Creative Group

I really dig this track! Nice vocals!


Thank you, Sam. :pray:t2::heart::sparkles:

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Hmmā€¦ I used to write lots of rap back in the day. Sometimes would write poemsā€¦ that would still just end up flowing like rap anyways lol.

Hereā€™s a ā€˜poemā€™ I wrote back in college for an open mic.

What Makes Me Human

What makes me human,
what makes me real,
is it the way another person makes me feel,
Is it the fire, is it the drama,
is it the tension when experiencing the horrors,

Is it sight, is it taste,
of motherā€™s rice, beans and chicken in the plate,
Is it the questions, Iā€™m chasing after,
am I a question waiting to be answered,
is it the need to read another chapter,
is it how im always dreaming of ā€˜herā€™ laughter,

Am I real cause my heart is beating faster,
what if I donā€™t reach what im seeking after,
would I be nothing, chasing after air,
is it the feeling of failure and despair,
would I be something, catching up to glory,
is it the happy, ending to a story,
it the passion,
music and the bass,
is it the waterā€™s reflection of my face,
is it the lakes reflecting outer space,
is it the atoms that keeps everything in placeā€¦


Itā€™s the motion of my body,
the circle of emotions when im dancing in a party,
smile in my expression,
lifeā€™s about connection,
to everything I love and how I go in that direction,
it is the depression, the happiness, the essence,
losing what is precious,
the gaining from these lessons,

I am the collection,
of hatred, the affections, acceptance, the rejections,
itā€™s all in my projection,
itā€™s everything I am and that Iā€™m not,
everything I have and havenā€™t got,
itā€™s how im talking here today,
itā€™s how you react to what I have to say.


I also felt compelled to write a few days ago due to certain happenings and wrote this short lil poem.

Love and Let Go

How to love so pure,
In a world impure,
Ruled by rules,
Written by foolsā€¦

Does the heart know what itā€™s told,
Or knows what it ā€˜knowsā€™?

Taste a pear when it molds,
And toxicity flowsā€¦
Pain is the poison that teaches the soul,
To love is to know when to let goā€¦


Throw in an 808 and a 70s soul sample :fire:




Just saying, sometimes I wash them off, the organic ones do mold.
I like the Argentina brown ones the most.


I made this video a few years ago to create a transcendental experience for anyone under the influence of psychedelics. Iā€™ve always wanted to share this in this forum but never did cause I donā€™t want to seem like Iā€™m promoting drugs lol. So yeah, donā€™t do psychedelics guysā€¦

But if you do, I would highly recommend watching this video. It is designed to deliver a very exhilarating experience that is completely different for everyone. It is rather abstract so it is so open to your mindā€™s interpretation. Sober, might not get the same experience but if youā€™re tripping, youā€™re in for a ride.

Itā€™s an hour long but I do think anyone would enjoy from 53 minutes and on. It sums up everything and is rather tied to some of the spiritual things we talk about in this forum.


Lmao :laughing: I love you man


Wowā€¦ I wasnā€™t going to leave anymore comments tonight but now I just have to. I donā€™t need any drugs to get high from this. This is perfection. Everything, music, visualsā€¦ thank you for making this and a special thank you for making this enjoyable experience an hour long, lol!


Hahahahaha :heart::heart::heart:

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This is the Last Track i made, like 2 years ago


Some of my Paintings :) mixed media on canvas (acrilic colors + various nanomaterials (gold,zinc,copper etc))
Second one is on Nanocoated Copper Plate


Oh boy this feels like a new favourites thread


Song is real creative man. Reminds of aphex twin in a way lol.

And your paintings beautiful are beautiful. I tend to like art like that. Stimulates my senses in all the right ways :slight_smile:


A lot of talented people we got here in this forum. I know there are more so when youā€™re readyā€¦ show us the goods :sunglasses:

Creativity is the spice of life for me. Whenever I donā€™t create anything for some time, a void begins to form in my chest lol. I create a lot of things but mostly just for myself to enjoy or reflect and tend to not share. But hey, this thread can allow us all to show our stuff off to eachother andā€¦

Collaborate to create some lovely art together! We can think of a concept and all create something in relation to this conceptā€¦ that we combine all together to make a coherent work of art. For exampleā€¦

Letā€™s say we want to create something in relation toā€¦ self love. We can have digital artists and painters draw something that depicts self love. It can also be collaborative and you guys work together to create a coherent piece. Separate pieces would be fine too.

Then the musicians collaborating to make music on self love. If they canā€™t be combined into a single song, they can be separate songs as well. And the point isā€¦

In the end, we can make this collage of a video that blends in all our art and music that signifies self loveā€¦ and I know dream, heā€™s a creative himself so heā€™d likely join up and create something himself to add (and perhaps add some icing on the cake with a field lol). And then boomā€¦ we create this collective piece together that invokes the experience ofā€¦ self love.

Lol, this is just an idea I thought of right now. Not fully fleshed out but Iā€™m posting this here to hear if you guys would be interested in something like this and what you guys might add to make it work even more beautifully.


Love it !! Congratulations

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:sparkles:Iā€™m in!:sparkles:

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Photographer here moving into other forms of art. Count me IN

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Thank you, Sammy, if you and dream need music for Fields, maybe I can make some tunes :) I can make pretty much any genre of music :)