Crystal Alchemy for the Third Eye Chakra - Psychic University


The third eye chakra, or “Ajna” in Sanskrit, is the sixth primary chakra in the 7-chakras system. Located on the forehead between the eyebrows, it’s often referred to as the “seat of intuition.” The third eye chakra governs intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. It’s associated with the pineal gland, a small, pinecone-shaped gland located in the middle of the brain.

In many traditions, the third eye chakra is especially revered for its role in spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

This is a combination of Poppy Japser and Pink Kyanite combined in a very refined alchemy with the purpose of purify, balance and energize your Third Eye Chakra.


Very nice. The series is almost complete. Perfect.

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It is better to have a smart field that takes care of all chakras minor and major at once.


You can use Earth Therapy?

Crystal Alchemy for the Third Eye Chakra

it help me to see my wrongs and ask for forgivness … or it clear guilt , i don’t know … but i start to see myself more clearly the good '& bad

:white_heart: :white_heart: