Crowd Project, Wealth mantras

Yeah, I know very little, not enough to worry about dogmas, but I know you and mao are into it so I’ll definitely have to try out of curiosity one day.

Anyway, I trust your quality standard, I’m sure it will work, I’ll see how it goes


Dear Captain, how can we help you with this project?
We can divide the responsibilities into groups and find the necessary information


Few more we can look into,

Indra Mahalakshmi Mantra for Money - Proven

Indra Lakshmi Mantra

ॐ श्रीं इंद्रा श्रीं ह्रीं ॐ नमः |

“Om Shreem Indra Shreem Hreem Om Namah:”

GuruKripa | Indra Mahalakshmi Mantra for Money | Proven — 1

Lakshmi Kuber Mantra for Uniform Cash Flow

Lakshmi Kuber Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्रीं कुबेराय अष्ट लक्ष्म्यै मम गृहे धनं पुरय पुरय नमः:”

“Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Kuberay AshtLakshmayee Mam Grahe Dhanam Puray Puray Namah:”

GuruKripa | Lakshmi Kuber Mantra for Uniform Cash Flow --2

Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Mantra

GuruKripa | Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Mantra --3

Mantra for Stock Market Success - Garudvahini Lakshmi Mantra

GuruKripa | Mantra for Stock Market Success | Garudvahini Lakshmi Mantra --4

Ganesh Mantra to Remove Debts - Be Free From Loans

Rinharta Ganesh Mantra

ॐ गणेश ऋणं छिन्धि वरेण्यं हुं नमः फट् ॥
Om Ganesh Rinam Shindi Vareniyam Hum Namah Phat

GuruKripa | Ganesh Mantra to Remove Debts | Be Free From Loans – 5


well that is good progress :smiley:

lets get this done.

So yes, i think ganesha is good additions, cause of the clearing of pathway and obstacle removal.

so we have the gratitude etc
the obstacle removals
and some others, i think its shaping nicely.


The synchronicities :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I was just talking to @Desiree last night and she brought up the highly appreciated Maha Ganapati Yagna which I realized had somehow slipped away from my regular playlist recently.

Amazing suggestions @Lucky :))

Are we still looking for other aspects? If we are, I could suggest purification of especially mind and heart, but maybe that’s already too far off? If not, I found the Gayatri Mantra and the Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra.

Gayatri Mantra

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात॥

Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo nah Prachodayat

Source: Gayatri Mantra - Meaning, Significance and Benefits

Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra

ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ

Om mani padme hum

Link: Om Mani Padme Hum Meaning In Plain English


I am interested to join if there still is room

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It seems that I’m really not related to wealth or money or things of this nature. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve been on forum everyday over the past few weeks, and did not notice this thread and stayed oblivious to this thing up until now. :joy:


and now that you’ve noticed, what do you think?

I’ll wait for its gumroad release. :slightly_smiling_face:


great answer !

What else is a possible answer then?

how does it look so far, you guys have a nice structure, it seems very nice.

Lets get it together and make something wonderful.
Could somebody list the suggestions in an easy format to see?
Ready to finish this up nicely.


I need to attached the links to these and I might have made some errors in listing them.

Mantra suggestions:

Sri Suktam
Bhaagya Suktam
Mahalakshmi Mantra
Kanakadhara Stotram
Vedic chant praising Indra for Wealth Creation
Indra Shreshtaani
Vyuha Lakshmi Maha mantram

Ananda Hum

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Peace Mantra

om dyauha shanti

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Mool mantra
Benti Chaupai
Shabads from Gurbani

Indra Lakshmi Mantra (for money) - “Om Shreem Indra Shreem Hreem Om Namah

Lakshmi Kuber Mantra (for Uniform Cash Flow) - “Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Kuberay AshtLakshmayee Mam Grahe Dhanam Puray Puray Namah:”

#Swarna akarshana bhairava mantra

#Garudvahini Lakshmi Mantra for Stock Market Success

Rinharta Ganesh Mantra (to Remove Debts - Be Free From Loans) =
Om Ganesh Rinam Shindi Vareniyam Hum Namah Phat


Okay taking a little break. Do I need to keep adding links or is this good to go?

Lakshmi Kuber Mantra (for Uniform Cash Flow) -
“Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Kuberay AshtLakshmayee Mam Grahe Dhanam Puray Puray Namah:”
Vyuha Lakshmi Maha mantram
Mahalakshmi Mantra

Shanti Mantra and Ananda hum.

Om Vinayakaya Namah

Om Ganesh Rinnam Chhindhi Varenyam Hoong Namaah Phutt

So here the approach is
we have Ganesha mantras to help with obstacle removal etc,

the peace and gratitude and some Lakshmi ones.

What do you all think>


Looks good to me. Glad you were able to sort it out, lol. :mage:


Sounds good approach,
If possible can we include anyone from this playlist ?

Sri suktam or Kanakadhara stotram of Adi shankaracharya ?

Actually what a timing!! It’s an auspicious day (Akshaya Tritiya) to work on this wealth mantras :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

People celebrate Akshaya Tritiya to bring good luck to their lives . As per common belief, buying gold and properties on this day brings prosperity and wealth in the future. Going by mythology, it is believed that a number of events took place on Akshaya Tritiya, making it an auspicious day.


What about adding Om/Aum mantra? To boost all the effects
It is believed that the Om mantra enhances the effects of other mantras, so many mantras begin and end with Om

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OM is already part of those mantras, so Its default included i think.

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If we tackle this further on, what if.

What if from now on, our bank accounts, any other kind of wallet, physical or digital. Well pretty much become the essence of these all 8 mantras we chose.

You check your balance: You see and perceive that your amount there equals infinite abundance and wealth that these mantras represent. And all the other stuff they do.

The intelligence also leading to: a big realization
(of having infinite wealth, abundance, (or what the matras will represent) and realization of how to get it further (and/or in this case maintain it).

Some weird ideas

So yeah your bank account really does become a treasure chest of infinite wealth and abundance of these mantras that always stay with you and grows and grows in its size, quantity, strength, reach, environment, manifesting its growth in the opportunities it shall make us take and manifest. Wealth coming from all sources really. (these mantras can be applied to do so) (what if we add the ‘auto visualization’ to the mantras themselves, where they auto visualize the concepts of us having infinite abundance and wealth(or our bank account having it, having their representations) and then these mantras zealot further and do their thing that ‘they’ (the intelligence of the field) represent and follow the auto visualized concepts, as well as of opportunities (that being an intelligence that works with the essence of these mantras but on a level of opportunities that will help to manifest mantras themselves through situations) of us having that wealth so they instinctively know how they can work for our benefits as they have ‘seen it with these visualizations’ and ‘opportunities’. And then they do their magic.

Anyway, the business aspect. hmm…

If intelligence of the field can do this:

Every little thing done in this business is now operating ‘with all the ‘benefits’ of these mantras ’. Mantras guide the business to guide you/anyone in the business, to make the steps, decisions that will then actually equal the wealth of these mantras on a more physical level or influence the situations that will result in that without any guidance from their intelligence.

We are in this business, so we are in these mantras. By having the business we already have the wealth/benefits of these mantras.

Because, our business = equals in wealth and representations of these mantras.
To make that real and appliable: intelligence of the field leading to: mantras (infinite wealth and stuff) become guide towards actualization of these potential/benefits. (into the our reality and in functions and also worth of the business.)

some way to look at it

business= guide towards actualization of their potential/benefits =auto visualizations concepts applied to the consciousness of business itself achieving the wealth that these mantras represent (through guiding, seeing opportunities, pushing us and manifesting it for us) (and through mantras pushing the business itself towards the wealth they represent and by them equalling with the business) = Wealthy business = wealthy me = wealthy bank account.

Then the intelligence of mantras, the way it can affect the business, can be specific.

we take the concepts that business include and add mantra magic to them.


The mantras would be so intelligent that would know each business’ functions and then they would work with it until each of these functions of the business equal (manifests) the abundance of the essence of wealth and abundance these mantras represent. (and if anything else like blocks removal and stuff)

All factors of production

In our business these concepts (of factors of production in this example) are guided by our mantras through concepts of these factors of production giving us the end result of the mantras.

The idea is also that we (or all stakeholders) will have to follow the business and not business us. The business itself will become beyond wealthy on a energetic level, we just simply gotta follow its flow and do a thing or two to make it manifest in the physical reality also through the intelligence of mantras doing all the rest of the work energetically through operating the business itself.

Enterprise laced with intelligence of mantras.

concepts that can be found in business, such as risk taking, managing, decision making, coordinating roles etc. all resulting in the absolute wealth of the mantras.
How? Well simply again they would all simply be guided by the field (mantras) and ‘see’ (or predict) how the full end benefits of mantra can be actualized in the business. And then booya pull it in. And make it real.

Mantras are rich in their functions, that’s why a lot is possible.
Example on benefit of some Kuber mantras would be

“It sharpens your power of judgment and lets you invest in a wise manner to see profits and avoid the risks of loss”

“can help you safeguard your money from losses and cheaters”

“prevents any kind of financial losses and makes sure one only profits in business provided”

Well with such concepts the managing, decision making and coordination role would now be operated with. Everyone in our business who indulges in decision making, managing, ect. Should work towards wealth with such help and then additional smart guidance of these concepts being represented in the mantra towards getting that wealth for the business.

Now imagine what all 8 can do. And in all other areas of the business in which all of their essences would flow into!

Then there would be some basic stuff like this:

Created Value: Vibrates (equals to) and ascends in the essence of our mantras.

Added Value: now equals in the essence of absolute wealth that our mantras represent.

Here some stuff

But hmm let’s start with Business needs first shall we

Land, suppliers, customers, capital, enterprise, labour.

Basically anything that a business needs to achieve its billion euros objectives, the business shall get.

How,? Well we make every business’ need to equal the essence of our mantras. As well as already mentioned push, guidance and auto manifestations from these smart mantras. They shall know how they can manifest their greatness into these needs to be fulfilled in the essence of what they (mantras) represent (wealth).

Mantras always pre-measure every action of a business and if it equals the infinite wealth (or their end results we want to acquire with them) or it helps business to get there, only then it allows that action to be taken (if it would result in down fall it would prevent it, by shifting business’ attention towards up rise ( the attention of anyone in the business)) (by influencing situations to do so)

So yeah they should be constantly shifting business’ attention and towards infinite wealth

And what do I mean with business’ attention? Business ain’t a person after all.

It’s not but it has people in it, whose attention can be shifted, people who can be guided from them,

So, the business operates itself through us and those who are part of it. (Including all stakeholders).

It operates itself through all help of the mantras. (aka mantras operate it, so it equals… :) wealth.)

Example how they might effect the entrepreneur on the business.

They’d apply their representations and affect and develop (nurture, inspire? through the intelligence) the entrepreneur’s skill of innovation to invent something that shall match the representation of having the these mantras materialized in money.

(Though here I think it would not be so ‘situational’ anymore, but more of direct effect on a person?)

Can we make it situational

I suppose, yeah ok, let’s make it so that the situations and environment inspire that wealth to become true.

Since the intelligence of mantras can only wield to situations. Right…

then of course it draws wealth to and by itself from nowhere through pure mantras themselves.

How could intelligence of mantras deal with difficulties of the business?

The Mantras guided to spot all difficulties that a business might have and resolve them and when possible turn them into something that will bring wealth.

Some of these difficulties might include: low sourcing capital, competition, trouble identifying opportunities, trouble building a customer base, lack of record keeping, lack of cash and working capital, poor management skills, negative change in environment…

Basically any difficulty of the business is now ‘ascended’ (vibrated and equalled in essence of these mantras) into not being difficult at all through these mantras.

How… well they do its thing with its powerful energy, they can.

And as mentioned before The auto visualization concepts keep flowing into my mind.

These mantras should definitely see the way to resolve these difficulties and then they should be zealoted towards removing them, and manifesting the resolvement of them.

How could the intelligence of mantras flowing into the business motivate the people in it

Motivation: Mantras shall know how to motivate the business (everyone in the business) and then would do it.

Perhaps by promoting job enrichment, or just by knowing each individual’s motivational factors (motivators) which would then motivate them/us towards higher productivity and better performance, worker participation, team-working.

Then back to the basics:

Internal Growth: the expansion of internal growth of the business equals the and in the infinite wealth of the essence of our mantras through all the intelligence mentioned already.

In case stuff like this works with the main ideas

Smart Business Objectives:

Intelligence of mantras help our business to set up aims that are specific, measurable, realistic and time-specific. Yet equalling in infinite abundance.

Intelligence of mantras flowing into the business encourage all positive traits in the stakeholders of the business that shall result in making business wealthy.

For example, can they make everyone who is in our business (us, other employees) to have passion, respect, integrity, discipline, high performance, operational excellence, knowledge and any other trait that shall make our business wealthy.

It would apply these things in a way that is suited and in the sceptre of our field. (so i suppose through situations)

Additionally they could promote our products to become superior, that customers will enjoy them, that we become one of the leading brands, that our business includes a lot of innovation, invite beneficial technology into our business as well as promote beneficial leadership all resulting in a nice global presence and network leading to profitable growth

If mantras can do that in our field. Then that could be cool to add :slightly_smiling_face:.

Might have gotten carried away here, just saying :D

Well they could really promote every aspect of our business.

Anything that will be beneficial for our business to achieve infinite wealth of our mantras.

Whether it’d be a random situational manifestation leading us to applying corporate social responsibility with their help to our business.

That might have an positive impact on the business.

Mantras that flow into the aspects of human resource management, where we business gets the best and most suitable employees, that shall help with making the business wealthy. Mantras inspire a nice training of new employees if required.

Mantras influence the balance of us’ and employees’ of the business’ work life balance to a balanced level, as well as influence the equality policy where everyone is treated the same way and has the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Intelligence of mantras flowing into business that Market our Business

what they would influence in order to do that, for example they

shall help the business to identify, anticipate and then satisfy consumers’ requirements profitably. (Their needs and wants)

make the right product go to the right place, at the right time and at the right time.

make our products and services more appealing that competitors’.

energetically and psychically promote and advertise our products.

Real product design, price, promotion and advertisement, packaging are all ‘glamorized’ by our mantras in the way they can do it or in a way it is suitable.

constantly manifesting an increase of the group of our consumers, that are interested in our products/services. Leading towards the entire population being interested in it. But also targeted directly and nicely to specific groups of people.

creating and establish its own long term plan for achieving marketing and business objectives.

All the marketing of this intelligence of mantras is leading to:

By influencing situations with their intelligence resulting in

Raising the percentage of our business market share.

Increase in total sales,

Increase in average number of

items purchased per visit.

Increase in percentage of customers who return to shop

Increase in members of new customers.

Increase in customer satisfaction.

Increase in business’ /brand’s identity popularity.

These all are now equalling the infinite wealth that these mantras bring with their potentials.

Intelligence of mantras that flow into the business makes our every product/services unique. (Each of our products gets its own unique selling point that will differentiate our product/service from other competitors nicely)

Intelligence of mantras that flow into the business, invites and influence situations in order to attract sponsorships and investors to the business.

Intelligence of mantras that flow into the business goes and define/creates our own popular brand.

In general, probably a lot of these ideas are not as envisioned the field would work.
Anyway i thought I’d let them out and known in case any will be found useful.