Crowd Project, Wealth mantras

They way I understand it is that we have 2 active applications, (business and bank accounts) in which all 8 mantras flow.

2 of these 8
one is for well being for others
and the other one is gratitude based

6 mantras’ remaining’s functions yet to decide.
(infinite wealth wealth wealth :) )

all mantras guided to the 2 active applications to which they’ll all 8 flow


Good point. I’ve updated my post. This needs to be cleared up.

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Hi, @anon8641117 welc purple tulip

Read Captain’s top post and any others pertaining to the subject matter. We are suggesting traditional mantras to be added to this field, which will be sold on Gumroad.

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I thought this mantra will be more like an affirmation, rather Hindu mantra. Please clarify it.

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Not exactly sure what your question is. Here is Captain’s answer to a question of mine:



we arent creating them.

Also, Captain said mantra not affirmation, but feel free to suggest and I’m sure he will chime in at some point. A traditional mantra as listed above (See Posts 214, 229 and 244) will have more of a morphic field than an affirmation but maybe there is room for both.


I have one
But its not really from vedic scriptures :see_no_evil:
Am i still allowed to say it lol

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Of course, Violetta! :hugs:

Gracias mi favorita rosa jaja

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Mool mantr.
Its description is mentioned in immutible (well the beej version is included in that NFT) but the description is not correct over yonder (took the wrong source info) but anywaysss

Mool mantr is known for several aspects.
It does grant a lot, but it also protects. It transcends one to what may have been riginally ordained (hence why Earth is a cool school you can skip levels) it’s “power” cannot be wordified enough but yeah anyways: as much as it grants it also properly removes blemishes, gives protection, brings about abundance, alleviates one on the path to seeking enlightenment (but again not only limited to the aforementioned)

BUT if we want do another gurbani mantra instead ie for that of protection which dream said (regarding the 2)
Benti Chaupai.
As Chaupai offers one protection and security; it allows one to gain spiritual safety and defense from external and internal enemies, worries and afflictions

There is a pouree from Jaap Sahib (which is: Gobind Mukande Udare Apare Hariang Kariang Nirname Akame)
I think I wrote it from my old account on here under the mantr recitations for what it stands for- so search for that on here or just search it up.

Anyways chaupi sahib is a lil bit longer then mool mantra; i will attach a link for both at the end.

And of course as always, the english translation aren’t optimal so when you read it take it with a grain of salt; you can’t really translate sanskrit/gurbani into another language like english; it will not bring about the same depth/benefits -which is why the whole sapien thing is super cool for mantras hehe.

And again anyone seeking further clarification /info on gurbani can search ‘em up online, but do yourself a favor and ignore the websites affiliated to kundalini yoga or to that of any yogi bhajan nonsense (he’s been known to assert false claims and has unfortunately chosen to manipulate the original mantra verses written (You simply do not or cannot change the way sacred scriptures are written, no matter who you are)

Now a Shabad, (which is also a mantra in gurbani except a shabad has a raga and taal associated to it) for wealth and prosperity is the following:
jhim jhime jhim jhim varasai a(n)mirat dhaaraa raam ||
It was written by Guru Raam DasJi on page 442. Here is the link: Shabad Slowly, slowly, slowly, very slowly, the drops of Ambrosial Nectar trickle down.. ਝਿਮਿ ਝਿਮੇ ਝਿਮਿ ਝਿਮਿ ਵਰਸੈ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਧਾਰਾ ਰਾਮ ॥ - SikhiToTheMax

(I’ll find more later. Did too much typing in one sitting)

Mool Mantr:
Ek Onkar
Sat Nam
Kartha Purakh
Akal Murat
Link: Mool Mantar - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.

Khabiyo Bhaach Benti Chaupai Sahib
Until Pourre 27. Chaupai Sahib Full with English Translations - YouTube
(Until 4:10 in above link^)
This can help explain why albeit many read till 25:
#19 Rehraas Sahib - Benti Chaupai Sahib 25-27, Arril & Continued - YouTube (aprox at 15:30 onwards)


Omg Rose I type so slow it took me nearly one freaking hour to type the above yikes lol

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The Shabad is really beautiful. Long, though, lol. :slight_smile:

You said raga and taal so there is an audio somewhere?


Please remove my name and wish you all good luck.

oh! so Guru Grant Sahib, the majority is composed in raga. The way it is sung can be any, but under that raga scaling (but it’s not fanatic, it’s just like the mood that should be evoked at the very least when said Shabad is read, just for further understanding/ further insight/ and enjoyment purposes ).

So like if Nemo were to everincorperate Shabads from Gurbani, the raga aspects / the energy it holds not the important thing/ just the hymns aka mantrs :slight_smile:


You can take my spot.
Its really hard for me to keep up with this thread right now so much things going on. So once the group is made for this project you can replace me. :slightly_smiling_face:
I will put my suggestions here


inspector just dropped out.
I dont know the waiting list.
But dont fear it will all work out well.

and yes, anybody not comfortable using mantras, that’s fine as well.
We always have something for everyone right


Thanks, Captain! I’ll put myself on it and see what happens. It’s the board website right?


I’ll add you to the list in this thread. The board site was a tad compromised.


Thank you!



I won’t lie, if it was not an initiative from Dream, I wouldn’t have signed up for that type of things. Maybe it’s a sign.

I might need to do some more growing up before I turn all Hindu/Buddhist lol

Not quitting just yet though


no problem man
it will be fine
if not we will do one without mantras.
consider we are using the power and energy of hundred of years of belief and its intrinsic power itself
not necessarily the dogma that follow.
Just done respectful and correctly as well.
Tailored for the modern user.