Covid Shots| Dr David Nixon

It was ex Chief Scientist of Pfizer, Doctor Michael Yeadon you’re thinking of. Yep. He sounded the alarm from the very beginning.

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Yes yes this dude

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I mean…between myself, my entire family other than my sister, 4 or more people who I’ve helped on this forum privately that have been injured (which is mathematically insane for a community this size), the VAERS system injuries and deaths, the hundreds of athletes worldwide dropping on the field, insurance actuaries blowing the whistle on the apocalyptic increase in deaths, military whistleblowers, embalmers and the videos we have from them pulling giant structures out of vaccinated veins and arteries, the thousands of articles you can find about young people dying suddenly (only ever since the shots were rolled out), Pfizer’s own documents, FDA finally admitting the shots cause a significant amount of myocarditis cases, the hundreds and maybe even thousands of people who posted online bragging about getting their shots on social media who now have died suddenly of cardiac arrest (including a local congressional candidate in my county recently who was 40 and wished death on anti-vaxxers just a month before), etc etc. I can keep running with the evidence. Considering everything we know about Bill Gates (the VACCINE GUY) and his views on over-population, yet we are supposed to believe he wants to save people from dying? He literally said on camera vaccines were one of the things they needed to get right to reduce the population. the WEF, our politicians, and their psychopathic totalitarian behavior regarding this shot and how they treated the skeptics…I mean it’s clear as day what’s going on here. The worldwide data compiled regarding sudden death of the vaccinated is around 20 million, and the injuries in the hundreds of millions. That’s only what’s compiled. As you said, many doctors are too afraid to ever blame the shot so most deaths never even get recorded as from the vax. I mean, dude…it’s mainstream knowledge this shot is dangerous at this point. Even very few Big Corporation/Big Government “govern me harder, Daddy” lefties deny the danger of this shot anymore. They’re asking for “pandemic amnesty.” Hell no. No amnesty.


So well said :laughing: it can’t all be a coincidence. There is too much truth to what you said.

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My doctor said the same thing in literally 03/2020. She warned me to not get it when the shots roll out. She explicitly stated it was a depopulation weapon. This is coming from a Medical Doctor who specializes in Microbiology and Immunology. I should’ve listened to her but instead I was more worried about losing my job and figured it would be an easy fix with fields. It wasn’t easy at all.

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So, these are 19th century french theories. They lay the ground work and are restricted by the data of their time.

They don’t conflict each other, the importance of a good lifestyle, diet, balance, mental state are well recognised. The effects of radiations, exercise, sleep on health are well known.
These a two sides of the same coin.

The only reason I see for your strong stance on terrain theory is that you are an american health worker in a system known around the world for being corrupt and regulated by for profit agents.

The US is the most powerful, prosperous country in the entire world and yet middle income countries mock or are shocked by its health care system. The culture and economics is more important over there (though it financed all the major medical breakthroughs of the last 70 years: scanners, vaccines which have eradicated diseases, basic equipements etc).

See, there are extreme pushed by for profits corporations and doctor wanting to promote and protect their trade. It’s an economic situation. Treating is more profitable than preventing and most people are fine with it, it’s a very basic strategy of least resistance.

Let’s set aside morphic fields, because 99,9% of the world population isn’t aware or willing to use next gen psychic healing.

The body is in a constant state of degradation and repair, exercise and rest. It needs to be maintained otherwise it breaks down and symptoms appear.
Modern medicine accepts pathogens, trauma, physiological dysregulation, genetic defects and else. Anything that perturbes the very precise functioning of the body, even pollution can make one ill.

Now, viruses are real. They can be observed, be created, modified and unleashed as bioweapons. These are micro-organisms that have evolved with a specific strategy. Some micro-organisms can live in the human body without being harmful. The immune system can protect against pretty much all natural pathogens and it can also be defective.

It’s a bit like nature vs nurture and all this debates have simple answers, they each have their merits, the world is complicated.

Americapox: Europeans which had evolved with domesticated animals had a natural immunity against their pathogens, that is the bacterias that lives inside domesticated animals. The natives didn’t, these pathogens destroyed their populations, but left the Europeans unaffected.

The black death: Caused by Yersinia pestis another bacteria not lethal to small mamals, but destroys humans.

Taking these and injecting them into people will make them sick. They may survie or not, this depend on their vitality.

Infectivity has been studied in length, isolation works because pathogens propagates through contacts and when the isolations stops like in China without a vaccine (or at least a good one) there is a blood bath. Now, it is accepted and has been early that covid would be lethal for the most vulnerable, but our politicians as incompetent and selfish as they are didn’t want to play eugenics or lose their supply of labour, or create outrage.

I don’t doubt that astrological phenomenon can influence the course of epidemics and what not. This energy has an effect on people’s body, mind and behaviours.

A lack of sleep, bad diet etc… lowers our defences, there is nothing revolutionary there, not sleeping will kill you overtime even if nothing else changes. Again, nothing revolutionary.

Vitamins are as invisible as the pathogens btw.

It is also well know that modern and especially urban lifestyle is bad for your health. Pollution, lack of contact with the earth, these are known and not refuted by any respectable health scientists.

The human body evolved for different conditions, for long walks, a regular circadian rythms, a more diverse diet. The discrepancy between our biological programming and our new environment creates problems.

We know allergies are becoming more common, we know testosterone is droping, peanut allergies were not a thing, we have weaker immune system, we have plastics inside us making us sick. This is nothing new.

Doctors are preaching about an hygienic lifestyle 24/7. In Europe, where the government pays for healthcare with taxes ??

It’s ads everywhere, “remember to avoid too much salt or fat”, “drink water”, they want you to sleep and run and eat fruit. It’s on every label and packaging. Go out, exercise, eat vitamins, sleep enough.
It’s a nightmare, many doctors don’t want to prescribe medecine here unless they have to. Your doctor will preach about working out and eating good instead of giving antidepressant.
They invade your privacy and lecture you how you are messing up your health. Smoking, drinking, transfat, processed food. It needs to be fresh.

My mom is a doctor, her and her colleagues breaks my balls about living a healthy lifestyle. If you are just a little sick, wait it out and focus on your lifestyle.

I went to the doctor last time, she ranted about how it’s all a scam from pharma corp and didn’t want to prescribe anything because what we need is nature. Even the pharmacist lectures you about not being overweight, sleeping and exercising, taking sun light.

How come anyone needs to talk about nature, healthy homeostasis and pathogens ?
Unless you’re in america and fed up of overprescription and the mafia tactics of for profit pharma companies that creates addictions like the Sacklers ?

If it’s easier for you to think of infectious organisms has smart toxins that needs smart detox. Let’s call it that.

We need nutrients and we need to remove wastes and nefarious pathogen. Basic medical information.

Humans cells exists, tiny organism exist and depending on how they live they can interfere with your own functioning if they find themselves inside yourself. Their movements, their chemicals, it’s just one of the many possible reasons why we get sick. Pretty much the same mechanism as toxins, but toxins can’t reproduce.

I didn’t mention herd immunity…

Either contraceptive works and antibiotics save lives, or they don’t. It’s easy to test.

Fungus can grow as they do in nature but in your body blocking your pathways.
Viruses are made of the same elements as our bodies, they have DNA, bacteria’s too, they and parasite can grow colonies and consume your ressources or trigger your pathways. Replace your own cells.

We have fields for viruses, parasites and bacterias and people report healing.

UVC light to disinfect our environnement.


Now what, I read it but I must have misunderstood.
Because you accept that covid is real, Covid is a pathogen so I’m besides the point lol

Micro plastic, arsenic and lack of vitamins are also agreed upon by modern practitioners.

Also, science evolves through a structure of paradigm creation and testing until flaws crop up through testing and new better theory can be made that is more useful.

Same as DVD vs DVR, AC vs DC electricity, electric vs hydrogen, we deliberately ignore some paths and focus on standardization. A generation of technology and scientific theory is initiated.

But there are still unpopular opinions working to prove themselves that how the current paradigm came into “power”.

Science is a tool for power. I won’t get into conspiracies.

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I’m not sure if this is just me, but recently I got sick. I didn’t even go out. I stayed home and studied for more than 3 days straight eating properly and exercising as well. Somehow I got sick. One thing I realized as being sensitive to radio frequency. Whenever I call someone long distance I can feel the frequency spike up exponentially and my neck starts to tilt and my body tenses up and my chest and heart hurts. So I tested it out and did it beside the router. 10 minutes later I got super sick and been having colds and flu like symptoms. I can’t say 100% but I think Covid could be radio frequency. Also I think the reason Covid affected maybe the vaccinated more is being maybe could be graphene hydroxide which graphene has actually been known to be great at transmitting wifi or radio frequency. Thus, some people get myocarditis because some of the graphene gets stuck in the heart. Could be maybe not going to make any claims.

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While I agree they don’t conflict with each other in the sense living a clean life is indispensable

If this is all true, we are just disrupting the natural detox process initiated by the immune system, in my opinion leading to chronic diseases and probably a more intense detox later, leading to the symptoms we call viruses or infections.

I guess it’s a natural impulse we have when the person gets super “sick” and we observe these severe symptoms and feel the instinct to label it and treat it with medications…but maybe we really should be leaving it alone for the immune system to handle on it’s own. I feel like they have convinced us our immune system is not good enough for their own corrupt and greedy ends. It’s complicated because I’m sure there are people who would die without treatment due to the immune system being too weak to handle the symptoms from detox process. But is is possible we got to this point because we have for so long tried to eliminate symptoms and disrupt the natural detox process with cough suppresants, antibiotics, etc?

This is a non-starter for me. I don’t believe that. I think vaccines have killed and maimed more people than they have saved. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have killed, injured, paralyzed, and maimed many African children with their wicked “vaccine” experiments. We are told vaccines save lives. We’ve been told it over and over for centuries by the media and scientific establishment but that doesn’t make it the truth. A lot you have said here is based on the premise we can trust these people…and I don’t. At all. So we are going to have to agree to disagree on this. And this:

Where has a virus ever been observed in human fluid? Can you show me where? It’s my understanding a pathogenic virus has never been isolated in the fluid of a human being. Ever. Covid certainly was only a computer model and never isolated.

They say they are modifying viruses. But could it be something else altogether? Dude, I don’t trust the scientific establishment at all. My inner bullshit detector goes off when hearing so much that everyone just accepts as fact.


With that said, we know bacteria exists.

Let’s take another route

“Modern Uses of Electron Microscopy for Detection of Viruses”

"Where has a virus ever been observed in human fluid? Can you show me where? It’s my understanding a pathogenic virus has never been isolated in the fluid of a human being. Ever. "

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I’ve clicked on the numbers next to where

Exactly. It’s very possible. Yet most people off bat just label this as “tin-foil hat” just cuz the TV and “science” told them a whole different narrative. It’s very effective.

Maybe I’m not finding it, but so far I only see written claims. No actual proof. Based on this, we still have to just trust them.

However, even if viruses do exist, doesn’t mean they aren’t all man-made in order to control the population growth. I am willing to admit there could be viruses, but they are probably all made in labs.

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Do you believe in natural selection ?

Do you believe that a subsection of the diverse species of organism have evolved to consume and digest nutrient already processed and filtered by other organism ?
I’m talking flesh eating animals, flesh or fluid eating insects, mosquitos, fungus and germs.

Do you believe in single cells organism ?

Do you believe that a single cell can survive on its own ?

If so, can they parasite another organism for ressources it cannot process on its own ?

Do you believe that many diseases with SPECIFIC symptoms have disapeared or have been rendered unnecessary in the last couple of centuries ?

Do you know that vaccines become more or less prevalent based on the spread and lethality of the conditions they are meant to eradicate ?

Do you think politicians have an incentive to handle the pandemic effectively to win elections and compete with other countries ?

Do you believe that more labour lowers it’s values and the elites loves big countries like China and India and encourage immigration for economic reasons including labour market competition and consumer market expansion, tax purposes ?
Also makes political unions harder to achieve for the masses.

Do you believe that declining populations are a major concerns for businesses, politicians and the likes ?

That low birthrate + aging population is not sustainable and it’s a major economic indicator ?

Do you know that many countries are fighting population decline with emigration (west) and fertility measures (Asia) ?

Do you believe in endosymbiosis ?

Micro-organism ecology ?

These are just a few, we’ll try to pinpoint the problem.


As are your claims. You don’t provide proof by your own standards.

Do you believe science is a sham or just medicine ?

Do you believe that life expectancy has increased significantly over the last century and child death dropped ?


Thanks for all your input bro.

As someone who at least has read some books on Virology and Microbiology (that was before Corona), and someone who comes from a family of scientists, I will take the time in the next days to address all your points one by one and do my best to debunk most of them.

Dr. Manhattan already addressed some very good points with regards to Pasteur’s theory.

It is all not black and white.

What I will not be able to address or “debunk” are the personal experiences of you and your family with the vaccines since I don’t know these people and their individual situations personally.

About this:

This is simply not true at all.
For example Small Pox has been eradicated through successful vaccination of every person on the planet, I believe it was in the 70ies. The generation of our parents all have gotten the vaccine during their lifetime and are wittnesses to that.
Small pox has been one of the biggest killers throughout human history

And the “saved lives” aspect applies not just for Small Pox but a ton of other viral and bacterial diseases.


Yeah… I would be careful about attacking vaccines.

The theory is good, as far as I’m concerned.

The industrial complex that develops and manufactures them these days—no way in hell I would trust That, though lol





I’m not claiming a vaccine has never cured or prevented a disease, but there is tons of evidence of them causing autism (the MMR) and other injuries and deaths. Do your research into that. I don’t have to look further than my ex’s son becoming severely autistic after receiving the MMR. As far as the covid shot, you gotta be truly willfully ignorant or only consuming government news to not know the significant amount of death and injury it’s causing. I mean, are you really denying that? This is the most dangerous vaccine ever created and that’s exactly what was intended. If you don’t see that, you don’t understand the powers that be.

Just go look into the Georgia Guidestones which outlines the plans for the New World Order. Yes, it is a monument in Georgia, US that does exist (one was blown up recently) and admits they want to reduce the population by 80%. Then go research the stated goals of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations Agenda 2030. With the AI dictatorship that is coming, they do not need us anymore to run economies.

Exactly. THIS “vaccine” is not the same as previous vaccines. It’s extremely dangerous. Not even the MSM can hide it anymore.


This is reasonable


I’ll admit, the MMR causing Autism of my ex’s son and the recent “vaccine” have made me angry at all vaccines. But, even the polio vaccine experiments done by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation injured not a small amount of African children if I remember correctly. I think they are unnecessary and their risks outweigh the benefits in most cases, not all.