the home page of the course.


Hey @SammyG :slightly_smiling_face: . I’d barely started to meditate to the Epsilon brain wave audio again(to try to make my IPF tag assimilate better, so I can get faster results like everything else) and I love it. I will make it apart of my daily regimen now. I can meditate to it now without one single thought, completely focused on my breathing. (I did it 3 times today) And it also takes me into deep meditations while still maintaining awareness. My question is this, can I replace this audio with the Meditation audio(since time is an essence, and I’d like to kill 2 birds with a stone) Is it just as effective for dissolving my ego as the Meditation audio? They are both 20 minutes long, so… Also, should I stay away from my IPF tag and the Environmental Energy Accumulator audio? Thanks. Sorry for messaging you on the DM with questions. My boy @uial barely showed me this thread, as I haven’t knew about it beforehand.

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I keep trying to sign up for the course, but I keep getting redirected back to the signup page. Can someone in admin check if there are any errors? I tried from both my laptop and on my cell and they both did the same thing!

Did you receive the verification email?
It might be in your junk email section.

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you were right! thank you!

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so now, i purchased the course, but when i click on the links to watch the videos nothing is working. i’m not directed to anything. what do i do?

Do you see all the sections on the right sidebar?

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yes i got it lol. idk why i’m so slow right now. it’s 2am and i’m sleepy so I’m not as sharp. i’m soooo happy I got this course now. Life is about to get so much more magical and amazing =)


If you are very sleepy wait to start listening to the audios, they can be quite strong lol

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I have some questions on the course:

  1. Does it matter whether we move clockwise or anti clockwise when stimulating our limbs and body.
  2. The video examples sometimes doesn’t match the audio. Audio says left leg but video show right leg for first half, then switch to left. Same issue with arms
    This distracted me quite a bit
  1. Doesn’t matter.
  2. Let me know which videos.

It’s body parts stimulation video

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I have been taking powdered white monoatomic gold on and off for the past few months. I recently started up again but I wanted to know if it was safe to continue consuming the white gold while doing the energy work. It’s a reputable well reviewed brand and I do notice results, but I do know it sort of “speeds” up and amplifies your energy body already. I just want to make sure it’s beneficial to the process


where did you find it ?!

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@SammyG be sure to let us know when the transcribation will be performed, we are really looking forward to it :slight_smile: this is an important moment for purchasing a course for some :innocent: