Course General Discussion

Last night, I fell asleep on day 2 of my body primer audio. Does that count as one of my 3 listens, or should I start over?

Should be fine but considering the process works best when also conscious at the same time, I would suggest listening today and tomorrow as well, then take the 2 day break :slight_smile:



Hi Sam,
I have not taken up the course yet.
Am planning to enrol.
I live by sapienšŸ˜Š

Point Taken.
But am too much of a Sapien Champ! to take that lightly.

However, he is talking about that very thing that you are mentioning. He has mentioned the audio saying Left and the video showing a movement with the Right.

thanksā€¦and regardsā€¦ and immense gratitude for the work you do to uplift humanity.

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Iā€™m really loving this course!

The only thing that i feel missing (obviously Iā€™ve not completeded it, just taking a look to the titles of the various chapters) is a chapter on Grounding.

Something to take the things down if energy stimulation gets a bit ā€œout of handā€ lol
Or maybe there is no need with this kind of exercises? @SammyG

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This is why I also attached the emotional release audio and partly why we created the meditation audio as well. They both help ground you.

That being said, it wouldnā€™t hurt to have an extra chapter that makes that more clear and emphasizes grounding after perhaps getting overwhelmed. So Iā€™ll see about doing that in the future.


Yeah, I feel meditation quite grounding indeed

I was more thinking about some ā€œtheory thingā€ only for the sake of completeness of a basic course, I think a document on it would be good enough

Thanks for your work


Speakers or headphones are fine. Quality of them not so important either.


I have a question. The first of Body primer was great however after i started energy sensitivity in the first day itself I felt like i had a massive overload with extremely uncomfortable feeling. I took a break for a day and then listened to two days in a row with more or less same effects and then took a rest. Do I need to restart the sequence since I missed listening to energy sensitivity audio 3 days in a row or should i move to Healer Primer? Any guidance will be much appreciated. Thank you

I know exactly what you mean. :rofl: I guess thatā€™s why I didnā€™t really notice anything too drastic with Healer primer. But for some reason, the first day and 2nd day of Energy Sensitivity, it gave me effects that I didnā€™t like. Awesome post! :slightly_smiling_face:


I was sad to read this part, @SammyG. This must be very difficult. Sorry for your loss and condolences. :purple_heart:


Sorry to be negative. But I donā€™t know how many are going to suffer this year, for various reasons. A very difficult year in my opinion. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:


All good. Death is not the end :slight_smile:


Feels good. I really wish everyone and every being knows about this. So that they can embrace the time they are here with more positive attitude. Imagine family members just giving a warm send off. Thinking they are going for another journey. Just like people going to settle in some foreign country.


How long should I wait until I take this course a second time? After Iā€™m done with the first?


2 days after finishing with crystallization audio

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The course is truly a gem!

Iā€™m feeling emotions on such a high level right now. I feel so alive. So much love. And it feels so beautiful. It cause my eyes to shed tears. Iā€™ve never been so emotional before. It feels good. I came from household that didnā€™t show much love and emotion. This course is taking all those walls and barriers that were around my heart down.

I canā€™t be grateful enough. We are all really blessed to be here right not in this crazy time. Weā€™re all coming from different walks of life all going different place, but doing it together.

Iā€™m noticing my energy draining when it comes to negativity and Iā€™m starting to see itā€™s toll it takes on my energy system. My desires are changing. Feel much less inclined towards negative things. Money is not a top priority anymore. I used to chase it. I feel like i have everything in the universe right now.

Love you all. :+1:


wow really awesome! I am excited about that


Thatā€™s fine. If these things happen, itā€™s important to go at a comftorable pace. You can move onto healer primer.


Hey guys I so far the course and fields have been amazing. My whole beings is vibrating today. Anyways, I am expecting the ascension field to be delivered any day now. What should I do with the field while using the courses audios?